Chapter 195. Tirmair

It was another physically and mentally draining day. After ending his communication with Celeste and ensuring that the people of Corbach don't do stupid things like cannibalizing each other due to hunger, Michael returned to the Sleepy Peaks Inn.

Once there, he ordered some food and ate it pensively, wondering how many other people were in a similar situation, where they couldn't eat for days, much less eat their fill.

'Back on Earth, I kept hearing about Africa and its children starving daily, but it never bothered me that much. I guess hearing about it and seeing it firsthand are two different things. Still... it's fucked up that it still doesn't bother me as much as it should. It's not even compartmentalizing anymore, but simply not caring. Is it because I don't know the people of Corbach that I am not that emotionally invested? Overall, the happenings with Airidah affected me more than seeing an entire small city starving...'

After finishing his food and enjoying the drinks offered by Raskya, the Necromancer tried some introspection in the hopes of figuring himself out. Unfortunately, it wasn't that simple.

After more than an hour of pondering and drinking, there were no answers that could mentally transform him. It was a simple 'they are them, and I am me.'

Fortunately, Helen arrived and pulled him out of his philosophical rant. Immediately after arriving, he paid some kids loafing around the Inn to send word to the Pink Palace that he would be waiting for her there.

It was a convenient way to give some coins to them since he had the Ring of Communication. After all, there was a big difference between money gained through charity and money earned through one's hard work.

When the tigress arrived, he accompanied her for dinner even if he had already eaten.

"Did everything work out as intended today?"

[Yes. I heard the other girls leveled up quite a bit and even managed to change most of their old equipment for better items.](Helen)

"That's good to hear. What about yourself?"

[I managed to clear 8 Nightmare Dungeons. I got delayed too much because three of them had poison modifiers, and I couldn't be rash in exploring them. So I was short two for my target for the day.](Helen)

Watching her stuff her cheeks like a squirrel and try to explain the most exciting things that happened during her raids, Michael relaxed considerably. His mental fatigue decreased drastically.

Allowing her to eat, he also gave a detailed report of everything he went through throughout the day. She reacted cutely every time something significant happened, making the Necromancer enjoy the storytelling because of her expressions.

When he was done, Helen was beet red and a bit shy, as Michael kept staring fixedly at her. Realizing what her train of thought was, he smiled slyly and dragged her up to his room. It was fortunate that the room was equipped with a soundproofing array because, lately, Helen had been more proactive and open to new 'ideas' than before and, therefore, much louder.

After enjoying his act of corrupting the innocent woman to various degrees last night, the Necromancer ate his breakfast while grinning at her. The tigress was still red, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. She kept having flashbacks of everything they had tried the previous night, which were now making her want to find a hole in the ground to hide in.

Luckily for the beauty, Michael didn't tease her, even if he wanted to. Very much so!

'Tsk, tsk, tsk! I didn't expect this pretty tigress to have such a side. I knew I should've tried that earlier. Let's change the subject; else she'll feel self-conscious about it.'

"I am planning to visit the second location for the Main Quest today. After meeting with the second Legendary Druid, I should have more details of Lilith's actions."

[Hmm? I see. What about Donan?](Helen)

"I plan to visit him first before doing anything else. Airidah's last words about Astaroth being only imprisoned imply that the demon is not dead. And that worries me. A lot!"

[You are almost Level 50, so be careful. The difficulty of the Quest will jump up tremendously if you finish your Second Class Awakening first.](Helen)

"Mhm. That's why I plan to wrap up the Main Quest first. I don't want any variables to interfere. After that, I can deal with the Awakening and raise my World Tier Difficulty. There are plenty of rewards waiting for me to claim them."

Remembering all the Paragon Points, Skill Points, extra Potion Capacity, Maximum Obol increases, as well as the gold and experience he would gain through the Region Progress, Helen felt the food tasted bitter. She glared at her boyfriend for bragging too much and huffingly left for the morning meeting with her sisters.

Before leaving for the Firebreak Manor, he opened his five caches, patiently waiting in his inventory. In addition to the five Rare items, he also got 13 Rawhides, 7 Superior Leathers, 20 Murmuring Obols, 5 Veiled Crystals, 1 Biteberry, 2 Blightshade, 6 Gallowvine, 1 Lifesbane, 1 Reddamine, and 3 Howler Moss.

Then, he visited Zivek and his forge, planning to clear his inventory. That resulted in 27 Iron Chunks, 3 Silver Ores, 14 Rawhides, 3 Superior Leathers, and 13 Veiled Crystals.

Now, the only thing left was figuring out what to do with the Legendary dagger in his inventory.

[ Jambiya of Grasping Veins

Legendary Dagger

541 Item Power


424 Damage per Second (+5 when compared with the currently equipped item)

* [283 - 425] Damage per Hit

* 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)

* +11.5% Damage to Close Enemies


* +10.5% Critical Strike Chance

* +18.0% Basic Skill Damage

* +17.0% Damage to Injured Enemies 

* Lucky Hit: Up to a 5.5% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites

Legendary Aspect: When you cast Corpse Tendrils, you gain an 11% increased Critical Strike Chance for 6 seconds. You also deal 22% bonus Critical Strike Damage to enemies damaged by Corpse Tendrils (Necromancer Only). ]

After much consideration, he salvaged the item for the rare materials he would gain from Zivek. Two iron Chunks, one Silver Ore, and one Baelful Fragment joined his hoard.

Then, without hesitating any longer, he traveled to the Firebreak Manor through the Waypoint. The Steward mentioned that his employer left for the Keep to meet with his son, prompting the Necromancer to follow.

Entering Eldahime, Michael noticed a more somber mood than before. Fortunately, the Knights didn't give him a hard time, and he was able to find Donan in the same place he met the man before.

[You've come.](Donan)

"Greetings. I bring bad news, I'm afraid. Airidah has fallen."

[*Sigh* Yes, Yorin told me. He was just here.](Donan)

The man looked disillusioned and hurt. It appears that losing Airidah was a big blow to the Horadrim. Sister, lover, or otherwise, Michael knew the man was suffering.

So he kept quiet and waited for Donan to gather his thoughts.

[Of all people, I never would have expected her to embrace Lilith.](Donan)

"There's more. Before she passed, Airidah spoke of a song that breaks the wards around Astaroth's chamber. What did she mean? What chamber?"

[Keep your voice down! Ugh... Does Yorin know?](Donan)


[Good. Astaroth's essence is nearby but contained, secure, and beyond Lilith's reach. Speak of this to no one. The last thing we need now is to cause panic.](Donan)

No matter how much he pushed and pulled, the Horadrim wouldn't reveal anything else. But the conversation was enough on its own for Michael to realize a very significant bit: Astaroth - or whatever remained of him - was sealed under the Keep.

'Otherwise, Donan wouldn't say that it's nearby. Airidah didn't mention if she gave the location of Astaroth's prison to Lilith, but if she did, the Keep would've already been besieged by demons and other monsters. It can only mean that Lilith already knew the location and only asked for a way to free the demon, or she 'traded' with Airidah for only one piece of the information, banking on the fact that she would get the location from the second Druid.'

Bidding farewell to Donan, Michael left for Tirmair.

[ Main Quest - Feral Nature

Objective: Check with the Knights in Tirmair about Lilith's whereabouts. ]

Since Corbach was the closest Waypoint to his destination, Michael returned to the Firebreak Manor and teleported to the city. To his relief, the people seemed more content, and the light in their eyes showed hope.

After listening for a couple of minutes to the conversations between the elderly, the Chieftain distributed some bear meat last night, and Celeste did indeed send relief rations to last the people throughout the spring.

Leaving the city walls, he mounted his horse and traveled through the Strandflats. What shocked him was that as he crossed into the Daudur Peats, not that far from the city, he discovered demons—not monsters or wildlife, but actual Fallen, Carvers, Lunatics, and demonic Shamans.

After dismounting and clearing the scourge, he gained unexpected allies throughout the fight: Brigands. They sneered at the Necromancer but didn't attack him, instead dealing with the demons.

He followed behind them as they dwelled deeper in the wilderness and helped destroy a summoning altar that acted as a portal between the Burning Hells and the Sanctuary.

[The Boss asked me to tell you to leave. We won't attack you since you helped take revenge on the demons for our fallen brothers.](?)

Looking at the underling passing the message, the Necromancer understood whose bodies were lying around the altar, probably used as sacrifices. 

He could kill all these bandits to avoid future problems, but he wasn't a butcher. As of right now, he had no intel of their misconduct. Furthermore, if they somehow acted as a buffer between the monsters in the wilderness and the city nearby, killing them would be foolish as it would endanger the lives of the common folk.

So he continued his travel to Tirmair and reached the outpost in less than half an hour. Much to his surprise, as soon as he was granted entrance by the guards, he got a Side Quest.

[Sod it! Overgrown varmints broke another trap!](?)

Looking at the man who appeared to be a hunter trying to fix a large bear trap, Michael approached him curiously.

"Haven't caught anything?"

[Nay, traveler. The traps have yielded naught and won't for some time. This land needs time to recover.](?)

"That's a shame. My name is Michael. A Wanderer. I came here for a Quest. Anything I can help with?"

[Me name is Atli. Thorn beasts are still in abundance out there. Haven't shown signs of corruption, but they have a thought meat, and are too smart for normal traps. I hope the new snares will yield better results. If you would, help us hunt some. Too dangerous out there for normal folk.](Atli)

"Got it. I'll see what I can do."

[ Side Quest issued - An Acquired Taste

Objective: Collect Thorn Beast meat (0/12)

Description: The people of Timair are near starvation. The local hunter told you Thorn Beasts roaming the Shrouded Moors may be safe to eat but are difficult to trap. You should hunt down these beasts and gather their meat for Atli the Hunter. ]

Looking at the Quest's description, Michael's lips twitched. At no point did the hunter mention the Shrouded Moors, but he would accept and thank the Sanctuary silently for its help.

Opening his MAP he found two more Side Quests in this small village, which he planned to accept. 

[ Side Quest: Of Pests and Pestilence (Level 45+)

Description: Fly swarms are infecting the Moors. ]

[ Side Quest: Settling the Tab (Level 45+)

Description: A man searches for someone willing to do him a 'favor.' ]

The second Quest was a bit shady, but the first one appeared to have some significance. Not in a hurry to activate the Waypoint or get the other Quests, Michael walked around the village, collecting information.

Most of what he found pointed to a possible disease spreading in the wild, affecting wildlife and crops.

[*sigh* Damn. I thought you were clean. I'll try and find some use for you, little one. Corrupted or not, I'll not let your death be for nothing.](?)

Watching another hunter skin and dismember a deer, he also noticed dark-red energy surrounding its meat and turning it putrid. With his energy vision, Michael could tell that it was demonic in nature. 

Without a doubt, Lilith passed through here. 

Fortunately, not everyone was unlucky.

[Today's hunt has been blessed. It'll be a good one!](?)

[What do you mean?](?)

[I saw the wolf this morning while I was out setting traps. Locked eyes with him.](?)

[The wolf!? He's still healthy?](?)

[Aye, fur still as white as the moon. I'll take any good omen I can find.](?)

Since he hadn't built any rapport with the natives here yet, he couldn't ask many questions, therefore, he kept the mention of the wolf in mind as he continued his investigation of this outpost.