Chapter 178. Barbeque party!?

After returning to Kyovashad, instead of surprising Helen with his VIP guest, he decided to come clean and seek her opinion before discussing it further with the other girls.

[Itharael? As in... one of the five Archangels?](Helen)


[ does a mortal even come in contact with such a being!? It doesn't make sense!](Helen)

"I didn't 'contact' him. He was the one that came knocking."

[About Lilith and Scosglen?](Helen)

"Mhm. *Sigh* I wanted a longer break, but it seems that I need to hit the road tomorrow."


Michael didn't say anything while watching the tigress sit on the bed to gather her thoughts. He empathized with the normal response a mortal should have upon meeting a celestial being.

As for himself, as a 21st-century human, he had long become desensitized to such matters. That, as well as his continuous encounters with various devils of the Burning Hells, Inarius, Lilith, etc.

After ten minutes of silence, Helen stood up and started pacing around the room. Michael was slightly worried that she might wreck the floor and Raskya would surely take advantage of the situation to milk him off as many gold coins as possible.

"We're not going to war with him, Helen... He's coming over for dinner."

[As if! What's his purpose!? It makes no sense to suddenly interfere with us after watching us die at the hands of the demons for so long.](Helen)

"Well... it was probably Tyrael's problem so far, but it might've gotten a lot worse after their other brother went rogue..."

[Can you stop taking this so lightly!? It's an Archangel, for crying out loud!](Helen)

"It's not like anything will change after overthinking things... Also, I have already invited him. It's not like I can retract that invitation. As for his reasons... it's probably related to Lorath's letters. Knowledge of the past must be important for them, and the Horadrim have been unearthing all they could after Tyrael founded the order. You've seen what Lorath said. Even the Archangels have things they don't know about their past, which only the Horadrim discovered and kept hidden. Maybe he's fishing for that sort of information."


Exasperated, Helen gave up and decided to keep the others out of the loop. That way, after the party ended and the Archangel of Fate hopefully left, she could tell the girls what great 'honor' they didn't realize they had and let them suffer from overthinking as well.

However, she couldn't sit and do nothing even if she stopped thinking about it. So Michael suffered as he had to prepare fifteen different dishes and seven deserts before the tigress was finally appeased. 

The poor Necromancer had to dip his fingers in the cuisine of four different continents before finally being let go as the guests started arriving.

Putting down the apron and changing into more appropriate clothes, Michael used a Cleaning Marble and followed Helen to the pavilion. With spring around the corner, the garden was in full bloom, especially after Hoduin helped Evelyn by showing her a few 'small tricks.' 

Therefore, the place looked beyond amazing, much to the surprise of everyone. 

[I hope we didn't arrive too early.](Connie)

[Not at all, Connie! I'm happy to see you again!](Helen)

Watching the two women socialize, Michael nodded to the somewhat displeased mayor as he led the man and Gonk to the table.

It looked like Gonk had to put more work in before he could please his future father-in-law. Amurin and Kor'Tha arrived minutes later and even brought over two barrels of their Silver Wolf's Tribe 'berry juice.' 

Since it was a sweet alcoholic drink, he could finally let the younger girls enjoy themselves without worrying about them being tempted by vodka, or the newly processed tequila.


Hearing Helen's surprised voice, Michael looked at her before glancing at the entrance. Mina was leading a calm Prava over, much to everyone's surprise.

[I hope my intrusion doesn't disturb everyone's good mood.](Prava)

Seeing Helen's raised eyebrows, Michael intervened before she could sarcastically quip.

"It doesn't, Miss Prava. I'm actually glad you could make it. I even have one big... no, it should be two HUGE surprises for you later."

Everyone's curiosity peaked, including Prava's. Helen finally reacted and started clapping like a little girl planning something mischievous, much to everyone's bafflement. 

Hoduin and Martel arrived after dragging Boza with them, making everyone smile. After some light gossip, it seemed that Martel was still quite the charming lad, even at his advanced age, much to the Necromancer's surprise.

The party finally started after Aylin brought over Mira, Celeste, Beatrice, and Natalia. Their entry immediately made the brave Kor'Tha swoon, prompting teasing from his friends. 

It could be said that all that was left was waiting for the most important guest of the day to make their entrance, after which the well-prepared feast could commence. 

[I hope I didn't arrive too late, Michael.](Itharael)

Hearing the magnetizing voice from behind, Michael turned with a smile on his face, which promptly lagged after seeing the person beside him.

"*Sigh* You know... I said it as a joke before. I wasn't dreaming you'll actually drag Miss Auriel over for a mortal feast..."

The woman, or rather, the Archangel of Hope, Auriel, looked like the dream waifu of many weebs back on Earth.

Long golden hair with curls, explosive curves in all the right places, the comforting face of an older 'onee-san' coming as a package deal with a shallow but kind smile... Yup, even Michael could barely stop himself from staring and couldn't blame the freshly punched Gonk after enduring Connie's wrath.

Who could blame the poor man for staring? But almost drooling in front of your girlfriend!? Tks, tsk, tsk! The Barbarian still had plenty to learn.

[I hope my presence doesn't encumber everyone's enjoyment.](Auriel)

"*Chuckle* How funny to hear you saying that. We just heard a similar thing moments ago. Please, come in and make yourselves at home. I saved you seats next to me and Helen."

[Planning to keep an eye on us?](Itharael)


[Yes, yes. My apologies. I'll behave.](Itharael)

Seeing the 'siblings' close in on her and Connie, Helen seems to have been hit with a Frozen debuff, unable to speak, move, or think. 

'Or rather, she seems to be overthinking. Poor girl... she probably went into overdrive.'

[Do you mind if I join the conversation?](Auriel)

Auriel's heavenly voice finally woke the tigress up, who immediately began sizing up the woman across from her. 

They seemed comparable from most points of view, but Michael knew that this was probably only a disguise Auriel put on. As for her real visage, maybe he would have a chance to see it in the future.

Itharael joined Michael in bringing the dishes for the others, and Gonk, Kor'Tha, and Amurin joined. What amused him even further was Amurin asking about Mia, realizing that the Spear Thrower might be interested in Helen's sister. 

Deciding to play matchmaker later, he didn't promise anything and only let nature take its course. He also introduced Itharael as a 'friend,' to which the Archangel didn't seem to have any objection.

[This... I think you might've gone overboard.](Gonk)

"*Sigh* I can't do anything about it. Because Itharael, Helen went crazy and forced me to cook more."

[Me!? How so?](Itharael)

"I told her about you, and she wanted to impress. Or rather, she probably didn't want to seem lacking."

Nodding pensively, Itharael smiled charmingly at the kitchen staff and thanked them, immediately sending them into a daze. 

Rolling his eyes and filling the Archangel's arms to the brim with dishes, Michael quickly kicked him out of the kitchen before something worse happened. 

Food and drinks kept flowing, and the conversation was very pleasant. To the Necromancer's surprise, the girls huddled around Auriel, who managed to catch even Prava's attention. They seemed to enjoy themselves immensely.

As did the men. The atmosphere was peaking with the Barbarians, Hoduin, Martel, and even Itharael sharing stories of their most glorious fights while sharing drinks. Of course, every time one of them slightly exaggerated, the girls threw them disdainful gazes.

'Speaking of which... Calculating the levels, aren't the men in serious inferiority? Even Itharael behaved after Auriel chastised him previously. *Sigh* Such is the world of men...'

What surprised him was Itharael's stories, which were engaging and earned shouts from the men occasionally. 

Realizing that the stories were probably toned down compared to what happened in reality, Michael's imagination ran wild, while his hands never stopped from stuffing food into his mouth.

Actually, everyone pigged out big time, somehow managing to finish all the prepared food. Even the two Archangels ate one of each dish served, complimenting the taste.

[Brother, since we received such wonderful gifts today, it's only fair to reciprocate. If you'd please.](Auriel)

Nodding, Itharael waved his right hand and sent sixteen small droplets before the younger Wanderers.

[These are called Dew of the First Sunrise. As for what they are, as the name implies, they are droplets of dew that appeared after the Sanctuary was first created. Even if they have such an exceptional name, they don't do much but possess incredible beautification effects. Also, for Wanderers over Level 50 but under 30 years of age, they grant 4 Paragon Points.](Itharael)

Michael raised an eyebrow, seeing that he didn't get anything, but he noticed Auriel's apologetic gaze, so he smiled back to show that it wasn't a big deal.

The seven sisters, Neyrelle, the four representatives, the three Barbarians, and Connie each looked in surprise at the small droplet of crystal water and quickly devoured it.

It was hard to tell which of the two effects the girls appreciated more. As for the men, the trio immediately opened their Paragon Page and started adding points to what seemed better.

The party continued with more conversation and laughter until around 10 PM when Gonk led his friends back to the Inn and Martel, his lover, back to her house.

Waiting for another half an hour until the two returned, Michael coughed to get everyone's attention.

"Now, for the main reason of this gathering, I will share with you the knowledge Lorath sent me through his letters. I would've shared the letters and had you all read them instead, but for some reason, he inscribed them with some spell, and they all combusted after I finished reading. So, I'll ask for your patience as I go through the details."

Everyone whispered curiously, as even the other six sisters weren't aware of the content of the letters.

Gonk and the mayor looked somewhat interested while the four representatives giggled, probably thinking it was knowledge they already had. Only the two Archangels were unprecedentedly serious, making the Necromancer wonder what exactly in Lorath's letter drew Itharael's attention.

"The letters start with the knowledge the Horadrim hold of the time before the Sanctuary's existence. They speak of the beginning of times and the process of how everything came into being. Keep in mind, it's mostly vague terms and speculation, as I doubt everything was confirmed since few beings lived that long."

Eyeballing the two residents of the High Heavens, Michael repeated verbatim everything he had read in the letters.

Looking strangely at Neyrelle, the Necromancer smiled and addressed her, much to her surprise.

[You've traveled a long way to be disappointed, young scholar. Life has taught me well that evil is inevitable and cannot be truly destroyed. It can be banished, in can be slaughtered, it can be driven back... but only for a time. Men are weak, evil is seductive, and those who would do nothing in the face of malevolence are cowards.

We all seek a weapon against the darkness rising in Sanctuary. The only thing I can arm you with is... knowledge. So that when evil finds a foothold and flourishes once again, at least I can say that it was not due to ignorance.](Lorath)

Michael looked at everyone's attention, which was focused on him, and couldn't help but praise himself for being a good orator. 

Focusing on the letter he remembered vividly, he continued retelling it.

[For untold eons, an Eternal Conflict has raged between the demonic hordes of the Burning Hells and the angelic host of the High Heavens. Scholars have spilled gallons of inc and spent their eyesight in dim scriptoriums, writing and debating how these factions came into being and what came before them... before us.

It is said that the first being, Anu, was the sum of all things, good and evil, light and dark, physical and mystical, joy and sadness—an evergrowing tree branching through the stars. The One.

Anu wished to be free from the malignance of evil, and so, separated and expelled the darkness within. But what is cast off cannot simply disappear.](Lorath)