Chapter 192. Harrowed Lament

Patting the boy's shoulder, Michael explained in a low voice.

"I've seen others fall under Lilith's control. She must've exploited Airidah's weak points."

[But... Airidah was sworn to keep the dead at peace... What... what should we do?](Yorin)

"Worst case? We'll need to stop her."

[*Inhale* Right. 'Solutions are found ahead, not behind.' as father often says.](Yorin)

"Your father is a wise man. Let's go."

[ Main Quest update - Exhuming the Forgotten

Objective: Find the exit from the Weeping Cairns. ]

It wasn't long before the duo reached the exit, which apparently led into Ancestor Heights. Some people lived there under Airidah's protection.

But for Michael, he couldn't help but fear the massacre they would witness on the other side of the gate.

Stepping through the exit and resummoning his minions, he calmly looked around. There were no corpses or enemies, just a beautiful, sparse forest beset by rain.

"The wind is picking up. We should hurry."

[ Main Quest complete - Exhuming the Forgotten

Reward 1: 39,337 experience points

Reward 2: 2,940 gold coins. ]

[ Main Quest issued - Harrowed Lament

Objective: Find Airidah

Description: You and Yorin have passed through the Weeping Cairns, but the hills beyond are far from safe. You must find a way through the haunted pass to Airidah's domain, Solitude, to the north. ]

Just as Yorin was about to reply, a harrowing scream drowned the noise of raindrops hitting the trees and wind shuffling the leaves.

The scream was both pained and filled with unspeakable anger.

[Did you hear that!? Something is... screaming in rage ahead.](Yorin)

"We'll do it like before. Stand behind me and keep an eye on your surroundings."

The MAP showed the place they were moving through, Clocheen, which reminded Michael of the conversation he had with the innkeeper in Braestaig. 

According to the man, glenfolk should be living among these hills. As for that scream, worried that it might be a live human being, they hurried forward. But what they found was... both terrible and terrifying.

[Oh, no! That's one of our revered dead from the cairns!](Yorin)

Looking at the dead Druid lifted and tied with a rope on a tall pole, the Necromancer was infuriated. He was still a newbie when it came to his Class, but he could feel the outrage and sadness overflowing from the awoken dead.

The dead Druid turned its head and looked into his eyes, seemingly begging for his well-deserved rest. Its body wasn't in its control anymore, though, and lightning strikes fell on the minions protecting the duo.

[The same Druid runes used for waking the dead... And this spell is the druidic chant for Lightning Storm!](Yorin)

Stepping forward, Michael had Quarterback protect Yorin with his body from the lightning strikes as he moved forward alone.

His high Armor and Resistance were enough for him to become only slightly numb in his extremities after being hit. As for the Wraiths and 'treants' standing guard over the 'Risen Remains,' as the Sanctuary identified it, Michael used the Corpses generated through their suffering to put the 'ancestor' to rest.

He wasn't sure if he was imagining things, but a sigh of relief echoed in his mind as the body on the pillar turned to dust.

[Return to the ground. May he find eternal rest.](?)


A man and a young girl, probably younger than Yorin, left one of the nearby stone houses and looked at the destroyed wooden pole.

They seemed to be father and daughter, living in this area, just like the innkeeper said.

[Did you think we'd so easily join the dead, lad? How did you find your way up here?](Arlo)

[Through the cairns.](Yorin)

[Through them? Mighty brave of you. And mighty foolish! You should know better.](Arlo)

[I had help.](Yorin)

"Hello. I'm Michael. What happened here?"

[Airidah came through with a horned woman. Not her regular company, to be sure.](Arlo)

[Ah! Lilith!](Yorin)

Frowning at the revelation, Michael inwardly complained about being right. If Lilith was ahead, he couldn't bring Yorin with him. It was too dangerous. 

Nodding at Arlo to continue, he tried creating a plan for what stood ahead.

[They headed toward Solitude, the top of the hill. The sound of Airidah's talharpa carried with the wind, and then this madness began.](Arlo)

"The risen dead or the storm?"

[Both. If you aim to follow them, you won't get far with all this fog. It seems to be drawn to the risen remains. We spotted two others in the hills before this one tore from the earth.](Arlo)

"I see. So after laying them to rest, the fog should clear. I'll go alone, Yorin."

[Yes. I'll stay here and protect these two. The fog is too near to leave them undefended.](Yorin)

[The stones defend us, lad. I remember when you were still -](Arlo)

[I'm staying, Arlo.](Yorin)

[*Scoff* Stubborn like your father... that will keep you alive.](Arlo)

Michael turned curious when looking at the man who appeared to know Yorin. They are more than everyday acquaintances, that's for sure.

"How do you know Yorin?"

[I'm a friend of his father. Met him in the Days of Ash. Saved his life, actually. *Chuckle* If you asked him, he'd probably claim that he saved mine. Hasn't come up this way in a long while, but he used to. Now and then, I'd even go and share a pint with him in his fancy house. That's how I came to know this lad.](Arlo)

"I see. Why do you remain here? Isn't Braestaig better?"

[Tsk! Much safer here than stumbling through all the fog. These huts are more than just stone. My ancestors blessed them to ward off storms and spirits alike.](Arlo)

[~When the wicked winds starts to moan, best to shelter in the safety of stone.~](Maisie)

Hearing the pretty voice of the young girl singing, Michael was taken aback. The father touched the girl's head and ruffled her hair happily.

That seems to be a traditional song or something similar.

[Right you are, lass.](Arlo)

"What about the rest? Where is everyone?"

[*Sigh* I told them to stay put, but they all fled when the fog crept in.](Arlo)

[I'm sure they're safe. They know these hills better than anyone.](Yorin)

[But fear has a way of making the wise into fools, lad. Let's hope they escaped safely.](Arlo)

Seeing the girl look at him curiously, Michael smiled back.

"Is everything alright?"

[We have enough food to last us weeks. I sharpened my blade, too, in case any spirits get too close.](Maise)

[You taught her well.](Yorin)

[Not so much to learn from someone like me. The truth is, she's the reason I've lasted this long up here. She became a Wanderer not that long ago.](Maise)

Raising an eyebrow at the calm girl, Michael smiled and removed a Rare shortsword from his inventory. The weapon didn't have level or Class restrictions, but that also removed most of its affixes.

It was only a bit longer than the dagger she held at her waist, so it turned out to be a good present, even if he wanted to throw it away earlier. Seeing her shining eyes, he made a mental note of the girl for Helen's 'elites' program. 

[ Main Quest update - Harrowed Lament

Objective: Find and destroy the Risen Remains (0/2). ]

With the Sanctuary hurrying him forward, Michael left the trio behind and searched for the two 'ancestors.' The Quest area was too large, and he didn't have too much time to spare searching for and killing spirits on his way.

Closing his eyes to listen more carefully, he sifted through the wind and rain. The wrathful roars of the awakened dead drew his attention immediately.

'One to the left and one to the right. The right is closer, and the one on the left is much further away. Let's deal with them in that order.'

Fifteen minutes later, the second one was put to rest, and another half an hour later, the third one joined.

'The fog is thinning as we speak. I'll check on Yorin before heading for the top of the hill. Hmm!? This place...'

Checking on the MAP, the spot where he destroyed the third Risen Remains was fairly close to the Quest area for the thief Darcel.

'It's probably his hideout, huh? Let's take care of that, too. Otherwise, I'll have to spend another two to three hours returning here later or tomorrow.'

He found the unrepenting thief and tried to reason with him. Unfortunately, Michael was met with a dagger thrown at his face instead of a response.

[ Darcel (Elite) - Level 53

*Summoner: Creates two summoning circles through which demonic creatures can be called upon every 5 minutes.

* Cold Enchanted: All attacks deal an extra 150 Cold damage.

*Chilling Wind: Summons a wall of wind to block all ranged attacks. ]

Dealing with the thief who overestimated himself, Michael searched his body for a couple of minutes and retrieved the Quest Item, the runic charm.

"It didn't seem to work for you, buddy. Even if it's a sham, the placebo effect should be sufficient to ease the mother's mind. Let's return this."

Summoning his mount, Michael got on it and rode back to Clocheen, where Yorin and the other two were waiting.

He found them arguing.

[The roads are clear now. We need to get to Baestaig. It's safer there.](Yorin)

[We've lasted this long and survived worse.](Arlo)

[You've been fortunate. Why risk it?](Yorin)

Dismounting, he approached the trio and smiled.

"If Lilith is or was here, you are still in grave danger. It's better to leave for a while."

[Baestaig... swarming with those Cathedral gobshites...](Arlo)

[Please, Arlo. Just for now.](Yorin)

[Maybe we should go with him, Dad...](Maisie)

Looking at his daughter's clear eyes, the father finally caved in.

[*Gruff sigh* Well... the ale would be welcomed.](Arlo)

"Good. I will deal with Airidah and Lilith. See them safely to Baestaig, Yorin."

[I... I will. Thank you.](Yorin)

Watching the trio leave, so did his previous bravery as the Necromancer's legs turned into jelly. Airidah, he should probably handle with the Sanctuary's interference. 

'But if Lilith is around, I don't think I'll have time to even run away. *Sigh* I should've waited until I got to Level 50 and went through my Second Class Awakening. That way, I would at least die with some dignity...'

[ Main Quest complete - Harrowed Lament

Reward 1: 22,478 experience points.

Reward 2: 2,450 gold coins. ]

[ Main Quest issued - Apex of Misery

Objective: Find Airidah atop Solitude

Description: It seems Airidah has fallen to Lilith's persuasion or is being manipulated by the demoness. Yorin has remained with Arlo and Maise to ensure their safety. It is now up to you to confront Airidah and find the truth behind this beldam. ]

Reading the description for the new Quest, the Necromancer's face lit up considerably.

'Is the Sanctuary hinting that only Airidah is left there? That's good, that's good! Still... that also means that she got what she came for. Whatever that is...'

Moving through the road leading uphill, Michael cleared more monsters and two more Risen Remains before arriving at the Solitude peak's base.

The storm intensified, but he could hear a voice talking to him between thunder and rain.

[Have you seen the signs as I have, Wanderer?](?)

"This... Airidah?"

[Hell is coming, and my people are not ready to face it. Not yet.](Airidah)

Looking at the MAP and seeing that he was indeed at the right place, the Necromancer continued searching for the source of the voice echoing through the Windswept Trail.

[As for you, Wanderer... you are already strong. Hm. Come forward.](Airidah)

Taking a deep breath and accepting the invitation, Michael climbed the hill, taking in the beauty of nature. Even as the storm was raging, impeding his vision and blasting his ears with the roars of thunder, it was still beautiful beyond words.

The view helped calm his emotions, and he slowly approached the apex. There, he found an old woman playing a strange instrument. It was similar to a rectangular violin, as a bow gently moved as if imitating the wind.

"What a peculiar yet pleasant sound. I would've loved to hear you play this under different circumstances."

[Only one of us will walk away from this, Wanderer, so let's enjoy the storm for a moment. Ah, nature's music.](Airidah)

"It would be more enjoyable if I didn't see what I did coming here. The dead are killing your people as we speak, and you are still in the mood to watch the storm?"

[Some will die, yes... but that is the way of nature. It is a crucible. It devours the weak and makes the strong stronger. And those who survive will save this land from Hell.](Airidah)

"You've fallen to Lilith's lies. She exploited your fears..."

[No, no, young lad. This is my choice. Lilith only granted me the power to do what must be done.](Airidah)

"And what did you trade with her in exchange?"

[Haha! All things must be earned in the wilds, even knowledge. Prove yourself, and you will have your answers...](Airidah)

The music stopped, and the Druid legend vanished. With the mounting pressure and the killing intent suffocating him, Michael was about to face his first battle to the death with someone who wasn't truly guilty of major crimes.