Chapter 172. Finding out the truth

He left behind the 'Boss Room' with Vigo's blood and the Boss's still on the floor. The puddles connected, and small creeks found their way to the cliff's edge, from where they fell deeper into the abyss.


Not long after, Michael found the apparitions of Rathma and Inarius once more, the conversation turning heated.


[Give me the Key to Hell. I will not ask again!](Inarius)

[You don't need to. I saw a vision of the Key lifted from my corpse, under the watchful eyes of the Great Serpent in my sanctum. If you are chosen as you say, it will come to pass.](Rathma)

Inarius's anger formed a stark contrast to Rathma's hopelessness and acceptance. 

He spoke calmly of his death as if it was another's.

With the ghosts gone, the path forward was clear again. The impressive sights turned bland under the influence of what came to pass: Vigo's death, Inarius's stupidity, and Rathma's inevitable demise.

Reaching the Balance's Sanctum, Michael passed by another huge statue of Lilith. Opposing it was another one, probably of Inarius. Time corroded and destroyed it, though, leaving nothing but rubble behind.


"How ironic... It's too quiet now. No monsters, no undead. What about Lilith? Is she still here?"


Entering Rathma's Sanctum, the first thing that drew his attention were the corpses. Rather than calling them corpses, skeletons were more fitting.

Beds made out of pure stone held them, and each one had a stone book open at their heads, on which the names and some of the accomplishments of those people while alive were carved.

More than a sanctum, it felt like a crypt.

A strange depiction on the far wall to the left attracted the Necromancer's attention. It was a mural sculpted into stone.

Above were Lilith and Inarius, standing on a throne. Lilith on the right, Inarius on the left. Under them were people, probably their children, seeing as Rathma was one of them and stood at the front.

What was strange was that on Inarius's side stood a large number of demonic succubus, while angels stood on Lilith's side.


"I can't understand... Sanctum of Balance. Does it mean that in the beginning, the two forces under Inarius and Lilith were supportive of their 'escapade'? Or is it something more I cannot comprehend?"


Shaking his head, he turned to the top of the stairs. A colossal serpent was painted, indeed watching over the corpse of Rathma. The words he spoke to Inarius turned true.

The Firstborn lay dead, stabbed with the same staff Michael saw him carry when in his phantom form.

"Is that really him? Is that really Rathma? Was Inarius that stupid to kill his own son?"


Moving closer and seeing the pale-skinned Necromancer, Michael bowed once to show respect.

Upon doing so, he noticed the blood petals on the ground around and covering his body.


"So, Lilith was indeed here... This can't be good..."


Depressed, Michael touched the blood petals, and his vision darkened. Once more, he became an observer, looking from above the sanctum. 

The room was dark, and the doors closed. Silence permeated the place, offering a proper resting place to the dead.

The doors were pushed open with a creaking sound, and light flooded the room. With calm and measured steps, a figure sporting a pair of demonic wings moved to the body of her dead son.

When in front of the body, she paused, seemingly unaware of what she was supposed to do next. Her lips parted multiple times, but she couldn't find the words to speak.


[I don't know if you have chosen to stand beside me in this new world, Rathma, but I would have saved you a place just the same.](Lilith)


Her voice was low, speaking softly as if afraid to wake him. Kneeling beside the body, she carefully brought his hands and placed them together over his abdomen.

Her hands held his, tears falling and marring her flawless skin.


[And now... all that you might have been has been stolen from me.](Lilith)


Anger and hurt intertwined, making the blood petals continuously raining around her flutter.




With resentment, she reached out to the staff piercing her son's chest, and pulled it out.

Standing up, her fingers caressed the staff as she looked down at Rathma. With her left hand, she crushed the staff, leaving behind a strange key with a unique design.

Holding it in her palm, she seemed to hate the object, for it was the cause of her loss.


[This Key unlocks more than the doors of Hell. It unlocks our path to the future. A future made possible because of the price you paid.](Lilith)


Waving her hand, a large wooden bed appeared at the top of the stairs, and a beautiful paper tome was placed at its head.

Turning around, she glanced at the spot where Michael was watching the scene unfold. It was only for a brief second, but their gazes met.

Without saying anything to him, Lilith turned around and left. 


[Rathma, your sacrifice will not have been in vain!](Lilith)


Watching the demoness leave, the Necromancer's vision returned to the present. Seeing the past, he shook his head bitterly, knowing that war was unavoidable.

Even if somehow Inarius comes to his senses, judging from Lilith's eyes, there is no way he is escaping this with his life intact.

With one hand under Rathma's feet and the other under his back, he carried his corpse on top of the tomb Lilith created for him.

Bowing again to the Firstborn Necromancer, Michael's eyes turned to the shards of the staff Rathma carried with him.


'Inarius killed Rathma, but he would've done that only after he got the Key that opened the doors to hell. In that case, what was the key hidden in his staff that Lilith took? A spare? Or was it not leading to Hell, but a different place instead?'


Michael reached the gates, leaving the sanctum the same way Lilith did since he felt it would be disrespectful to teleport in front of Rathma.

Standing outside the room, he wondered if they would close and be sealed so the Firstborn could rest in peace without being bothered.

That didn't seem to happen though, so he decided to get the girls to investigate this place. Hopefully, the passage across the Black Lake would be closed, and with nobody else knowing the ritual except Lilith and Vhenard, the Necropolis could remain hidden.


[ Main Quest complete - Descent

Reward 1: 46,683 experience points

Reward 2: 3,290 gold coins. ]

Using quick travel, Michael returned to Kyovashad. Since less than two hours passed after his parting with Neyrelle, he went to search for her at the Horadric Vault.

Taking the Waypoint to Yelesna, Michael set the tracker on the MAP location where he remembered visiting last time, summoned his mount, and quickly made his way there.

Once he closed in on the location, a golden Quest Marker appeared, signifying a Main Quest.

[ Main Quest issued - Light's Hope

Objective: Speak with Neyrelle. ]

Dismounting and approaching, he found the girl sitting in front of a freshly dug grave with a headstone inscribed with strange glyphs and patterns.

Michael couldn't understand anything written except for 'Vhenard,' the name of the person laid to rest there.

Unequipping his gloves, he patted the girl's head and noticed how her eyes were red. He stayed beside her quietly as she mourned her departed kin.

[Thank you.](Neyrelle)

"Don't be silly. It's the human thing to do."

[Still... thank you.](Neyrelle)

"Mhm. Vigo wanted me to give this to you."

[ Vigo's Protecting Amulet 

( Stats Ommited )

Legendary Aspect: When hit while not Healthy, a magical bubble is summoned around you for 3.5 seconds. While standing in the bubble, you are Immune to all types of damage. It can only trigger once every 90 seconds.

Description: 'Through penance alone do we let Father's Light enter our sinful souls. Lay down your life for his purpose, and you shall shine brilliantly with his glory!'

-Holy Words of the Father, Book VIII ]

Taking out the Legendary amulet and handing it to the girl, he watched her receiving it with mixed feelings. She seemed to understand the implied meaning.

After she asked about his whereabouts, Michael explained what happened, and tears fell again from the young girl's eyes.

[He was a good man. *Sigh* He shouldn't have blamed himself so much. Lilith would've found someone else to corrupt if it wasn't him.](Neyrelle)

"He was probably under too much pressure after his failure. He blamed himself for the squadron of Knights that died, as well as your mother. At least, he found peace in the end."

[And Lilith? Was she even there? Did you meet her?](Neyrelle)

The Necromancer looked at the girl and sighed. He wasn't sure if telling her would be a good idea. He was worried that her tiny heart might be consumed by thoughts of vengeance and driven to death because of him.

"Already gone by the time I arrived..."

[There is more. I can see it in your eyes.](Neyrelle)

Taking off his helm and messing up his hair in frustration, Michael glanced at the girl... no, the young woman seemed more appropriate.

Unlike Tia and Evelyn, even if she was of similar age, Neyrelle traveled across the Sanctuary with her mother since she was young. Vhenard taught her how to be mature way before he met her. 

Michael could only hope that after the mourning phase passes, she can carry on with her life as usual. That's why he told her everything he witnessed, including the scene with Lilith and her dead son, Rathma.

"...that's why I think Lilith took a Key of Hell from Rathma's scepter."

[Then it was... all in vain. She's the only one who got what they wanted.](Neyrelle)

The Necromancer didn't say anything in response to refute that statement. After all, everything seemed to unfold according to Lilith's plan. 

He followed Neyrelle into the Horadric Vault, where he patrolled the rooms and ensured no hidden dangers were left. Then, with Neyrelle and Aylin's help, all the magic protection mechanisms were turned back on, recognizing only those with the 'magic password' as lawful entries. 

Then, with Hella's help, the illusion covering the vault from the statue of the three gods was restarted, and the vault remained temporarily hidden.

[ Main Quest complete - Light's Resolve

Reward 1: 70,024 experience points

Reward 2: 10,000 gold coins

Reward 3: Vhenard's Signet (Rare ring). ]

Both the ring and the amulet had descriptions related to Vhenard, so Michael handed his last gain over to Neyrelle, as it was one of her mother's mementos. 

[ Vhenard's Esoteric Signet

Rare Ring

512 Item Power


* +3.5% Resistance to All Elements

* +3.5% Lightning Resistance


* +8.0% Physical Damage

* +16 Life Points per second Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently

* +2.9% Lucky Chance

* +2.1% Lucky Hit Chance 

Description: A small and unassuming signet ring. The insides, however, reveal a mixture of engraved astrological symbols as well as prayers to various deities and spirits. It also fainly smells of sulphur. ]

Upon receiving the small ring, Neyrelle smiled widely. Apparently, this had been her mother's work for the past five years. Her research seemed to have been fruitful, and now, her daughter could pick up where she left off.

 Everyone returned to the Pink Palace, where Tia and Evelyn snatched the girl and brought her to their lair. 

Michael stayed behind in the pavilion with the other girls, telling them what he saw. Everyone's hearts were heavy, and the path ahead seemed rough and dangerous to tread on. 

Still, they had no choice in the matter.


Reading the letter Michael sent with Helen's and Celeste's help, Lorath watched the candles lighting his room quietly.

Alone, still following the trail of the Pale Man, he found solace in the fact that he wasn't fighting this war alone.

[Neyrelle... she came seeking the Horadrim of Legend. Seeking hope... She found neither, but her part in this is far from over. In truth, we would need her more than she needs us. It surely doesn't seem that way right now, though... for anyone.](Lorath)

Drinking from the almost empty cup, his eyes turned white for a moment, only to return to normal a second later.

Sighing, he shook his head as if too tired to continue thinking.

[Inarius proved to be just as unreliable as I feared. His self-obsession had driven him to murder his son, Rathma. And from the corpse left behind, Lilith had taken a key to Hell. Where would she use it? The fog won't lift... *Sigh* I guess we can only depend on ourselves to find out.](Lorath)

-------------- END OF ACT I: A Cold and Iron Faith --------------