Chapter 174. Legacy Unmade

[Magdalena... Light be damned, how did this come to pass!?](Parin)

"The axe... I heard a voice speaking through Magdalena. I think the axe is possessed, not cursed."

[Damn! If that is so, I need your help, and we haven't much time! We'll need to purge the demon from the blade before it can be destroyed. If only I knew earlier...](Parin)

Seeing the Priest's regretful face, Michael still felt like punching him. Every time something like this happened, it usually led back to the Church doing something stupid and people losing their lives as a result.

Trying to hide his anger, the Necromancer rose to his feet and looked unkindly at the Priest.

"What now?"

[I need an hour. Meet me in the Crags of Ill Wind. My study there is on hallowed ground. There is no safer place to perform the incantation and destroy the axe.](Parin)

[ Side Quest complete - Chain of Possession

Reward 1: 19,703 experience points

Reward 2: 2,400 gold coins

Reward 3: Gem Cache. ]

Seeing the Priest ready to leave, Michael stopped and bombarded him with questions.

"I met Magdalena in Nevesk and helped her find the axe. Who are you? Also, what the hell caused the possession, since I also touched the damned thing, and I am still alive and breathing while she..."

Looking at the decapitated woman, Michael felt his stomach churn. It wasn't his first time taking a life, but Magdalena... she was innocent in this mess as far as he was concerned.

[*Sigh* I am Parin, Master of the Forbidden, sanctioned scribe for the Church. My charge is to study the great enemy in all manifestations. Including cursed objects...](Parin)

Taking a deep breath and looking at the dead woman, Parin shook his head in dismay.

[Magdalena has been in my employ for years. It pains me greatly to see what has happened. As for the reason why her and not you... I don't know. The Woodsman's axe... I thought it was dangerous, sure, but possessed by a fiend? Never would I have guessed...](Parin)

"Why so?"

[There is little knowledge concerning such a blasphemous artifact. I'll need to visit my study and gather my thoughts. If such a damned thing was found in Nevesk, I would rather see the town burned to the ground and the earth salted than risk more trouble. Who knows what other foul things slithered out of that town?](Parin)

Rolling his eyes at the ridiculous words, Michael left the cellar with the Priest following him. The City Guards would report the dead and inform the relatives.

Returning outside, the two dead bodies and the wounded Knight vanished, probably taken away by the other City Guards left outside.

Stopping by the Healer to replenish his potions, Michael patiently waited for an hour to pass. He would then head to the Priest's location to wrap up the Side Quest. 

As for going with the man, he didn't enjoy his company, so the less they interacted, the better. The Sanctuary rewarded him with another Side Quest called Legacy Unmade. He had to meet with the Priest in an hour for it to continue.

'Let's see the Legendary drops. Hopefully, they'll improve my mood somewhat.'

One was a sword, and the other was a chest armor. Michael's face already lit up.

[ Cadaverous Flammard

Legendary Sword

538 Item Power


419 Damage per Second (+126 when compared to the currently equipped item)

* [305 - 457] Damage per Hit

* 1.10 Attacks per Second

* +9.0% Critical Strike Chance


* +11% Vulnerable Damage 

* +30 Intelligence 

* +11% Ultimate Skill Damage 

* +6.5% Damage to Shadow Damage over Time-affected Enemies.

Legendary Aspect: Consuming a Corpse increased the damage of your next Core Skill by 5%, up to 25% total. (Necromancer Only).

Empty Socket ]

As he didn't have any Core Skills to use and improve, he would probably extract the Aspect of his current sword and imprint it on this one. He would lose +11 to all attributes, but it was a better weapon overall.

[ Juggernaut's Archon Armor

Legendary Chest Armor

541 Item Power


947 Armor (+ 33 compared to the currently equipped item)

* +12.0% Ultimate Skill Damage

* +4.5% Barrier Generation

* +21 Willpower

*19.5% Shadow Resistance 

Legendary Aspect: You gain 780 Armor, but your Evade has a 100% increased Cooldown.

Empty Socket ]

With only one socket, Michael would lose 134 Life Points and some change based on the slotted Chipped Rubbies, as well as some Darkness Skill damage upon swapping it. His Corpse Explosion was one such skill.

On the flip side, all the other affixes the new Armor had were amazing.

Without hesitation, he traveled to Kyovashad through the Waypoint and found Helen's dad first.

Deyman helped him extract the Aspect from his current sword and imprint it on the new one.

As the Occultist worked on the chest armor, Michael ran to Kratia and Idania nearby and crafted a Skull gem.

With his Level 45, he could now access a higher-tier gem; however, he did spend 100 Skull Fragments on creating it.

[ Skull



Can be inserted into equipment with sockets. 

*Weapons: +8 Life on Kill

*Armor: +4% Healing Received

*Jewelery: +170 Armor. ]

Thanking the ladies after spending 12,500 gold coins to craft a single damned gem, he returned to Deyman, who also robbed him of 36,000 gold coins and 2 Veiled Crystals previously.

At least, his new weapon was rather impressive compared to before. Even his Attack Power increased to 912 after equipping it.

[ Flammard of Reanimation

Legendary Sword

538 Item Power


419 Damage per Second (+126 when compared to the currently equipped item)

* [305 - 457] Damage per Hit

* 1.10 Attacks per Second

* +9.0% Critical Strike Chance


* +11% Vulnerable Damage 

* +30 Intelligence 

* +11% Ultimate Skill Damage 

* +6.5% Damage to Shadow Damage over Time-affected Enemies.

Legendary Aspect: Your minions gain increased damage while alive up to 30% after 10 seconds. (Necromancer Only).

+8 Life on Kill (Skull slotted) ]

Deyman also helped him replace the Barrier Generation affix on the Legendary chest armor with a +9% Shadow Damage. 

He could choose between that and +7 to All Attributes but decided on the damage in the end.

[ Juggernaut's Archon Armor

Legendary Chest Armor

541 Item Power


947 Armor 

* +12.0% Ultimate Skill Damage

* +9.0% Shadow Damage

* +21 Willpower

*19.5% Shadow Resistance 

Legendary Aspect: You gain 780 Armor, but your Evade has a 100% increased Cooldown.

+2.5% Maximum Life (Chipped Ruby slotted) ]

The extra 780 Armor would be added only during fights, apparently, as it didn't immediately increase his total Armor count.

He could only hope there were no bugs as he prepared to meet with Parim. After all, he lost lots of gold in the equipment adjustment process and needed to vent.

'84,632 gold coins, 100 Skull Fragments, 1 Angelbreath, 2 Veiled Crystals. *Sigh* At least I recovered some materials after salvaging Rare items with Zivek's help. Let's see... 12 Iron Chunks, 2 Silver Ores, 4 Rawhides, 1 Superior Leather, and 7 Veiled Crystals. Well... not that bad since my stats page improved a bit.'

[ Class: High Necromancer

Attack Power: 912

 Armor: 3,426

 Life: 2,223


Strength: 265

Intelligence: 324

Willpower: 363

Dexterity: 319 ]

His experience also reached 57,259/492,591, putting a smile on the Necromancer's face. With the 25th Dungeon cleared, he wouldn't have to worry about holding back anymore and could drink Elixirs when farming monsters in the future.

Checking the time, he stepped through the Waypoint and returned to Menestad. The Quest Marker was near the Kor Dragan Stronghold Event, so Michael hoped not to get dragged into the damned thing again like he was in Malnok.

His worries proved unnecessary, though, as he reached the location without any trouble. But that in itself was a problem...

Parin met him outside the small cabin and immediately dragged him inside the building.

[You made it! Let us move quickly before we draw unwanted attention.](Parin)

The same type of runes and glyphs he saw around and on Lorath's hut decorated the ground around Parin's 'study.'

After walking inside, the Priest pulled a chain and opened a trap door leading underground. 

"You didn't lie about this place being consecrated. It feels similar to the Cathedral. Only slightly less... holy."

[Yes. Here in my study, I have been permitted to research the occult. But enough about that. I know what we must do with the axe, also. If we displace the demon bound to the axe, perhaps we can then see it destroyed. Take the Woodsman's axe from the table.](Parin)

Curiously looking around the Priest's laboratory, Michael saw the axe on the table near a big basin of water. Rather than water, it should be holy water instead, prepared to shatter the axe, no doubt.

Grabbing the axe and curiously inspecting it with his energy vision, nothing except a dark-red glow could be seen from the damned thing.

[Stop trying. If it would be that easy, people like me wouldn't be needed. Place the axe in the holy water. There's no telling what the demon will do once we begin. So keep your guard up. I'll start after the axe touches the holy water.](Parin)

Nodding at the man and following his instructions, Michael summoned his minions around himself. The Priest raised an eyebrow but didn't seem annoyed or disgusted by the Skeletons. He looked more intrigued than anything.

With the axe dipped in the water basin, Parin took it as his cue.

[Heavenly Father Inarius, let us drive out the demon from our midst! Grant us your favor so that we may send the fiend back to the pits of Hell! Please, Father of Fathers, grave us with your holly Light!](Parin)

Amused by the 'incantation' echoing through the cellar, Michael watched carefully as a small red tornado formed above the water basin. 

The red light poured out of the axe and formed a bloodied figure.


"What!? It's her?"

Seeing the woman again, Michael looked on in disbelief as she wielded the axe again to chop him off.

Blocked by the minions, she seemed less powerful this time around. 

[Her soul... The axe must've sealed it after her death.](Parin)

"Shit! Doesn't that mean..."

Demonic laughter followed as the Woodsman also manifested in the room. Much smaller than last time but still almost as tall as the ceiling of the cellar.

[Now is our chance! Bring all your might to bear! Slay the demon!](Parin)

"Fucking easy for you to say! I was almost killed by this bastard in Nevesk multiple times!"

Dodging the demon's blows, Michael used all the skills he had available. What surprised him the most was the increased damage of his Reap skill, reaching 200+ with each hit.

Adding his increased Armor, he realized he was in much less danger than before. Therefore, the two fell quickly and dissipated into a red mist, reeking of sulfur.

[Quickly, destroy the axe!](Parin)

Muttering strange incantations, which apparently sealed the axe and made it incapable of moving around, the Priest stood above the water basin, clutching his hands as he prayed.

Seeing the axe floating midair, Michael used his Reap again, both his sword and shadow scythe cutting the cursed object in two.

A strong air displacement followed, throwing everyone inside at the walls. Fortunately, nothing stronger came out.

[We did it... the axe is no more.](Parin)

Watching the dizzy Priest stand up, the Necromancer glanced at the two axe pieces on the floor. Remembering Magdalena's soul, he inquired about it.

[I know not what has become of the souls of its victims. We can but pray they have found the Light. I will start a cleansing ceremony so you can leave. Thank you for your help.](Parin)

[ Side Quest complete - Legacy Unmade

Reward 1: 19,703 experience points

Reward 2: 2,400 gold coins

Reward 3: Salvage Cache. ]

Seeing Parin tidy up the place, Michael shrugged and left. Outside the Sanctified Study, he summoned his mount and returned to Kyovashad.

It was a longer ride, taking about an hour, but he used it to clear his thoughts. 

He met Helen at Sleepy Peaks, and after a meal, they went to sleep. The next day, he would join Gonk and his other two party members to clear the Stronghold Event in Kor Dragan. 

[Worried about tomorrow?](Helen)

"Not about myself. I'm worried about Gonk and the other two."

[Well... the other two are members of the Barbarian tribes, just like Gonk is. And for them, the harder the battle, the happier they are.](Helen)

"Mhm. I'll take this chance and see what party play feels like. It's been a while since I have last done it. Almost two months, I think."

[Speaking of those three. I heard all three went through their Class Awakening successfully. Aybdah is now part of the City Guards, while Christine and Burt decided to become mercenaries. They are quite successful, and I think all three are around Level 35 now.](Helen)

"That's good to hear."

[Hurry up and level some more. Then, we can party together.](Helen)

Smiling, he looked at the naked tigress and kissed her gently.

"I look forward to it."