Chapter 190. Braestaig

The Titan Wolds. That was the area's name recognized by the Sanctuary he was currently venturing into.

To the Necromancer's surprise, the Runic Tablet collection Quest went surprisingly smoothly. After killing some Blood Clan members, some wildlife, and some undead - all of which the Sanctuary pointed out - the Quest was complete, and he had to return to Moreg and hand them over.

He didn't hurry over as he was able to find lots of monsters to deal with in the wilderness. So, Michael slowly and methodically cleared out the surroundings of any 'pollution.' 

After locating Moreg near the Firebreak Manor, he walked to the Druid and handed over the three Runic Tablets he found.

"I was able to collect these three. I hope it helps."

[Thank you, Wanderer. It does. There are many lessons, prayers, and seeds of wisdom that had been passed down from Fiacla-Gear himself contained within. Life is an endless lesson. Looking at them makes me realize just how much more there is left to learn.](Moreg)

Parting ways with the Druid, the Necromancer summoned his mount and headed for Braestaig. Lilith's matters couldn't be postponed any longer.

[ Side Quest complete - Chronicling the Old Ways

Reward 1: 11,239 experience points

Reward 2: 1,960 gold coins

Reward 3: Herb Cache. ]

Bitterly looking at his experience bar showing 306,806/587,506, he couldn't help but feel sad for his future.

'If at Level 48, before the Second Class Awakening, I need these many experience points, won't I go over one million for each level after 50? No wonder the girls are grinding Nightmare Dungeons like crazy...'

Crossing the wilderness, the paths brought him to two cliffs separated by a river. There, he had fun crossing the rope suspended over 10 meters above ground, using his hands to transverse it. 

He felt like a monkey, but it wasn't a bad feeling overall. It was something he couldn't manage back on Earth, so it was enjoyable to see how much his physique improved after becoming a Wanderer.

Continuing his travels, he followed the beaten paths and quickly located the outpost called Braestaig.

When he arrived at the gates, he first noticed the large Waypoint sitting impressively close to the entrance. This place's layout was very different from Fractured Peaks's Margrave.

People went about their business, but the feeling was off. It felt as if everyone was preparing for a fight. And from the snippets he heard from passing glenfolk talking, a strange fog covered the area ahead, toward Airidah's domain.

'Judging from the high number of Knights Penitent, this is where Yorin and the other Knights went for their mission. Now that I think about it, Donan did mention Braestaig in his final conversation with his son before he left. I should find him and the others in this outpost, but information gathering would be better first. And what better place to do that than an inn?'

Following the left path from the entrance into Braestaig, he found a shoddy stone building that appeared to be the place he was looking for. Walking inside, the owner, Gragan, greeted him.

[Welcome, traveler. Here for our services?](Gragan)

"What do you have to offer?"

[We've got ale. Bread for you, too, since you're not a Knight Penitent. No bath, though; go to Cerrigar if you want that sort of service.](Gragan)

Laughing at the man's straightforward nature, especially when it came to his dislike of the church's members, Michael took a seat and ordered a cup of ale.

"I heard something about fog. Are you worried about it?"

[*Sigh* We've got folks up there in Clocheen. We're worried about them. Who wouldn't be.](Gragan)

"Maybe the Knights could help. But you don't seem to trust them enough for that."

[Heh. They think by flashing Yorin's pretty young face, we'll put our fate in their hands. But glenfolk... we've always taken care of our own.](Gragan)

"There's nothing we can do about that fog, huh? Did anyone go up there? Hunters, for example?"

[Can't hunt like we used to...](?)

Turning around, Michael saw a man dressed in leather armor raising a cup at him.

Sitting up, he joined the man's table and continued their conversation.

"Why do you say that? Is the fog poisonous or something?"

[Simply put, it wasn't safe before. Damn deadly, now. With low visibility and those damned goatmen running amok, setting foot inside the area affected is a death sentence.](Arailt)

After half an hour of conversation with the glenfolk, Michael gathered some details about where the fog descended and left to explore the outpost. 

The Knights didn't seem to be in high spirits, though, as strange conversations took place away from their superior's ears.

[How is sparring and training with dummies supposed to prepare me for fighting ghosts!?](Knight Nedelya)

[Light watch over us. We live in dark times, and I do not know that we'll see the rising sun of tomorrow morning...](Knight Roksana)

[Calm down! I will send scores of spirits to their rest! With the Light beside me, I am untouchable.](Knight Yefim)

[What if they turn me into one?](Knight Nedelya)

[...](Knight Yefim)

[The Light will protect your soul, Yefim, but not your hide. Remember that well.](Knight Fridrik)

The Knights seemed to have sent most of their newbies here, where Lilith might've set one of her traps. As for the general situation, less than 20% of them were calm and battle-ready. Of the other 80%, half were scared and unprepared, while the other half were overconfident and fanatic in their belief.

As for the glenfolk, they weren't as shaken by the sudden fog or the increased number of enemies surrounding them.

Even the children were confident. 

[Momma says that tying our hair into the wards makes them stronger.](Caedmon)

[Haha! We need to make sure our daughter has all the warding materials. She'll be a fine protector of our glen when she's old enough.](Carys)


[*Deep breath* Good! They're burning the pine resin. I hope it will keep us safe.](Guard Eogan)

[It always has before. Trust in the old ways.](Guard Myfi)

[The Knights Penintent think they understand what's out there. Think their Light's enough to face it. They're in for a shock.](Beitris)

Not sure if he was drawn over by their traditions, Michael happily conversed with the glenfolk for over an hour as he traveled from one point to the next in Braestaig. 

Surprisingly, his simple conversation with an old man turned into a Side Quest.

"You seem sad, old man."

[*Sigh* I think I'm too old to experience such darkness again. Or perhaps it is because I am old that I must...](Baltair)

"Aren't there plenty of young people to take on the worries instead of the elderly? Tell me, old man Baltari, how can I ease your sorrow?"

[You're a good lad, Wanderer. It's my family. They live in Corbach, over in the Strand. Things there are dire, not enough food to go around. I came here thinking of earning some coin, maybe even sending some food back to them. But I can't afford to leave work long enough to visit them, and I don't make enough to move them here... *Sigh*](Baltair)

"Do you need me to help? You know us Wanderers are wealthy people, right?"

[Lad, I might be old, but my back still works. I won't accept charity. Instead, I have another request. Would ya have it in you to take this to my son Tadhg? I know he and the others need it more than I.](Baltair)

"So stubborn... Worry not; I will take care of it."

Leaving the old man behind, Michael shook his head. In reality, with the wealth Wanderers could make while fighting in the wilderness or through Dungeons, they could easily bolster the living conditions of an entire city singlehandedly. 

The main reason was the slow economic development in the world of Sanctuary. After all, most people were worried about living to see another day rather than improving their living conditions.

[ Side Quest issued - The Starving Strand

Objective: Take the Bag of Foodstuffs to Tadhg

Description: An old man named Baltair in Braestaig has asked you to bring some food to his starving family in Corbach. ]

Scratching his head and realizing that the direction of this Quest was in the opposite way of where he needed to go for his meeting with one of the three heroes beside Donan, he could only silently postpone it.

Seeing the time was already passing, Michael found Yorin and the Knights arguing with a fierce warrior of the glen. It was a woman, as well as the Chieftain of Braestaig.

[Wood will bend like grass in the wind when the spirits arrive. Physical barriers alone will not be enough!](Chieftain Asgail)

[And your talismans and dirt scrawling will give the dead greater pause?](Knight Omas)

Hearing the disdain in the Knight's voice, Michael shook his head. Churches were the same, irrelevant to the world they were in. They firmly believe that only their fate is real, and all others are bumbling lunatics while taking pleasure in mocking them for it.

"If it worked in the past, why wouldn't it work now or in the future? You're giving the Cathedral a bad name, sir."

[Hmpf! And who are you to...](Knight Omas)

[Enough. We're not here to argue and make enemies. It's good to see you again, Wanderer.](Yorin)

"Likewise, young master Yorin. A pleasure to meet you as well, Chieftain Asgail. It's not often that one meets a valiant and beautiful lady such as yourself."

The Chieftain looked him over with a smirk as if assessing him. His intervention in the argument and his attractive face might've won some points with the glenfolk Chieftain, as the woman relented.

[A silver tongue on this one. You picked a damn fine time to visit Braestaig, Wanderer. The whetstones are singing. Hearts are pounding. Sweet music for a red day.](Chieftain Asgail)

"What day isn't red lately? Donan sent me."

[Huh, at least you're not another Knight Penitent.](Chieftain Asgail)

Michael smirked, but the previously enraged Knight burst into anger upon hearing the words.

['At least'!? It is us who will protect this village with our lives...](Knight Omas)

[Let it be, Omas.](Yorin)

Looking pleadingly at the Chieftain to stop poking, Yorin's puppy eyes seemed to have convinced the woman as she stopped making fun of Omas.

Michael also didn't want to fuel this fire any longer, so he quietly looked at Asgail and waited for her to continue her explanation.

[There's an ominous fog uphill. Mad spirits emerge from it. They'll be here shortly. Are you here to help us ward them off?](Chieftain Asgail)

"I seek a demon who passed through. After finding it, I can return and help as much as possible."

[So... that's what it was. *Sigh* well, this day keeps getting better, doesn't it?](Chieftain Asgail)


[The demon went uphill to Airidah's domain. But unless you want to join the spirits, I wouldn't go there. It's best you stay here with us. The path can't be found simply using your eyes and ears.](Chieftain Asgail)

[I can lead you to Airidah.](Yorin)

[Out of the question.](Knight Omas)

[Impossible!](Chieftain Asgail)

"This time, I must agree with them, young master Yorin. There's a big difference between seeking adventure and seeking death."

Surprisingly, Yorin remained staunch in his attempt to lead the way.

[I'll be safe, Omas. Father puts his trust in this Wanderer. So shall we. Tell me when you're ready to move.](Yorin)

Raising an eyebrow at the boy's words, Michael pondered quietly for a moment and finally agreed. Demons, spirits, goatmen, undead, and whatever else was out there, he could protect the boy no matter what might come their way.

The Knight Omas seemed still worried, but watching Chieftain Asgail put one of the glenfolk wards on the boy, he stopped convincing him otherwise. He knew the lad was as stubborn as his father.

[Mind what lurks in the fog and return as soon as you can. Donan will have my head if anything happens to you.](Knight Omas)

Michael continued his conversation with the Chieftain, who subtly suggested a night visit. Realizing that he should leave soon for both his and this woman's safety, he grabbed Yorin and prepared to bolt.