Chapter 155. Minions differences

Seeing that the Sanctuary wouldn't smite the Necromancer into fine dust, the group lively discussed the possibility of such an invasion happening.

Helen was even more intrigued by the idea of 'specialized' parties focusing only on clearing one Dungeon. In truth, she had already realized in the past that by doing so, the risks of injuries and deaths decreased considerably.

It's only that young people are reckless and yearn for adventure. As for forcing them to only clear a single Dungeon multiple times... it wouldn't work.

Furthermore, there were demerits for doing that over a long period of time. Since Dungeons differed in layout, traps, monster numbers, monster types, number of Elites, and whether or not the said place had a Boss... there were tons of variations.

"So you're worried that they won't be properly equipped to face other Dungeons because they get too accustomed to the one they specialized in?"

[More or less...](Helen)

"Well, let's put it this way: if we spend a week researching the 23 Dungeons in Fractured Peaks, would we have the vast majority of information on them?"



"Then, approximately, between different level groups of Wanderers, how long would it take them to clear... the Black Asylum for example?"

The sisters went quiet while Michael and the four guests waited for an answer.

[I just returned from the Training Grounds, and seeing the average level of Wanderers under 25, I can say for sure a normal party can clear the Black Asylum in under three hours. Then, after multiple attempts, they could take about an hour or so while ensuring they minimize the injury risk to a minimum. That is an assumption made based on an optimum party composed of a tank, a melee damage dealer, a ranged damage dealer, and a healing/support Class.](Mina)

"That's... amazingly detailed. I'm honestly amazed... What about higher levels? The difficulty increases with each Class Awakening for us, right?"

[It should be more or less the same. If we're talking about specializing groups for Dungeons with the intent of clearing them, that also means that we could group up the Wanderers most efficiently when it comes to their Classes.](Celeste)

[Are you tempted?](Mira)

[After what I went through with Corbach, I would lie if I'd say I don't want some payback. There's also the possibility to permanently prevent such a disaster from ever happening again.](Celeste)

[Or provoke an even more catastrophic response from the Burning Hells. But I can't say I'm not tempted.](Beatrice)

The conversation on this topic continued for over an hour until it was shelved for more in-depth and hands-on research. More than anything, they needed a significant influx of newbie Wanderers with high potential.

That's where the two training arrays discovered by Martel and the group came into play. The six representatives swiftly concluded the prices of the materials needed, even adding discounts for the items that each region lacked.

[As for the Altars of Lilith, are you sure we can activate them?](Natalia)

"I think so since Helen managed to. Let me see... Sanctuary, can you show me that prompt about the altars again? I want to share it with them."

Hearing the man directly address the most powerful entity watching over their world, the girls stared wide-eyed at the posturing Necromancer.

Unbeknownst to them, Michael was feeling out in the dark, trying to see just how much the Sanctuary/system wanted or could intervene.

[ Identified objective - Altar of Lilith

Description: Using her powers to bless the land, the Sanctuary responded to her pleas and helped her erect statues that would strengthen her children. Due to the demonic nature of these altars, the Sanctuary helped shield them from the sights of those who don't consider the Mother an ally.

Prompt 1: Altars of Lilith are hidden all over Sanctuary. They grant permanent boosts to all residents of this realm upon activation.

Prompt 2: There are consequences of accepting Lilith's blessings. ]

The prompt came almost instantly, and Michael shared it with everyone. If he had walked in at that moment, he would've assumed the girls were doing a seance session with how everyone was holding hands and closing their eyes.

[That's odd... it says that 'all residents of this realm upon activation.' And you guys already activated nine, correct?](Celeste)

[So you didn't get anything either?](Mira)

[Same for me.](Natalia)

[There must be something we missed unless we somehow didn't notice. But I doubt that. At our level, any attribute changes would draw our attention instantly.](Beatrice)

Quietly questioning the system, a message immediately followed.

[ The rewards provided by activating the Altars of Lilith belong to the inhabitants of each region and that region only until all altars have been activated.

An exception would be made once all altars of a different region have also been lit, as follows:

Fractured Peaks - All Altars lit - All residents of the region receive the bonus.

Fractured Peaks + Scosglen - All Altars lit - All residents of each region receive the bonus of their respective location, plus 25% of the bonuses the neighboring regions offer.

Fractured Peaks + Scosglen + Dry Steppes - All Altars lit - All residents of each region receive the bonus of their respective location, plus 50% of the bonuses the neighboring regions offer.

Fractured Peaks + Scosglen + Dry Steppes + Hawezar - All Altars lit - All residents of each region receive the bonus of their respective location, plus 75% of the bonuses the neighboring regions offer.

All Regions - All Altars lit - All residents of each region receive the bonus of their respective location, plus 100% of the bonuses the neighboring regions offer. ]

Shrugging and sharing the new intel with everyone, Michael added a request for all the altars to be marked on the MAP and be regularly verified.

"It's not like I don't trust the Sanctuary, but I don't. More so, Lilith. It's a reach, but what if the altars create some sort of massive array that can open the gates of hell into our world? Or straight up destroy Sanctuary directly."

[Would the Sanctuary even allow that? The first message you shared says it helped create the altars.](Mei)

"That doesn't change the fact that Lilith might have a hidden agenda that the Sanctuary is unaware of. The bottom line is, better safe than sorry."

The conversation paused when Sophia informed everyone that food could be served immediately, which they all agreed to.

As it turns out, continuously wracking your brain for many hours requires lots of energy. And they could recoup that energy through good food.

This time, Michael went full 'extra' mode and taught the kitchen staff to prepare Bacon and Eggs Ramen for the first dish, Chicken and Vegetables Stir-Fry for the second, and for dessert, he went with Banoffee Brioche Bread and Butter Pudding, albeit slightly altered.

It goes without saying that the novelty of the ramen, the surprisingly spicy taste of the chicken and veggies, as well as the ridiculously delicious dessert won praise from all the girls.

[So, you took today off?](Mina)

"Mhm. *Sigh* I have to admit that while clearing Dungeons solo is good material for boasting, it gets lonely quickly, and in the long term, it messes with your mind. I've noticed how I've been talking aloud to myself more and more lately. There are also mood fluctuations in which I go from being super calm to super angry. It's not mentally healthy at all..."

[I'm not surprised. I've heard that happen quite often. Make sure you balance Dungeon diving and resting, and it will all work out fine.](Natalia)

"Thank you for the advice. I take it as you went through the same thing yourself. I've also been talking with my Accountants more often in the Dungeons. Oh, right! I nicknamed my Cold Mages Accountants for some reason..."

Everyone blanked out for a moment and then exploded into a flurry of noises.

[Right! The minions!](Mei)

[Oh, I almost forgot...](Celeste)

[Speaking of, you girls said his minions are different, right? Let's see, let's see!](Mira)

"Special? How so?"

[We'll see once you show them to us. Come on, don't be shy!](Beatrice)

Hearing the sultry remarks, Michael rolled his eyes and summoned his eight minions. The three Goons and Pathfinder stood at the front while the three Accountants floated behind them. 

The huge Quarterback calmly overlooked the situation from the right side of the Reapers.

The sisters were used to seeing them, and three of the four guests didn't have much of a reaction. The Night Lord stood up immediately upon seeing them, though. 

She instantly disappeared from her spot and teleported between the minions, closely inspecting them.

'Do all Necromancers have high Dexterity? It wasn't just me?'

[This... what in the Sanctuary is this!? Why are they so... white? And pure... And why don't they smell of death and decay!?](Natalia)

[That's what I've been trying to tell you...](Helen)

[Stop being unreasonable, Helen! They are dead minions summoned from the domain of death! They are supposed to smell of death and decay! It's weird that they don't!](Natalia)

"Is that so? Uhm... I haven't seen other minions except the Wild Skeletons, so I wouldn't know. Is the difference that big?"

[You all... *Sigh* Wait a minute. I'll modify my skill build. Do you have any points in any of the three minion mastery skills?](Natalia)

"I don't."

[Okay. Wait a moment.](Natalia)

Everyone treated it as an after-meal show, curiously wanting to see why the Night Lord was so worked up.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Natalia turned into a misty fog and disappeared completely. Understanding what she wanted to do, Michael also got up to his feet and did the same.

Six Corpses were created, and through this small experiment, he would find out if others could use his and if his could be used by others. The answer was yes, for both.

[Thank you, Michael! Six are enough. Let's see... Raise Skeletons!](Natalia)

Four Reapers and two Cold Mages joined the fray near Michael's summons, though the difference was obvious to all.

[Shit! They smell so damn bad, Natalia! What the hell!?](Mira)

[It can't be helped... that's how normal Skeletons are.](Natalia)

[Uhm... what are they doing?](Evelyn)


Hearing the voices of the two girls, everyone's eyes turned to the minions and saw that the group of six summoned by the Night Lord was kneeling before Michael's.

Everyone's jaws were on the ground except for Natalia's, who seemed to have expected this.

[It looks like you girls weren't wrong. His summons are indeed nobles of the Spirit Realm. How truly unexpected...](Natalia)

"Spirit Realm? Do all summons come from there?"

[Self-taught Necromancer, huh? Most of us are, though. Yes. The souls, anyway. Through the agreement between realms, the Sanctuary provides the physical materials for the skeletal body.](Natalia)

"Damn... I hope it's not costly. I've been summoning and dismissing them like crazy in the past two months."

[The Sanctuary is not that stupid. The bodies are created only once. If they get killed in battle, the souls are sent back to the Spirit Realm, and the Sanctuary reclaims the physical body. This is very strange. I haven't heard about a low-level Necromancer - no offense - summoning a noble soul for their minions. It is kind of unheard of. Even I couldn't do it if I wanted to.](Natalia)

[That's all well and good, but can you please dismiss your summons!? I think you scared the dinner I just ate...](Mira)

With a wave of her hand, Natalia's summons vanished, and Michael followed suit. 

[Anything in particular you remember that might've triggered this change?](Natalia)

"Nothing specific comes to mind. Oh... there was this one message about the souls of the minions being permanent after being 'enshrined' or something. It was because I gave them nicknames."

[Is that so? Hmm... I have no idea what that is or what it means, but I can look into it. Sorry, but this is kind of important for our Necromancer community. I'll have to share your situation with other experienced seniors if you don't mind.](Natalia)

"No worries. In exchange, could you get me some books on Necromancers? Anything would be great. Especially if it's in a somewhat level-chronological order, and it explains why we are what we are."

[That's not a problem. I can get you some books tomorrow. I have five library rooms filled with them.](Natalia)

"Uhm... let's start with small stuff first, please. I'm afraid I won't have time to level up or deal with Quests if I have to read everything..."

As everyone laughed, Celeste smacked the table with her right hand and rose to her feet.

[Aaah! I almost forgot! Here, Michael. Lorath wanted me to give you these letters. Apparently, he wrote so much that one envelope wasn't enough for all the information.](Celeste)

"Lorath did? Thank you very much. Pass him my regards, and please tell him I'll join as soon as I finish with Rathma's Necropolis and visit Donan. I really have too much on my plate to be able to help him in any way."

The Tier 4 Sniper waved her hand and told him he'd been on a wild goose chase for almost a month now with no real results to show for it.