Chapter 170. Crossing Over

With Zivek's help, even if it was 6 AM and the man barely got to his forge, Michael traded his rare items for 35 Iron Chunks, 7 Silver Ores, 7 Rawhides, 2 Superior Leathers, and 14 Veiled Crystals.

The Legendary scythe he got yesterday was also salvaged, and he got 2 Iron Chunks and 1 Baleful Fragment for it.

For the boots with the Skeleton Mage +2 Aspect, Michael could only wait until his return, as Deyman hadn't opened his shop yet.


"Finally, there's this one."

[Hmm? Oh! Elixir Cache?](Neyrelle)

"Yes. Got it as a reward for a completed Quest yesterday. Might come in handy if things get rough for the two of us down there."


The Elixirs they got amounted to only two, and a Rare pair of gloves also dropped. Michael wanted to return to Zivek and get rid of it but couldn't bring himself to. It was too embarrassing to pester the man for only one item.


[ Weak Elixir of Fire Resistance (requires Level 15)


Increases Fire Resistance by 10%, Maximum Fire Resistance by 2%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. ]


As the duo made their way to the Waypoint, Michael remembered the signboard attached to the entrance of Zivek's forge.


[ Holy Decree

By order of Reverent Mother Prava, blacksmiths shall now devote half their time to forging armaments for the Knight Penitent.


With such a grim order, it became clear how far away the armed conflict was. Rather than calling it a conflict, it was more of a war for survival. 

If they failed, the inhabitants of the Sanctuary would become lambs to be slaughtered whenever the Burning Hells felt like it. In the best-case scenario, everyone dies. Worst case, this world becomes a breading ground where human lives are harvested whenever the devils need them.

Stopping in front of the Waypoint for a while, seeing the Necromancer lost in thought, Neyrelle nudged him slightly.


[Are you alright?](Neyrelle)

"Hmm? Sorry, yes, I am. I was thinking about the church. *Sigh* Leave them to their own devices. Let's go to Yelesna."



Seeing the familiar scenery as the dawn's light slowly started illuminating the dark world, Michael summoned his mount.

Helping Neyrelle on, he sat her in front of him, and they traveled to the mines.

On their way there, they rushed past the packs of Worgen and Ghouls, ignoring the pests entirely. Returning to Pine Hill camp, the duo nodded at the guards, surprisingly letting them in without much questioning. 

It probably had to do with Vigo telling them in advance. Michael searched the camp for the man but couldn't find him anywhere. The Knights Penitent knew nothing either, confusing the Necromancer slightly.

Without time to waste, he took Neyrelle to the mine entrance. With the elevator working this time, the duo managed to return to the deep underground much easier, much to their relief.


"Seeing these two huge statues of Lilith and Inarius again... how annoying... Anyway, what's the plan?"

[Let's move. I'll explain on the way.](Neyrelle)


[ Main Quest issued - Crossing Over

Objective: Go to the Black Lake with Neyrelle. ]


Seeing the instructions, Michael summoned his minions and had them lead the way.

Moving from the mine shaft called the Darkened Way through the open gates and into Kasama, they were greeted by a large group of Carvers, including the family-friendly explosive Lunatic.

After getting rid of them, Michael frowned. They were supposed to be gone after they killed them last time, but from the looks of it, the way ahead will be blocked by these pests again.

Killing the small critters, they finally reached the Mourning Shores again, and once there, he looked questioningly at Neyrelle.


[Rathma's description of the ritual was difficult to understand, and the notes weren't much better. But I think I know how to talk to my mother again. I'll set up the ritual, and you need to infuse your Essence into the magic circle. The energy of a Necromancer is imperative for the rituals to succeed.](Neyrelle)


Nodding while keeping an eye on their surroundings, Michael hoped things wouldn't go sideways too badly. There was no way everything would go smoothly, so he only prayed that shit wouldn't hit the fan on an industrial level.

Fortunately, or dubiously enough, no other demons blocked their path until the spot where Neyrelle's mother died.


[The breeze coming from the Black Lake. Do you feel it?](Neyrelle)

"Yes... strange. There shouldn't be any wind down here since we're underground."

[Let's hurry.](Neyrelle)


Michael wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in his throat upon seeing the girl take out a coffin. It didn't take a genius to realize who was in there.

As for why she still carried her mother's body, it was probably for the ritual. Even if he hoped an item of Vhenard would have been sufficient instead.

The girl carefully took out her mother's body and placed it in the middle of the floor. White chalk and blood were still present, drawing a complicated magical diagram. The goal was to use Vhenard's knowledge after reviving her and open the way forward.

After some items were placed around the body, Neyrelle had Michael infuse his energy into them. Not even a second later, gasping sounds echoed throughout the silent Black Lake.

Vhenard's soul returned to its body!


[Mother!? Mother, please! Can you hear me!?](Neyrelle)


Vhenard's body stood up like a puppet with some of its strings cut. It looked both horrifying and sad to see the woman in such conditions.

Michael prepared for the worst as his Golem moved closer to the dead woman.


[My... my little Magpie, it's you... *gasp*](Vhenard)

[Yes! I can save you from this, Mother. I promise! I can learn how to --](Neyrelle)


Seeing the agitated girl and hearing her words, Michael frowned and looked at her. Sure enough, she had these unhealthy thoughts.


[Nyrelle, stop.](Vhenard)


[I can't be saved... from my own mistakes. You should know by now. This body is only a husk. My spirit must pass on...](Vhenard)


Sobbing could be heard from the girl, whose eyes were red. Tears poured to the ground, mixing with the blood and chalk.


[...and you must let me go.](Vhenard)

[*Sob* Mother, no... *Sob* I still need you!](Neyrelle)

[You don't, my love. What you need to do is to move on, Magpie. Without me. But... I can help you one last time before I go. This should help atone for my sins.](Vhenard)


Turning to Michael, Vhenard looked worse with each passing moment. Obviously, her stay in this world wasn't 'approved' by the Sanctuary.

Her movements were stiff, similar to what you'd see at a puppet show performed by a newbie puppeteer.


[Thank you for taking care of my little girl.](Vhenard)

"It's a give and take. Plus, she's more than capable of taking care of herself. You raised a good daughter."

[Thank you. You have the divine blessing. Your blood is the necessary key. The middle circle. Pour your blood in it, and I'll activate the ritual.](Vhenard)


Nodding and following the instructions, Michael used his Obsidian Blade to make a cut on his palm after removing the glove on his left hand. 

Blood fell to the floor, and Vhenard infused her energy to kickstart the ritual. The skin on her body became ashy, and she staggered to the ground. 

Neyrelle caught her and laid her gently on the floor.


[Neyrelle... my sweet Magpie.. I love you.](Vhenard)

[*Crying* ... mother...](Neyrelle)


She didn't get an answer back anymore. Vhenard was gone. This time, for good. 


'At least this time, it was a much better parting. Furthermore, as her daughter, she will be able to remember her mother in a much better light compared to before. *Sigh* Hopefully, this won't hurt her too much.'


[I know... The way is open. We have to go.](Neyrelle)


[But... do you think Lilith is even still here? It's been so long. I'm afraid she's won this one.](Neyrelle)

"I'm worried that even if she isn't, Rathma or she might've set some traps. I was thinking of going alone."

[I... that's fine. Besides, I have to... take care of my mother.](Neyrelle)

"Mhm. That's for the best."

[But it's not over yet. Not for you. Lilith was after Rathma. Find them. Learn why. I'll be at the vault waiting, alright?](Neyrelle)

"Go to the girls after you're done burying Vhenard. Rest. I'll find you there."


Patting her head gently, Michael helped her put Vhenard back into the coffin and watched as she stored it away.

Using quick travel, Neyrelle returned to Yelesna. 


"Hopefully, no other bad things happen on her way there. Now, let's see what's up ahead."


[ Main Quest complete - Crossing Over

Reward 1: 18,673 experience points

Reward 2: 2,350 gold coins. ]


[ Main Quest issued - Descent

Objective: Enter the Necropolis of the Firstborn. ]


Taking a deep breath, Michael stepped into the Black Lake and submerged himself in it.

When he opened his eyes, he was already in a different place. The stairs leading back into the Black Lake were his way back. That or a portal back to Kyovashad.


"How strange... Somehow, this place feels familiar and cozy. Like a second home... How fitting for the Necropolis of the Firstborn."


The first 'illustration' he found on the ground was of a hooded man holding a book in his left hand and scrolls on his right. Behind the man appeared to be a large tree, reaching to the sun.

Without overthinking things, Michael advanced, searching for Lilith's trail.

Unfortunately, he found it soon after.


"The Essence was so thick up till now. Any here... it feels more like demonic energy instead. Furthermore, there are those weird fleshy plants again, similar to what I've seen in the Tristram realm the wolf showed me. I wanted Lilith's trail, and I, unfortunately, found it."


Cautiously advancing through the corridor, Michael was surprised to see the demonic energy disperse and thick Essence converge ahead.

It took the form of an illusionary figure, similar to Maltorius he saw previously. Judging from his strong connection to the phantom, he could guess who it was.

"Greetings, Sir Rathma. My apologies for disturbing you."

[You are the last visitor to my sanctum. Though you come too late, just as Lilith did before you. For it was my Father, Inarius, who arrived here first. It unfolded as my visions foretold.](Rathma)


Hearing the familiar voice he once heard in Nevesk informing him of a prophecy, Michael grimmaced.

If everything happened as he foretold, doesn't that mean he's already dead?


"Then, right now, are you..."

[*Sigh* How we hurtle towards the prophecy's end...](Rathma)


The phantom of the hooded man holding a staff vanished, but not before pointing forward, letting the newbie Necromancer know the direction he was supposed to follow.

Michael quickly found the second phantom by killing some Ghouls and a Blood Mage Elite to clear the way. Only now did he realize that it was more of a recording than the actual soul of Rathma.

Looking at it through his energy vision, he saw gray Essence melding together, forming the apparition before him.


[It started in dreams. I saw shattered images of the end of Sanctuary. The scales of a great serpent carried these visions, and so I went to visit him. My and the serpent's thoughts met, and the fragmented future was mended together. I put it down in order, and the prophecy was born.](Rathma)


Seeing the illusion vanish and hearing its words, Michael rubbed his face with considerable strength.


'An Yggrasil wasn't enough!? Did you have to add a Jormungand to the mix? Ugh... hearing about it now, I'm sure I'll have to meet with it later. Let's hope I don't become snake poop...'


Following the trail, he moved over the magic circle on the ground, where Essence was still imbued through glyphs.

Taking a mental picture of the magic circle and hoping he'll remember it with his improved mental faculties, Michael continued his search for more clues.

Reaching a place called Central Chamber, the Quest finally updated.


[ Main Quest update - Descent

Objective: Destroy the Tumors of Hatred, blocking the path forward (0/5).


Seeing the tentacles of writhing flesh firmly blocking his path, he tried swinging his weapon at it. Reap was also cast in the process, but no damage was done.


Shrugging, he searched for an alternative path and found it on a cliff to the left.

The first such tumor he found was a literal mound of flesh pulsing disgustingly. The energy coming from it was dark red, and the feeling it was giving affected his emotions severely—anger, grief, and hatred.

Without hesitation, he had his minions destroy it and move forward to find the other four. He returned to the previously blocked path, which was now free of any tentacles strewn about.