Chapter 159. Zenith

Once inside, he carefully inspected his surroundings. 

'A cavern. The MAP recognizes this place as... Necrotic Chasm... how lovely. It makes it clear what kind of monsters I'll deal with.'

[ Dungeon Quest issued - Zenith

Objective: Slay the Resurrected Guards (0/2). ]

As if on cue, the Sanctuary confirmed that he would kill more undead during his final exploration.

Unfortunately, it proved that not only the usual Skeletons were patrolling these caverns, but also Shambling Corpses, Revenants, and Blood Mages.

Feeling disgusted by seeing the floating abominations, Michael quickly got rid of them before his blood pressure rose too much.

Upon meeting the first objective, the Necromancer was shocked at a very odd change.

[ Resurrected Guard (Elite) - Level 48

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 75% of the damage dealt.

*Hellbound: Summons a Hellbinder that latches chains on enemy targets in a five-meter radius.

*Shadow Enchanted: All attacks deal an extra 275 Shadow damage.

*Summoner: Creates three summoning circles through which demonic creatures can be called upon every 1 minute. ]

Leaving aside the shameless Elite with four modifiers, during the fight, it was able to create shadow clones of itself and attack around it, albeit in a small radius and without them being able to move.

'It's a Revenant, so it fell quickly. But what the hell were those shadows? Nothing in the explanation of its modifiers says it can do that. So, is it something specific to it, or is it due to a different reason? For example, a combination of Summoning and Shadow Enchanted modifiers?'

Confused and somewhat fearful of the future possibilities, Michael advanced cautiously while searching for the other guard.

His theory was further confirmed upon meeting the second guard.

[ Resurrected Guard (Elite) - Level 48

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 75% of the damage dealt.

*Poison Enchanted: All attacks create a poison puddle on the ground. Enemies affected by poison are dealt 150 damage per second for a duration of 5 seconds.

*Plaguebearer: Upon death, detonates its Corpse and soul to deal 700 fixed damage, as well as 250 Poison damage per second, for a duration of 5 seconds.

*Tempest: Surrounds three small areas with a cyclone, silencing the use of skills. ]

Ignoring the new modifier, this Revenant would create permanent poisoned locations around it during the fight, which would not only deal damage but also silence his skills. 

Seeing the monsters already become this much stronger before his Second Class Awakening, Michael was already sweating quite hard.

[ Dungeon Quest update - Zenith

Objective: Travel to the cavern of Self Exile. ]

As for whom and why they self-exiled in this place, Michael could only find out in the future.

The next Quest required him to find the three Bloodstones and return them to the pedestal.

After intensive searching and murdering, the Necromancer found the Boss Room and realized that this Dungeon might have the highest number of Elites he had ever fought to date. 

It wasn't a bad thing, as his inventory was already half-full. Still, it was incredibly tricky as most of the Elites had a minimum of two to three modifiers, and they usually stuck together.

What was even stranger was that he didn't find even one Event after walking so long, and he was now sitting in front of a huge statue surrounded by three pedestals on each side.

"Shit... I can't decide what's creepier. The fact that it has multiple chains around it as if whoever put them there wanted to make sure whatever inside remains inside, or the fact that I can hear murmurs coming from it..."

To make matters worse, the statue represented a huge horned... something, surrounded by three hooded figures impaling themselves with short swords through the hearts.

Placing the Bloodstones to get things over with, Michael kept an eye on the frozen statue, hoping that something would be summoned rather than something coming out from inside it.

Unfortunately for him, the statue immediately experienced a change after the third Bloodstone touched the pedestal.

The shortswords impaling the three figures exit their bodies and pierce above their heads inside the tall statue of the monstrosity. 

Then, out of it, a blood figure over six meters tall roared and began attacking his minions.

[ Blood Bishop (Boss) - Level 48 ]

The name was similar to the other Blood Bishops he faced before, but its appearance wasn't. The crown on its head and female features threw the Necromancer off his game.

That and the Boss's blood tentacles smacking him around.

It wasn't difficult to kill it, but it took a while as it kept moving around. That was until Michael realized he could corner it with his minions and block it from moving outside the area of his Corpse Explosions.

"That was a successful plan! I need to keep that in mind for the future. Also, Evade is more useful than I initially thought. Especially for avoiding being hit when Blood Mist is on cooldown."

The Legendary drop from the Boss was a Scythe, but his current sword was much better overall, especially when it came to the Aspect.

[ Stone Scythe of the Expectant

Legendary Sword

492 Item Power


336 Damage per Second (+43 when compared to the currently equipped item)

* [245 - 337] Damage per Hit

* 1.10 Attacks per Second

* +17 Life on Kill


* +13 to All Stats

* +25.5% Overpower Damage 

* +16.5% Basic Skill Damage

* +7.0% Damage to Close Enemies

Legendary Aspect: After attacking your enemies with a Basic Skill, increase the damage of your next Core Skill cast within 5 seconds by 7%. Stacks up to 30%. (Necromancer Only). ]

Using his quick travel to return to Kyovashad, Michael first visited Ronova, Orzen's wife, to sell all his items. The result was an additional 178,947 gold coins, bringing his total amount to 749,517.

Seeing how close he was to his goal, the Necromancer shook his head and wondered how much Zivek had ripped him off this past month.

His experience gain wasn't bad either, reaching 155,073/284,580. 

'About 52% or so of my current level. Not bad overall. Let's keep the scythe for now as a reserve in case something happens to my sword. It's also good to keep it for training, as I don't want to forget how to use my Class's main weapon.'

Thinking about it for a moment, Michael took the Waypoint to Nevesk. 

During his date with Helen yesterday, he saw a Side Quest but ignored it as he didn't want to upset his girlfriend. 

Exiting the teleportation portal, he opened his MAP and saw the Quest Marker.

[ Side Quest - The Woodsman of Nevesk (Level 43+)

Objective: Find the weapon of a local legend. ]

Raising an eyebrow, he walked to the woman handing the Quest, who also gave him a scrutinizing glance.

"Good evening. The name is Michael."

[Magdalena. I need your help. I am looking for something.](Magdalena)

"Looking for something? Can you be more specific, please?"

[An axe. 'Specifically,' the axe of the 'woodsman,' a man who stalked and butchered travelers in this area. Rumor has it the woodsman disappeared recently and left his weapon behind. The priest who hired me didn't offer much more to go on. At this rate, I'll freeze before I find the damned thing.](Magdalena)

"You're a Wanderer, huh? What's in it for me?"

[If you help me find the axe, I'll cut you in on the pay. Check the woods around town. I'm staying here where it's safe.](Magdalena)

"How... lovely. Tonight is too late to do that, so I'll do it tomorrow. I'm curious, though, why do you want the Woodsman's Axe?"

[I don't, Parin does. He's a priest of sorts, but what he wants with it, I don't know. I've done work for him in the past, always odd items or objects with a history. He pays well for them.](Magdalena)

"Fair enough. I'll help you look for it tomorrow morning, then."

[Sounds good. Meet me here after you find it. I'll stay at the inn.](Magdalena)

The Necromancer returned to the Pink Palace, where Helen joined him for a bath before the other sisters chased him into the kitchen.

As they enjoyed Michael's efforts, he took this chance to explain the second strange statue he found and its exact location. Coupled with where they could find the first, Hella and Mei decided to take a look tomorrow since they were the most curious among the lot.

Helen also showed him the Dungeon map of Fractured Peaks, and they quickly pinpointed the missing Dungeons.

"Anica's Claim that's close to the Bear Tribe Refuge, and Kor Valar's Rampants. It's no wonder I didn't find the second one, as I wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. Still, a Dungeon right at the heart of their 'bastion against evil?' Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

[They use it for training purposes. It's one of the most difficult Dungeons to clear in Fractured Peaks. When do you plan to go?](Helen)

"I'll see. I'll wrap up the ones I already have on my MAP tomorrow. There's also a Side Quest I got about the axe of the Woodsman in Nevesk."

[That crazed murderer, huh?](Aylin)

"You know about him?"

[Know? She's the reason for his disappearance. After she chased him for almost two weeks, the maggot vanished into thin air. Never appeared again even now, six months later.](Tia)

[It's good that he vanished. It's safer for the people near Nevesk.](Mina)

[It would be safer if he were dead.](Aylin)

Seeing the redhead angrily biting into the lasagna, Michael looked the other way and pretended he didn't ask anything.

The conversation returned to the things he encountered in the Dungeons, especially the strange female statues. The girls smiled again and looked at Aylin, who got even more pissed off for some reason.

[*Sigh* I've been trying to figure out who that is for over five years. Not even the Horadrim know. Or if they do, they don't want to talk about it. I did find some ancient records mentioning a 'most beautiful Queen,' but that's about it. When or where she ruled, her life story remains a mystery. I even spent a full year clearing the Lost Archives repeatedly, thinking the answer might be there.](Aylin)

"Was it?"

[No. But I did find rather interesting details about other things, such as the World Tree.](Aylin)

"The one in Hawezar... so it's not just a myth?"

[No. It's very much real. Natalia is one of the people that met it. More than once. According to her, the roots of the World Tree are spread across the entire continent, so it knows everything that's happening in the Sanctuary. Be it now or in the past, it knows almost anything you might want to know. It's also why those seeking knowledge go to it, regardless of the price it asks.](Aylin)

'A World Tree but no Elves? What a travesty...'

After dinner, Aylin handed him a hefty book, and everyone disappeared into their rooms.

Seeing the book and hearing it was from Natalia, Michael's mood improved by 100 points instantly. 

Sitting in the bedroom with Helen, who was just as excited as he was, the Necromancer's mood did a 180 as he collapsed on the bed, almost crying.

His tigress looked at him in confusion.

[What's wrong? You didn't even open it. Why are you so down all of a sudden?](Helen)

"Can't read it..."


"I can't even read the book's title... what's the point of opening it anymore?"

First shocked, Helen began laughing loudly seconds later, much to her boyfriend's annoyance.

[Wait... didn't you say you used to read lots of books under your master before? During your apprenticeship.](Helen)

Seeing the puzzled look in her eyes but the lack of blame or mistrust in her voice, Michael sighed and decided to tell her the truth.

"I'm not sure how much of this I can tell you for now, but to put it simply, there wasn't a master or an apprenticeship before I woke up in the camp. I have no memories of this world before that day. As for before that..."


"*Sigh* As expected. The bottom line is that besides being able to talk and understand other people, I started with almost zero knowledge after I woke up in old man Al's cave."


Seeing the shocked look on her face, the Necromancer shrugged and hoped for the best. He liked Helen very much and didn't want to lie to her. But getting warned suddenly by the Sanctuary and feeling the threat of death... he didn't want to risk it.

Looking at the tigress, who now had a pondering look on her face, he could only place all his hopes on her.

'Let's hope she won't kill me if she gets super mad. Was it a bad idea to tell her that?'

Nervously watching the woman as she kept quiet and nodded from time to time, Michael was starting to sweat.

[I see. No wonder you lacked common sense so badly. Well, you still do, but it's a huge improvement compared to when you first arrived in Kyovashad.](Helen)

"...that's what you took from all that!?"

[Eh!? Uhm... what else do you want me to say or do? It's not like I can return your memories, right? Plus, I know it wasn't easy to tell me all this. I'm also certain that there's more, but the Sanctuary is restricting you from saying it.](Helen)


[Well then, that's that! As for reading... *Snickers* I can read it to you if you'd like.](Helen)

"...I'd prefer if you could teach me the alphabet and how to read instead."