Chapter 168. Call of the Ancients

After talking with the Chieftain for a while longer and agreeing to meet a few days after finishing his Main Quest, Michael climbed back on his horse and traveled to Kor Valar.

Riding through the familiar Serac Rapture fields, he continuously thought about the information about the old days. He couldn't help but imagine exactly how the people of the world saw those events, which were mere fiction back on Earth.

'A game played to pass the time, now turned into reality. I need to learn the language of the Sanctuary faster and search the Horadric Vault for more details. I can also ask Donan since he apparently has a library just as large.' 

Planning for the future while charmed by the idea of doing some proper archeological work in a different world, Michael drove past the monsters, trying to block his path, paying them no mind.

The stupid thing that happened next was that he was denied entrance to Kor Valar on the grounds of lockdown. Apparently, stuff happened that they weren't allowed to speak of, because of which the Dungeon was temporarily closed, as well as the fort.

Confused and returning to the Bear Tribe, Michael couldn't help but analyze the sounds and energy threads he saw above the fort. It was obvious that plenty of people were inside, and their strength was massive as it affected the surrounding energy.

'The problem is that with Kor Valar's Ramparts blocked, I cannot complete my goal of 25 before Level 50. What should I do now?'

While walking to the Waypoint without a goal in mind, he saw the Chieftain looking at him strangely.

Pondering for a while, he ran to the man and asked if they were going inside a Dungeon for the Quest.

After getting confirmation, Michael urged the man to go now, perplexing the poor Chieftain. 

Following behind Glous, he reached a cave at the base of the mountains where the camp was located and saw graves of fallen barbarians inside it. Their weapons and armor stood above ground, proving their valor while alive.

Stepping through the film, Michael happily exclaimed inwardly. It was a Dungeon! Not a temporary one because of the Quest, but a permanent one like the Training Grounds and Kor Valar's Ramparts, which usedthe members of the Bear Tribe used for hunting.

With a pat on his left shoulder, the Chieftain drew his attention to the surroundings.

[Be on guard. This glacier has claimed many of my bravest warriors.](Chieftain Glous)

The Necromancer nodded and watched as the man took out two hammers and swung them left and right, adjusting to their weight.

[Since the Sanctuary recognizes it as a Quest, it will adjust my level to the same as yours. I will be at the forefront.](Chieftain Glous)

"Don't worry. You won't have to face the enemies alone."

Summoning his minions, Michael watched as he entered a party with the Chieftain and wondered if this would still count as a solo clear.

[ Side Quest update - Call of the Ancients

Objective 1: Explore the Glacial Tunnels with Chieftain Glous.

Objective 2: Slay Gharl. ]

Seeing the new name, Michael raised an eyebrow but didn't ask anything. The Chieftain should mention it soon enough.

After venturing deeper, they encountered their first enemies, who were obviously goatmen. The Ice Clan greeted them properly, and Michael was shocked to see the taunting used by his Golem roar out of the Chieftain's mouth.

Due to that and some crowd-control ability Glous had, the monsters were quickly cleared, and they moved unimpeded.

'Damn, the man's bashing them heavily. Each hit of those hammers kills a minion instantly!'

Wondering internally if the weapons were Legendary grade or higher, the Necromancer let his minions lead the way while Glous commented on how easy the exploration was, thanks to him.

The man also confided that they relocated here recently after hearing the 'Call of the Ancients' and being led to this place. They set up their camp at the base of the mountain and tried exploring deeper, but each time they did, they would be pushed back by a high number of Ice Clan goatmen.

[ Gharl, the Bone Bender (Elite) - Level 51


*Plaguebearer: Upon death, detonates its Corpse and soul to deal 600 fixed damage, as well as 250 Poison damage per second, for a duration of 5 seconds.

*Summoner: Creates three summoning circles through which demonic creatures can be called upon every 2 minutes.

*Crystal snowflakes: Summons two snowflakes in random locations around itself, targeting an enemy. The snowflakes have a homing modifier, allowing them to chase the enemy and deal 200 damage each. Enemies affected by the snowflakes would be inflicted with a Chilled status, slowing them for 50% for five seconds. ]

As the duo entered the next room, they were ambushed by the creatures and the Unique Elite Gharl.

[This Mage seeks to block our path. Take him down!](Chieftain Glous)

Fortunately, with the lockdown from Corpse Tendrils, the Golem's Taunt, and the Chieftain's Taunt, the monster fell quickly, and so did its minions. 

Furthermore, the damage Glous was dealing was incomparably higher. Even the stacked Corpse Explosion wouldn't come close.

[ Side Quest update - Call of the Ancients

Objective: Explore the Blood-Soaked Glacier with Chieftain Glous. ]

With the duo seeing the updated Quest, they ventured deeper inside. Apparently, the Chieftain was a Level 88 Barbarian but didn't mention anything about his own World Difficulty Tier or the name of his Class after the Third Awakening.

Michael knew better than to snoop around, so he kept quiet and advanced side-by-side with the man.

The reason why he couldn't clear this Dungeon alone was his own high level. He tried solo multiple times but failed because of the large number of enemies, and none of his tribe members were higher than Level 70. To bring them in would be suicidal.

He then tried sending parties of his people to explore, but the injuries and death rates were too high to continue, so he stopped. 

Then, a decision was reached after consulting with the tribe's Shaman. Search for an honorable warrior from the outside and go in with him. They set up multiple tests, and so far, only the Necromancer managed to pass them.

"What about Helen, Aylin, and her sisters? They are more capable than I am?"

[The Shaman disapproved. The spirits didn't confirm their fate as being interlinked with our tribe's.](Chieftain Glous)

"And mine is?"

[It is.](Chieftain Glous)

Seeing the certainty with which the man nodded made Michael speechless. He could only move forward, hoping things wouldn't get too hectic soon.

The exploration continued, and they found a locked gate with a small pedestal near it.

[The calling feels strong here. I can feel our purpose beyond that door. We must find a way through.](Chieftain Glous)

"If it's anything similar to what I encountered so far, we should find something we need to return here in the tunnels ahead. Let's move."

The many undead and goatmen Elites the duo faced were more of an annoyance than dangerous. With Glous bashing them so hard that some flew across the room, Michael had nothing better to do than collect the spoils of war.

Until they found a large opening where blood flew in abundance. The smell was disgusting, and corpses of other goatmen were strewn about.

A weird creature similar to a Maraurder but without any skin on it was ripping apart an impaler. From it and the dead Ice Clan goatmen nearby, a small river of blood reached the feet of the duo.

[ Sakoth the Fleshless (Elite) - Level 51 ]

Disgusted and somewhat curious about the creature, Michael wanted to urge his minions forward, but someone was faster.

[DIE YOU BEAST!](Chieftain Glous)

Shocked by the sudden roar, Michael looked surprised as the Chieftain demolished the strange Elite before he could do anything.

Obviously, no items dropped, but a strange bloodstone was embedded into the monster's chest. Glous pulled it out and kicked the corpse away.

[Twenty of my good men died to this foul beast. Now, they can rest in peace. It was guarding this stone of blood with its own body. It may be of use to us.](Chieftain Glous)

"Mhm. If I'm not wrong, it should be what we need to open the doors. Let's return."

Indeed, at the point where they placed the bloodstone in the small opening of the pedestal, the doors opened.

A strange cold wind blew from inside, putting both men on guard. With the minions taking the lead, the Chieftan laughed and followed behind.

[I chose my champion well. Let us find what lies beyond.](Chieftain Glous)

Smiling, Michael was about to answer when the expression on his face changed. Through his minions, he saw a person chained to the floor of the Dungeon.

Upon gesturing to the Chieftain and rushing in, he immediately activated his newly coined energy sight and looked around for hidden enemies.

Unfortunately, the only thing both of them could see was a man that appeared to be made out of ice writhing on the floor. Through his energy sight, the Necromancer could see the person's vitality being slowly extracted and consumed.

[You... must not... ahhh, no! Not... uhhh...](?)

Hearing the man force himself to speak between grunts, Glous took the lead and approached the man.

[What has befallen you!?](Chieftain Glous)

[You! You're... the current Chieftain. He -- he is near! You must not let him consume you too... oh, no, no, no!](?)

The situation seemed oddly familiar to Michael, especially with the ice covering the man. It was possession!

"Chieftain! Someone or something possessed him! Get back!"

[Chieftain of the Bear Tribe! You are here to answer the call! Now you are mine, just as those who have come before you!](?)

With the voice of the frozen man changing to a deeper and hoarser one, the duo prepared for combat.

[ Cyrach The First Born, Deathless Ancient (Boss) - Level 51 ]

A demonic creature sporting horns was summoned from the frozen man's body, and Michael took no chances. He instantly used Decrepify on it and the taunt of his Golem, successfully distracting the creature.

With Chieftain Glous blocking the strange ranged attacks of the monster and the Necromancer steeping in to absorb them with his Blood Mist invulnerability from time to time, the Boss fell quicker than any of them expected. 

Upon the monster's demise, the Quest updated and asked the duo to talk with Kravett, a Shaman of the Bear Tribe.

Seeing such details, Glous immediately approached the iceman, who began thawing. Only... once that happened, the man's skin began crumbling away like dust in the wind.

[You are Kravett!? Shaman of my tribe!? We lost you more than a hundred years ago, according to my grandfather. What happened to you!?](Chieftain Glous)

[Yes... I am Kravett, once a Shaman of the Bear Tribe... searching for a way to make amends for the past... imprisoned by those I sought aid from. You have succeeded where I failed.](Kravett)

[What!? Who imprisoned you? The Ancients?](Chieftain Glous)

[It matters not. Ancestors be praised, Chieftain of the Bear Tribe. You and your champion have done well... Tell me, what of our people?](Kravett)

[*Sigh* They have sacrificed much in our pursuit of the Ancient's Call. They have suffered... and they have learned loss.](Chieftain Glous)

[Strenght alone failed us at Arreat... but you have forged new bonds of brotherhood... accomplished much. Take my blessing back to our people... find a new destiny... dwell on the past... no more.](Kravett)

With the man's last words, the ice on his body cracked, and he vanished into a handful of dust. 

Glous looked lost for a moment but stood up and bowed to the resting place of his predecessor. 

[Rest well, Kravett, Shaman of the Bear Tribe.](Chieftain Glous)

[ Side Quest complete - Call of the Ancients

Reward 1: 32,678 experience points

Reward 2: 2,820 gold coins

Reward 3: Elixir Cache. ]

Patting the man's shoulder, the Chieftain turned around and smiled briefly at the man who helped him unburden the fallen Shaman.

They returned to the Dungeon's entrance in silence, each with their own thoughts. Upon their exit, the film covering the Dungeon vanished, signifying its closure. 

[Better this way. We've lost and sacrificed too much, trying to fix mistakes of a past long gone. We've paid our dues long ago. We just... couldn't let go.](Chieftain Glous)

"Better late than never. What now? What are your plans for the tribe?"

[Prepare for war.](Chieftain Glous)


[Haha! Just because one enemy falls doesn't mean that all do. The demons are encroaching on our world. The spirits whisper to our Shamans of the little remaining time we have. We must prepare! And so do you, friend.](Chieftain Glous)

"*Sigh* No rest for the wicked."

[Hahaha! What a good saying! Indeed! No rest for the wicked! Come find me if you need help. The warriors of my tribe have been summoned. The ones who carry the blood of Bul-Kathos in their veins won't ever renege on a promise made! And I promise you, friend, we'll fight alongside you on the battlefield ahead!](Chieftain Glous)

Shaking hands with the Chieftain, Michael walked to the Waypoint and smiled at the man. He seemed freed of his previous shackles, now able to fight and live how he pleased.

However, the man's statement about the war ahead rang continuously in the Necromancer's mind.

'First Kor Valar, and now the Barbarians... they are all preparing for something big. They're amassing forces and preparing for something. Looks like I need to find out what happened in the Necropolis under Yelesna's mines.'