Chapter 188. The Snare

Riding toward his destination, Michael was forced to stop upon noticing a group of men burning a farm to the ground. 

Shocked, he dismounted and approached them while yelling but couldn't stop them in time to spare the poor farmer couple's lives.

He watched in anger and disappointment how the leader of the group butchered the two elderly people.

[ Garbhan Ennai, The Butcher of Cerrigar (Elite) - Level 53

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 55% of the damage dealt. ]

Sighing and trying not to get too worked up, Michael ordered his minions to dispose of the murderer and his nine mobs posse. 

When a bit more than half of the Elite's Life Points were depleted, a guttural growl pushed the Reapers away, and a long howl followed. Similar to Faolan, the Butcher of Cerrigar transformed into a bulky werewolf and gained an additional modifier.

[ Garbhan Ennai, The Butcher of Cerrigar (Elite) - Level 53

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 75% of the damage dealt.

*Terrifying: Summons two spell circles on the ground. Targets affected by it would fall into 'Terrified' status. Targets inflicted with Terrifying would become 'Vulnerable' for three seconds. ]

[Hahaha! Too late to run now, Wanderer! You'll join us for a feast! As for who we'll be feasting on... HAHAHAHA!](Garbhan Ennai)

Looking at the beast as if he was looking at a retard, Michael calmly detonated all the Corpses in the area, burying the werewolf's laughter in a dark miasma. Seconds later, nothing but the dead bodies of the bandits, as well as the two dead farmers, remained.

Grabbing the two farmers and using the Sacred Fire on the rest, Michael continued his travel to the Quest location. He was now more certain than ever that the dark secret, as well as the 'protectors' of the farmers, were these werewolves.

'Faolan was one of them, but it seems they couldn't control their urges very well. This bandit was also one but gave into his nature. Judging from Edan's words we exchanged during the Quest, he should also be one, but he could fight the impulse and should be much better now with the Light-Blessed amulet I brought him. There are too many plotholes in this theory. Let's see what we can find from the farmers...'

Reaching the place where they buried Diedre yesterday, Michael saw the young Druid talking with another person, a woman.

Approaching them, the Druid's eyes shone with excitement, and he quickly shared his findings with the Necromancer.

[Ah, good, you're here! I've finally found someone willing to talk about what's going on. Siofra, tell our friend here what you told me.](Artair)

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Siofra."

Smiling kindly at the woman, Michael tried to appear as pleasant as possible. He also wanted to solve this mystery before more farmers died.

[Hello, Wanderer. *Sigh* It's been a while after the goatmen problem became really bad that we began getting glimpses of werewolves hunting them. Edan spotted them first near Lorcan and Una's old place. Edan said he felt a... call to join in the hunt.](Siofra)

The Necromancer frowned, and a strange theory began to take shape in his mind. He started to believe that there were no outsiders helping the farmers and that the farmers themselves had somehow turned into werewolves.

[Soon, all of us could feel it. Many of us still resist it, but you've seen what happens to the rest... Once they turn into those things, they never come back to us.](Siofra)

"Thank you for sharing these details, Miss Siofra. We'll try to help as much as we can. What do you think, Artair?"

[I have a theory, but I need more information first. Will you help me search Lorcan and Una's farm? That seems to be where this whole thing started.](Artair)

Nodding, Michael accepted the proposal and, before leaving, handed the two coffins to Siofra. She was saddened to see the elderly dead, especially since all the farmers were a tight-knit group.

Helping Siofra choose two spots for the graves near Deidre's, the trio held a short funeral and left the woman behind to pray for the departed.

[ Side Quest update - First Among Wolves

Objective: Search the burned farm for clues (0/4). ]

On their way south, the duo removed goatmen and spider monsters that came across their path. Finally, they found the remains of a farm similar to those they had seen before, now burnt to the ground and in disrepair. 

[Let's look around. Something should be left behind to point us in the right direction.](Artair)

Nodding, Michael started scavenging between piles of burnt wood and remains of old furniture and clothes. Ten minutes later, with the Sanctuary's help, the duo finally found their first clue.

It was a burnt but still legible diary of a woman named Una. They opened the small booklet identified as 'Una's Journal: First Entry' and read it while looking for the other three pages or similar small books.

Most of the other pages were irrelevant, detailing farm work. Only a certain passage appeared to be linked to their suspicions.

[ The goatmen raids are getting worse. Conall's farm was burnt out last week... the whole family lost. 

It used to be the Druids that protected us. Now they're gone, and they left nothing but their crumbling ruins behind. ](Una)

Looking at the despondent Artair, Michael kept quiet and continued his search. Finding the next booklet didn't take long since they knew what they were searching for. Rather than calling it a book, they were charred journal pages, mostly destroyed by fire and rain.

[ I went to the Umbralwood yesterday to search for anything from the Druids. Lorcan said it was a fool's errand and refused to come, but I found a small wolf carving that radiated a strange power.

I'm almost positive this is how the Druids shapeshift. ](Una)

Looking at Artair in surprise, the man grimly nodded in confirmation.

[It's not that easy, though. Without a mentor, the beastly nature can take over rational thought, and human nature will slowly get corroded. What remains are monsters driven by feral impulses. Now, I understand what happened...](Artair)

"Driven by despair, they found the ruins of your predecessors. In there, they found a way to shapeshift, which led to the current situation. However, why are all of them affected? All the farmers seem to feel the 'call,' but most try to resist it."

[It probably has to do with the carving they found. It's a medium for newbie Druids to focus on during their first shapeshifting. If it was somehow messed with, it could affect the minds of all the mortals in the area since they are more susceptible than Wanderers.](Artair)

Searching for the last two pages, they were found in quick succession by the duo and quickly reviewed.

[ I haven't told Lorcan, but every night, I sneak out to a secluded place and try to unlock the totem. I barely sleep anymore, and when I do, I dream of running on all fours through the woods, hunting the goatmen. They're calling to me... ](Una)

It was obvious that the wolf carving she found was affecting her subconsciously, and her dreams weren't dreams at all, but rather a form of somnambulism where she would transform into a werewolf and hunt the enemies of all farmers: the goatmen.

The final entry was even more severe, pointing out a possible 'infection' that spread to all villagers.

[ Lorcan seemed tired this morning. Hahaha! He complained of odd dreams. 

Could he be hearing it, too? Hehehe! It must be working!

Tonight will be my last attempt, I can feel it. When the totem calls, I will answer! ](Una)

Looking at each other, Michael and Artair remained silent for a while.

It was the Druid who sighed and restarted the conversation.

[So Una is the powerful werewolf spreading this call. I recognize the totem she describes, and it's indeed a training -- wait, do you hear that!?](Artair)

The Necromancer nodded as he ordered his minions to surround them for protection. It was impossible not to hear it, as the sound of many howls appeared to have encircled them.

Many Worgen creatures and Volkdaks appeared out of the bushes and behind the burnt houses. Behind them were werewolves similar to Faolan and the Butcher of Cerrigar.

[ Side Quest update - First Among Wolves

Objective: Slay the werewolves. ]

The fight turned into a melee, with Michael having to fend for himself due to the large number of creatures assaulting them. Artair turned into a large three-meter-tall bear and began slamming every creature coming close to it.

Leaving his back to him, the Necromancer used his sword and shield to protect himself, sending Reaps at the incoming enemies. Once he managed to secure an area without his Skeletons close by, he would use Corpse Tendrils and Corpse Explosion in quick succession. 

Through this encounter, he realized the problem of his skill build, which was mostly his inability to play as the support of a party. His Corpse Tendrils was amazing and all, but if he wasn't paying attention, the enemies pulled might knock down his minions or allies.

Fortunately, while he couldn't be considered an expert, he was at least past the newbie level for melee fighting and could hold his own.

After all the small-fries were taken care of, a towering creature slowly walked towards them on its hind legs.

[ Lorcan (Minion) - Level 53 ]

Helpless, Artair tried to reason with the creature but failed miserably. The Druid handled Lorcan by himself, putting him to rest.

[Damn it all!](Artair)

Seeing the worked-up man standing above the dead Lorcan, Michael patted his shoulder.

They couldn't rest now. If they waited any longer, more people could die.

[Well, now we know where the werewolf problem came from. We may be able to reverse it if I can count on your help.](Artair)

"I'm not going anywhere until this thing is finished. Otherwise, Celeste might eat me for breakfast."

[Celeste? The representative of Scosglen? You know her?](Artair)

"Mhm. So, what should I do?"

Not wanting to dwell on irrelevant topics since they were lacking time, Michael hurried the Druid.

Fortunately, Artair caught the hint and nodded.

[First, you need to find that wolf totem. We also need 'blood of the ally' and 'blood of the enemy.' You'll find Druid Ritual Totems in the Harrowfields and Wraithstead. Perform the ritual at each for the blood. I'll gather the rest of what we need and meet you back at Wraithsted.](Artair)

"Hold on, hold on! Perform a ritual!? I have no idea where to even start doing that?"

[Oh... right! Sorry, I was too much in a hurry and forgot you're not a Druid. Here. Use these two empty vials. You must place them on the Druid Ritual Totems, and they will create a small red circle around them. This one is for the blood of the goatmen. Once you place it, they will be drawn to the circle, and you need to kill them inside it. Their blood essence will be drawn into the vial. Repeat the same thing in Wraithstead for werewolf blood.](Artair)

"So, I basically need to find the totem and then kill stuff. Got it! What about the totem? Do you have any idea of its general location?"

[Let me check...](Artair)

The Druid transformed into his werewolf form, prompting Michael to step back. With all the craziness he went through because of these creatures, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Laughing at the Necromancer's action, Artair closed his eyes and smelled the air. Then, through a long howl, he received a response.

Undoing his werewolf form, the Druid pointed in a west direction.

[I felt the totem in that area. Here, let me share my MAP with you. I can mark its general location.](Artair)

Watching the Druid leave hurriedly after doing that, Michael shook his head and set up a tracker.

[ Side Quest complete - First Among Wolves

Reward 1: 22,478 experience points

Reward 2: 2,450 gold coins

Reward 3: Herb Cache. ]

[ Side Quest issued - The Snare

Objective: Find the Druid Training Totem

Description: Artair has a plan to break the werewolf curse but needs some things. First on the list is the Druid Totem that Una found. From her journal it shouldn't be far from the orchard. ]

Seeing the last entry, Michael regretted not reading the journal more thoroughly.

Summoning his horse since he had no time to waste, he traveled to the orchard the Sanctuary mentioned. There, he found a farmer sitting in front of a small wooden carving.

The man seemed to be muttering something, but the Necromancer was too far to hear. Once he closed in, he finally caught what the bastard was saying and saw the man's red pupils at the same time.

[Run... hunt... KILL!](Farmer)

Sure enough, after a growl and a howl, another werewolf was beaten down by his minions as he collected the small totem.

[ Side Quest updated - The Snare

Objective: Complete the blood ritual in The Harrowfields. ]

With the Sanctuary marking the location, Michael quickly moved there and placed the vial he had been given on the strange wooden 'altar' he had found. 

It looked like a makeshift shrine, with animal leathers and stones around the wooden pole, as well as a small wooden platform where he could place the vial.

Once everything was in place, the Quest changed its objective again.

[ Side Quest updated - The Snare

Objective: Slay Enraged Goatmen inside the ritual circle and collect their blood essence. ]

As for the 'blood donors', they arrived quickly.