Chapter 150. Timeline

Mentally exhausted, Michael returned to Kyovashad. He ignored everything else and returned to the Inn, where he asked for food and lots of drinks.

His inventory was full, but he didn't have the energy to meet up with Zivek. He had three total skill points to add, including the one he'd been patiently saving after reaching the third tier in Region Progress, but he couldn't be bothered with the Skill Tree now. 

It wasn't the Quests, the Dungeons, or the tragic events he encountered that were tiring, but the pace at which everything unfolded. 

With some oily food and a large pint of ale, the Necromancer quietly recounted his turbulent life in the Sanctuary ever since he was brought here.

'It's been almost three months since I got transmigrated into this world, but it feels like years have passed. I asked around, but even Wanderers who get the preferential treatment don't encounter as much crap as I am daily...'

After waking up in the camp where old man Al was, Michael spent a month familiarizing himself with the Sanctuary, hunting, and getting his first Quest.

Then, he met the trio two weeks later, which led to him venturing to Nevesk in an attempt to finish his first Main Quest.

Another five days later, he finished his first Dungeon and departed the city as it was engulfed in flames. He also met Lorath that same night, which led him to Kyovashad.

After meeting Helen and hooking up with her, Michael spent more time idle, and two months had passed since his transmigration. 

Then, the past 'high-activity' month happened.

'Starting from meeting Burt, Aybdah, and Cristine, as well as encountering the Boss Ghoul or almost dying in my first solo World Event, to completing tons of Side Quests and clearing Dungeons such as the Hallowed Ossuary, the Black Asylum, and the other two in Nevesk.'

Less than two weeks after reaching Kyovashad, he went from a low-level newbie to a High Necromancer.

Not only did he sprint through the levels, but he also cleared plenty of Dungeons, completed lots of Side Quests, and barely had time to act like a normal human in-between.

'Then, two months and three weeks in, I somehow ended up exploring the mines in Yelesna, which led me to Neyrelle. Rathma and Lilith are also planning something in the latter's Necropolis.'

He met with even more tiring matters there and encountered more tragic events, such as Neyrelle losing her mother early.

Wanting a shred of normalcy, he went on a date with Helen after his return but somehow cleared a Stronghold with her the next day. 

'Not a bad date idea, if somewhat Sanctuary-ish. Then, the exorcism bullshit happened, both to me and the two I've assisted and performed. Luckily, Martel, Hoduin, and Aylin returned. With their help, my mental sanity recovered somewhat, but I still feel like a bowstring pulled taut...'

Three months. It's been almost three months since his transmigration into the Sanctuary, and he has experienced more in this timeframe than he did in thirty years back on Earth.

He wasn't a machine and quickly noticed the aftereffects of his continuous grind today in Kor Dragan's Barracks Dungeon.

'I'm beginning to slip again... *Sigh* I have five days left until I return with Neyrelle to continue our pursuit of Lilith. I can most likely finish three Dungeons daily if I push myself a bit, meaning I can take tomorrow off. Then, I can use the next day to put some things in motion, plans I've been shelving due to my lack of time.'

Done with his meal, he paid a gold coin to one of the children waiting around the Inn and sent word to Helen and the sisters that he'd rest today.

The following day, he woke up surprised not to see his girlfriend with him but remembered that she left to meet with her old friends in an attempt to create her own elite squad.

Stretching lazily, he checked the time and saw it was 7:43 AM. 

He went downstairs and found many Wanderers enjoying their breakfast, so he joined their ranks. 

[You look much better today, brat. You've been working hard lately. Make sure you don't overdo it.](Raskya)

Looking at the middle-aged boss lady, Michael smiled and gestured for her to sit down.

Curious, the woman signaled for the servers to take over her tasks and eyed the Necromancer in confusion. 

"I've meant to talk with you for a while, but things kept happening, so I had to postpone. Have you thought of expanding your business?"

[Hmm? Are you talking about those restaurants of yours? You want us to join hands?](Raskya)

Shaking his head, Michael smiled at the woman and explained his idea of creating a bathhouse. 

Then, he went further and explained the concept of a hotel back on Earth and its star rating. 

[The bathhouse shouldn't be that difficult to build. There's still space behind the Inn we could use, but are you sure it would be worth it? If it's just bathing, most people prefer to use a Cleaning Marble instead.](Raskya)

"Not if it's just for bathing. But if you could also create a sauna, things might be different."

Seeing that their lady boss had already spent more than half an hour talking with a Wanderer, one of the quick-witted waitresses served them snacks and drinks, earning Raskya's approval. 

[I see what you mean. Then, I could separate between my Sleepy Peaks and a second Inn... no. A second 'hotel' that would be more high-class. Not only would the comfort and services provided be higher, but I would also charge more for accommodations. With how often nobles, merchants, and bigshots of other cities come to visit, it would be a good investment. I'll talk with Allen and see what he thinks. Thank you for the idea, Michael!](Raskya)

"Don't worry about it. I hope all goes well."

[This... are you sure you don't want to invest as well?](Raskya)

"Nope. It would be best if it starts as a family business, just like Sleepy Peak. Then, in the future, if you want to expand to other big cities with Waypoints, you can negotiate with the local mayor or whatever powers control the city for space and funds allocation. Having other partners early on might muddy the waters and ruin your planning."

Watching the woman leave, Michael sighed in relief. He realized how the Sanctuary did things now, more or less. 

If he didn't intervene directly and make the changes himself, it would grant him a relatively large degree of freedom. That was because he would push for a change from behind the curtains rather than becoming a mogul himself.

Why did that matter? Because of the power he would hold after deeply entrenching himself into this world through the many changes he would bring about.

'So, as long as I take it slow and have others pave the way, it would make implementing specific ideas easier. Speaking of paving, I should visit the mayor, Collin.'

Getting up and waving goodbye to a lost-in-thoughts Raskya, the Necromancer wandered around the city for a while.

Enjoying the view of many people going about their business, he moved about aimlessly until someone stopped and patted his shoulder.

Turning around, he smiled and nodded politely at the person.

"Funny to meet you here, Miss Connie. I was looking to meet your father and didn't know if he would be too busy for that to be possible."

[My father? Hmm... He should be. The nobles and the merchants finally gave him some respite. *Sigh* He tries to remain as neutral as possible in the conflict between them and the Cathedral of Light, but it's becoming increasingly difficult.](Connie)

"That's understandable. Both parties would consider him a variable that might affect their plans. They'll likely become more aggressive soon in trying to get him to their side."

[That's what we're most worried about. I've been trying to level up faster because of the same reason. Fortunately, I completed my Third Class Awakening and am now a Tier 4 Class Swordmaster.](Connie)

"Tier 4?"

[Mhm. Before Level 25, it is Tier 1; before 50, it is Tier 2; and before Level 75, it is Tier 3. After completing your Third Class Awakening, you'll become a Tier 4 Wanderer. You didn't know?](Connie)

"I am still rather new at this whole Wanderer business."

Walking next to the valiant lady as he explained that he had less than two months' worth of experience with being a Wanderer, Connie gave him a strange look.

[How did you reach Level 42 so fast, then?](Connie)

"Lots of stuff happened, and I almost got dragged into them. There's also the preferential treatment the Sanctuary is giving me..."

[Oh, I see! That explains it.](Connie)

"You don't seem very surprised. Most people react strongly when I mention it to them."

[What? The preferential treatment? I have two people in my permanent party who are in a similar situation as you are. All the mess we've been dragged through during our Quests, or meeting multiple Events in a Dungeon every time we clear one...](Connie)

"It's been tough on you."

[Well, it's been, but I can't complain. Because of them, I could level up much more quickly, and now, my power is a deterrent to those who wish to threaten my father. After all, it's not just me they have to worry about, but my party also. Unlike regular parties, ours goes through life-and-death situations whenever we venture outside a city. So, if someone were to pose a threat to me or my loved ones, they would have to face the wrath of my friends as well.](Connie)

"Those are some good friends you have, Miss Connie."

[Indeed they are. Let's go. I'll bring you to meet my father. I'm curious what you want to talk with him about. Ever since Aylin has been bragging incessantly about you lately through letters or in person, I've been interested in seeing what ideas you can come up with.](Connie)

"*Snicker* I'll do my best not to disappoint your expectations of me."

The duo soon entered a residence as big as the Pink Palace and found the mayor reading and signing papers in his study. 

Upon seeing Michael and Connie together, he raised an eyebrow, but his daughter's glare stopped whatever bad joke he was about to make.

[*Cough* Michael. To what do I owe the pleasure of having your company?](Collin)

"My apologies for coming uninvited and unannounced, Mr. Collin. It seems that I interrupted your work."

[Don't worry about it. It's good that you did. I was about to go crazy if I had to sign one more petition asking to diminish the funds of this business or that one.](Collin)

[The nobles?](Connie)

[*Sigh* Yes. They keep trying to squeeze dry the competitors of the Merchant Alliance. If the neutral parties are forced out of business by them, they would control the entire market by themselves. Their power would increase considerably. So would their ambitions...](Collin)

Pondering for a moment, Michael realized that the merchants had created a consortium to gain a monopoly of the entire market. If they succeeded, Earth's situation would happen here as well.

Without competition between businesses, it would become a stale marsh where corruption and political intrigue would fester.

"I initially came here with a business proposal, but it seems we might have to take more radical actions."

[A business proposal?](Collin)

"Mhm. Roads, to be precise. I have a recipe that could create strong roads that wouldn't be damaged by normal weather elements even if thousands of years pass. I don't think I need to mention what difference it would make if the roads between cities were flat and safe for carriages."

[It would seriously impact the trade and bring higher revenue to each city. While I get the idea of flat roads, and we'll return to that in a moment, what do you mean safe? Even if the roads are flat and the carriages transporting goods can move at faster speeds, even the distance between Kyovashad and Menestad or Nevesk is more than two hours away. We can't invest more City Guards than we already had for patrolling the roads.](Collin)

[Even having the Wanderers do that would cost the city's coffers considerably. We've tried in the past, and it's not a feasible plan.](Connie)

"What if it's a combination of regular patrolling by the City Guards, weekly cleaning hunts organized by the city where Wanderers participate, and planting of Clear-Hearted Oaks by the side of the road?"

[Clear-Hearted Oaks? It would make things easier, but we need the help of a high-level Druid willing enough to do the planting themselves. If you know about the trees, you should also understand that nobody else can plant them besides a Tier 4 Nature's Guardian. I mean, they can, but the saplings would wither in a matter of days.](Connie)

The conversation paused momentarily, where the duo explained to the newbie that a Nature's Guardian was a Druid Class after its Third Awakening.

After their first, they would become a High Druid and a Nature's Child upon their second. 

Michael only heard about it from Lorath when he asked about the runes and glyphs keeping his hut hidden, and the man mentioned that a high-level Druid helped him plant the giant Oak he saw in front of his house.

Not only was the tree beneficial to the surrounding soil, making it more fertile, but it also had a repelling effect on creatures with ill intent, such as monsters and demons.