Chapter 145. New Pants

After toiling in the kitchen for nearly two hours, Michael returned to the patio, where the girls were happily chatting.

The servant girls followed behind him with nine Hearty chicken and vegetable soup servings. He could have stored them in his inventory and taken them out once he got closer to the table, but the dramatic effect wouldn't have been the same.

Furthermore, the smell was overpowering, as proven by the drooling girls. Even Neyrelle was licking her lips expectantly.

About fifteen minutes later, between chatting and eating, the second dish was served: Chilli Con Carne. As was expected, the girls loved it due to its spiciness, as well as its being a filling dish.

[So good...](Tia)

[Talk or eat, Tia. Choose only one.](Mina)


"Already gave it to the servant girls. You can grab it from them later."

[What about the dessert?](Helen)

"*Sigh* If you get fat, you'll become single."

[Hmpf! You wouldn't dare.](Helen)

"That's true... I really wouldn't."

The atmosphere was pleasant, and everyone looked happy. Neyrelle specifically. Who knows how long it has been since she got a decent meal in the company of other people? Especially now that she was more or less alone in the world.

The dessert was served in the form of a Classic Shepherd's Pie, adding another caloric bomb to the daily diet of the girls in the future. Nobody complained about it, though, as it was quickly devoured. 

Michael served everyone with Strawberry Shortcake Cookies and cocoa milk to wrap things up.

[I'm stuffed...](Hella)

[I can barely breathe...](Mei)

[I... *BURP* ate too much.](Evelyn)

[Eve, manners! *BURP* Oh, dear me.](Mina)

Everyone laughed, albeit slowly, since they were too full to move their bellies in a highly rhythmic manner. 

As it turns out, while everyone liked Neyrelle very much, Hella and Aylin took her as their protege, while Tia and Evelyn rejoiced in having another friend closer to their age.

It was only now that Michael found that Tia and Evelyn were only 16 years old and wiped the sweat on his brows happily that he didn't give in to temptation. To be an asshole and hit on multiple girls is one thing, but underage... was a big no-no! Otherworld or not, the FBI might come knocking on his doors!

While Aylin, Hella, and even Mina were curious about the book about Rathma's Theories they found in the Horadric Vault, Neyrelle was kidnapped by the other two imps and dragged into their lair. As it turns out, they decided she would be sleeping in their room tonight so they could talk some more.

"There they go..."

[I haven't seen those two this happy in a while.](Helen)

"Same with Neyrelle. She wasn't looking very good when I found her today."

[Poor child.](Mina)

[What about the Vault? Where exactly is it? If I can learn their code from Neyrelle, I might find quite interesting things there. Uncle Lorath didn't want to teach me before. Also, because of their illusion, I couldn't get in when I tried.](Aylin)

[Mhm. I couldn't even find the source of the illusion. To think it was that three-faced statue. I'd like to visit soon. Aylin?](Hella)

[Mhm. We'll go tomorrow.](Aylin)

[What do you plan to do next?](Mei)

Seeing the conversation return to him, Michael shrugged and told them about how they would try to resurrect the spirit of Neyrelle's mother to find out the ritual needed for crossing the Black Lake.

As expected, they all frowned, but the Necromancer quickly explained his conjecture.

"The Main Quest brought me to that book, and a Boss-level demon guarded it. A Herald of Lilith. Furthermore, the Sanctuary identified the spellbook as the Quest Item needed, so Neyrelle should be able to find the required ritual there."

[That's just speculation on your part...](Helen)

"Mhm. But we really don't have other leads to follow. Do you guys know anything about such a soul-summoning ritual?"

[I've seen it done before, but it's not easy. Also, since you're not a Third Class Awakening Necromancer, you'll need lots of rare and expensive materials.](Aylin)

"Could you help her find them? If possible, delay everything for at least a week. I want her to relax slightly in the meantime."

[No problem. I have some channels and can get the materials in a day or two max.](Aylin)

[What do you plan to do in the meantime?](Mei)

"Dungeon diving. If I get closer to Level 45, maybe I'll even try to solo the two Strongholds I got marked on the MAP."

[Two!? Where's the second one? When did it appear?](Helen)

"This morning. I just forgot to mention it. It's north of Menestad. Kor Dragan, I think it's called."

[That place again...](Mina)

"I take it that it's not the first time?"

[Not really. Dungeons or locations that the church held previously can easily become Stronghold Events. It's mainly because the Sanctuary considers them important spots; therefore, it issues a 'cleaning' Quest like that every once in a while. Especially if the monsters gather up too much.](Hella)

"I see. It would be good if I could clear them. Both this one and the one in Malnok. That way, I can get 200 more points toward my Region Progression. That's why I plan to clear all the Dungeons I recently discovered. I'll rush a bit during these days. The goal is at least two daily, maybe three if the time permits."

[Oh, right! I forgot about that. Such disgustingly overpowered favoritism! How far are you from the next tier?](Mei)

"I'm currently at 1,900/3155. I should hit tier four with three more Dungeons or a Stronghold, but I'm not in a rush to die. So I'll grind some Dungeons first."

[What was the reward for the fourth tier?](Aylin)

"Let me see... experience points, 60,000 gold coins, and +80 max Obols. Which is very good since I'm at 510/515 already."

Seeing the dirty looks the girls were giving him, Michael coughed awkwardly and changed the subject.

"What about the Altars of Lilith? Any news on that front?"

[There were at least 15 of them discovered, but we're waiting for more investigation to be done. Once the remaining two are located, I'll let you know.](Helen)

[A very strange thing, those altars. We've gained 18 attributes so far after you activated all 9 of them. I got 6 points in Intelligence, 4 in Strength, 6 in Willpower, and 2 in Dexterity. Is that the same for everyone?](Aylin)

Seeing all the girls confirm, Michael's mind froze.

"Hold on... I didn't get any points except for two or three altars, and later on, I even lost some attribute points that were given after activating them. What's going on?"


"I initially thought it was due to me changing items and not paying attention, but 18 attribute points!? I would've noticed getting that."

The girls were just as confused as Michael was until the system answered the question for him.

[ Altar of Lilith bonuses:

(One of the following per Altar)


+2 Dexterity

+2 Strength

+2 Willpower

+2 Intelligence

+5 Murmuring Obol capacity

+1 Paragon Point 

You can receive the total bonuses only after you successfully unlock all Altars in a region.

Upon successfully collecting all Altars, you will be rewarded with 64 points in each of the four main attributes, +100 Obols Capacity, and 4 Paragon points. ]

"... is what it says."


[Oh my lord! I'll go find Martel and Hoduin. If we pool our connections, we can find the other locations of the Altars all over Sanctuary. You said that this also applies to the other four regions, right!?](Aylin)


[Hahaha! Great! 256 extra attribute points, +100 Maximum Obols, and even a full level's worth of Paragon points!](Aylin)

Hella and Mei joined Aylin, leaving a dumbfounded Michael behind with Mina and Helen.

[I can't blame them, really... Those extra points are not a joke. They can make the difference between life and death for most Wanderers. The fact that you can activate them means that you'll be very busy in the near future.](Mina)

[Mhm. You'll probably have to spend at least half a year to a year walking from place to place to activate them. Good luck!](Helen)

"Ugh... I feel sick already."

Adding another small goal of unlocking all 28 Altars of Lilith in Fractured Peaks, Michael returned to a more normal conversation topic.

"Did Aylin show Neyrelle the manuscript they got from that Dungeon?"

[Mhm. She was able to decipher it very easily. She said it was an early code used by the Horadrim, so now we know the needed materials to craft the second array of training dummies.](Helen)

"Then, do you still plan to create your own elite force?"

[Yes! I'll start tomorrow. Even Mina decided to join.](Helen)

[I will focus on the Wanderers that have a healing or support Class. It will be easier if they have someone to guide them. I only hope I can be of some assistance to them. I am not confident enough in teaching someone.](Mina)

"You'll do well. I'm certain of it. You are the most amazing Priest Class I've met so far."


The compliment ended with Michael's waist being pinched by a jealous Helen, but some suffering was worth it if it helped boost Mina's confidence. 

The night passed uneventfully, and Helen woke up very early the next morning, accompanying him for breakfast. 

"Why are you up? It's 6:30 AM..."

[I plan to visit some old friends and have them help me recruit Wanderers with potential. Those under Level 10. I can train them myself after, but I need numbers.](Helen)

"How many do you have in mind?"

[Hmm... probably at least 200.](Helen)

"What!? Where would you even put them!?"

[I already talked with big sister Boza! She'll help me with lodging. After all, I am still Captain of the City Guards. My elite team will spend the nights in the barracks. That will help them form a military mentality that instills order, making it easier to mold them.](Helen)

"I see. That's good. Let me know if I can help with anything."

[We'll see, depending on how fast they level. Though, I don't think they'll reach your level any time soon. You are a special case. Oh, right! I'll probably be gone for about two to three days. It will take a while to travel between cities, especially those that don't have Waypoints, so it will be easier to stay the night.](Helen)

"No worries."

[You're planning to clear Dungeons?](Helen)

"Mhm. I'll start today with three west of Menestad, in The Pallid Glade. Derelict Lodge, Nostrava Deepwood, and Caldera Gate."

[Make sure you buy the intel for them first.](Helen)

"I'll do that after visiting Zivek and Ms. Kratia again."

[Aunty? Why?](Helen)

Smirking proudly, Michael shared his newest addition: the Legendary item he got after killing the Herald of Lilith in the Horadric Vault.

[ Boneweave Fauls of Disobedience

Legendary Pants

450 Item Power


450 Armor (+58 Armor when compared to the currently equipped item)

* While Injured, your Potion also grants 10% Maximum Life as a Barrier.


* +7 to All Stats

* 19 Willpower

*+5.5% Healing Received

* +1 Rank of Corpse Explosion (Necromancer Only)

Legendary Aspect: You gain 0.8% increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 48%.

Empty Socket

Empty Socket ]

Seeing Helen's speechless face, Michael grinned even more. While he would lose 8% Total Armor by unequipping his current pants, he would gain almost up to 50% stacked total Armor when in battle.

The couple visited Zivek immediately after, where Michael got rid of his other Rare items and his Legendary Shield, which he previously upgraded four times, gaining 34 Rawhides, 8 Superior Leather, 2 Iron Chunk, 2 Silver Ore, and 5 Veiled Crystals in materials. There were also the 2 Coiling Wards gained because the shield was Legendary grade.

Also, he spent 20,240 gold 55 Rawhides, 16 Superior Leathers, 8 Veiled Crystals, and 2 Coiling Wards to upgrade the Legendary Pants to maximum level.

Overall, he lost lots of gold, 21 Rawhides, 8 Superior Leathers, 3 Veiled Crystals, and 2 Coiling Wards.

The stats were upgraded quite a bit after doing that. 

[ Boneweave Fauls of Disobedience

Legendary Pants

450 Item Power


470 Armor (+78 Armor when compared to the currently equipped item)

* While Injured, your Potion also grants 14% Maximum Life as a Barrier.


* +14 to All Stats

* 32 Willpower

*+9.1% Healing Received

* +1 Rank of Corpse Explosion (Necromancer Only)

Legendary Aspect: You gain 0.8% increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 48%.

+2.5% Maximum Life (Chipped Ruby)

+2.5% Maximum Life (Chipped Ruby) ]

After socketing the gems as well, Michael could barely hold back from laughing loudly. If not for the Corpse Explosion remaining at +1 Rank, he would've probably started dancing around the forge.

However, the duo didn't stop there. As they were heading to get Helen's dad's help, Michael watched his inventory and his stats page, pondering.