Chapter 197. The Beast Within

Finding Atli still working on more bear traps, Michael dismounted and removed the hunted game from his inventory.

"I brought back thorn beast meat. I hope it helps alleviate the hunger in the town."

[Ah, it will! Thank you, Wanderer. We'll sleep well tonight with full bellies. I can't remember the last time that happened. You've done more than you know!](Atli)

After watching the hunter call in help for cleaning and preparing the meat, Michael left for the Inn.

[ Side Quest complete - An Acquired Taste

Reward 1: 12,594 experience points

Reward 2: 2,000 gold coins

Reward 3: Leather Cache. ]

Finding Meav, he told her the good news.

"I have killed many of the swarms I found. I hope they give you less trouble in the future. I already mentioned them being an issue to the Wanderer representative of Scosglen, so they'll come and periodically exterminate every time they appear."

[Bless ye and all yet descendants! Perhaps there's hope after all. Maybe we'll try planin' the fields again.](Meav)

The inn turned boisterous after the hostess gave out free ale to celebrate a possible better future.

Leaving the partying people behind, he curiously looked at his interface.

[ Side Quest complete - Of Pests and Pestilence

Reward 1: 12,594 experience points

Reward 2: 2,000 gold coins

Reward 3: Elixir Cache. ]

[ Region progress rewards earned!

Region: Scosglen

Rewards available! ]

Opening his Regional Progress interface, he saw that Scoglen had reached the third tier. He could now claim 1 skill point, 25,000 gold coins, and experience points.

Accepting the rewards, his total number of earned skill points outside leveling up rose to six. His gold reserves also climbed to 850,000+, but the most surprising was the experience boost.

'25,189 experience points... That's more than most Main Quests I've completed. Still, I'm only at 169,741/689,724, and leveling up to 50 is still far away. Looks like I have to focus on some Dungeons if I don't reach my goal through Quests.'

Opening his MAP, he set the tracker for the spot the Knight-Captain Razzia mentioned.

[ Main Quest update - Feral Nature

Objective: Search for Nafain at Boglann Stone Circle. ]

Without anything else left to do in Tirmir, the Necromance summoned his mount and traveled to the location marked through a golden circle. 

Moving on horseback through the Daudur Peats, Michael inspected the area, curious to see if there were any traces of a demonic presence. 

Fortunately or unfortunately, all he could find were more Worgen and lots of fly swarms, which he proceeded to swat out of existence.

After climbing a small cliff, he reached the spot mentioned by the Knight-Captain and looked around.

'A stone platform on the ground and a large stone totem altar with strange runic symbols on it. I can't read it, but the Sanctuary can identify for me, which means it's a Quest clue.'

[ This stone is carved with a message welcoming travelers to the forest, where they can become one with nature. But something has been written over it, in dried blood: 'CATHEDRAL DOGS NOT WELCOME.' ]

Seeing the friendly reminder, Michael shook his head and prepared to move deeper in when the growl of a creature caught him by surprise.

Turning around, he saw a wolf the size of a calf baring his fangs at him. What puzzled the Necromancer were his minions, who didn't seem to react to the creature.

Unable to tell if it was just a wolf very capable of prowling or if the minions didn't detect malice and therefore didn't react, Michael calmed down and inspected the creature, which was doing the same thing.

'Large wolf, fur is ashy gray with patches of blood. Its original color should be silvery-white, meaning that it's probably the Druid's companion. However, its underbelly and legs are red, as if it sat in a pool of blood, and the rest of its fur is covered in soot. Let's try talking to it. If it's a Druid's companion, then its intelligence should be high.'

The snarling creature approached him cautiously, and Michael lowered himself to its eye level. 

"Easy, my friend. I'm not one of the Knights."

Probably surprised by the sudden gesture, the wolf stopped for a moment and then advanced closer. Its snout approached the Necromancer's face, prompting thoughts about how his face might get ripped off if he made sudden moves.

Then, the wolf sniffed him a couple of times and retreated. Now, it calmly sat on the ground and looked at him as if asking what he was doing there.

"I'm looking for your master, Nafain. Think you could help me with that?"


"Good boy! Lead the way."

Seeing the creature's disdainful look, Michael coughed awkwardly. Hearing it bark, he unknowingly treated it like a dog instead of a wolf. 

Fortunately, it didn't seem to mind.

[ Main Quest complete - Feral Nature

Reward 1: 25,189 experience points

Reward 2: 2,500 gold coins. ]

[ Main Quest issued - The Beast Within

Objective: Follow Nafain's wolf

Description: The White Wolf will lead you to Nafain. Perhaps then you can get some answers. ]

Following behind the majestic creature, Michael wanted to have a conversation but had no idea what to ask or how to interpret the answers.

So he kept quiet and checked his surroundings. The forest at the bottom of the cliffs appeared engulfed in a red fog, which dyed everything an ominous color.

Looking at the bloody pawprints it left behind, the Necromancer's eyebrows furrowed more and more, making him unable to understand what was happening. 

Until they reached the bottom of the cliff, in the forest called the Blood Vale. The wolf's growls alerted him to incoming enemies. Worgen, bears, and disgusting Plague Worms rushed at them.

Ordering his minions at the front to tank, Michael observed the fierce creatures. 

[ Frenzied Worgen (Minion) - Level 54 ]

[ Diseased Bear (Minion) - Level 54 ]

[ Plagued Worm (Minion) - Level 54 ]

The wildlife appeared contaminated, and it was surrounded by fly swarms. That wasn't even the worst part. 

The ground itself was covered in a thin layer of blood. It wasn't water dyed by something, but blood. The metallic smell couldn't be mistaken for something else.

Clearing the creatures and advancing in the direction the wolf was pointing, he found a small pile of Knights Penitent equipment and looked at the wolf questioningly.

Michael could swear the wolf had a human-like sneer and didn't even look at the pile, afraid he might get disgusted. 

'It's been fifteen minutes already, but I killed more than forty infected animals... what the hell happened here? What did Lilith do?'

The answer arrived much faster than he expected, as the wolf led him to a high cliff with steps carved on it in a zig-zagging pattern. Seeing the creature effortlessly climbing an almost straight wall was rather interesting, but the blood flowing on this wall made all his questions stop.

Upon successfully following it at the top, the MAP updated and identified the location as Heart of the Moors. 

But the Necromancer couldn't focus on that, as a small river of blood appeared to be flowing ahead. 

"What the... where... this..."

The sight was so horrific that he couldn't form coherent sentences. The wolf ran ahead, and silent whines could be heard every once in a while.

Low moans of pain soon followed, prompting the Necromancer to run swiftly toward the sound.

[ Main Quest update - The Beast Within

Objective: Find Nafain in the Heart of the Moors. ]

Expecting the worst, Michael steeled his mind and heart, running until he reached the trunk of a tree. It was bigger and taller than most trees he had seen so far, but he couldn't admire it.

As for the reason behind it... a man cut in half at the waist was tangled in the tree's vines, continuously moaning in agony. Blood was pouring out of the man just like ale would from a broken barrel.

The amounts flowing were biologically impossible, magical Sanctuary or otherwise. This was the source of the blood in the entire forest.

"How is... this even possible..."

[*Low moan*](?)

"This... are you Nafain?"

The man - or rather, what remained of him - opened his eyes with difficulty and growled more than spoke his answer.

[What? Who... who are you? Hmm? *Sniffing* You stink of Donan... but he is not here. Coward!](Nafain)

"*Sigh* he feared Lilith might seek you out. He was right from the looks of it..."

[*Snarl* Yes... she put me here. I am beyond saving... all you can do for me is... find the demon. I will help you... go to the North. She is there. Planning... something...](Nafain)

"How long ago was she here?"

[*Ragged breathing* Not long. There is still time to stop her... Fiorban will accompany you. Hurry!](Nafain)

Looking questioningly at the dying Druid, Michael's attention was drawn when the wolf - Fiorban - scratched his pants with its claws. 

Seeing the intelligent creature already pointing back to the bottom of the wall they climbed, the Necromancer took a deep breath and prepared to leave before anything even worse could happen.

[ Main Quest complete - The Beast Within

Reward 1: 44,082 experience points

Reward 2: 3,000 gold coins. ]

[ Main Quest issued - The Path of Rage

Objective: Follow the flow of corruption into the Untamed Thicket. ]

The location was only fifteen minutes away on foot, but he was delayed due to the crazed wildlife attacking him.

Surprisingly, Fiorban's attacks were enough to wipe out most enemies in one hit. Claws and fangs ripped into the creatures' bodies, slaying them with ease.

Upon reaching their goal, a disgusting amalgamation of blood and flesh blocked their passage.

"Looks like a barrier of blood. There must be a way to bring it down."

Just as he was speaking, Fiorban turned its head in a certain direction and attacked a strangely overgrown red bush. 

A strange blood boil was revealed upon cutting some of the leaves and branches in the way.

[ Main Quest update - The Path of Rage

Objective: Destroy the Unnatural Growths sustaining the blockage at the Untamed Thicket (0/3). ]

Lilith made sure that all three of these Unnatural Growths were spread around the forest, making him and the wolf spend more than half an hour finding their locations with the Sanctuary's help and destroying, as well as the crazed creatures protecting them.

Once they did, the Quest changed.

[ Main Quest update - The Path of Rage

Objective: Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket. ]

The barrier fell just like the other three blood boils, and the Quest was completed. 

[ Main Quest complete - The Path of Rage

Reward 1: 44,082 experience points

Reward 2: 3,000 gold coins. ]

[ Main Quest issued - Fangs of Corruption

Objective: Enter the Untamed Thicket

Description: You have opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits you at the end of it? ]

Grimacing at the vague but somehow descriptive words of the Sanctuary, Michael mentally prepared himself for the worst. 

It seems that all the blood flowing from that tree and Nafain's was being drawn here for a strange purpose. Lilith was planning something...

Stepping inside through a thin film, the Necromancer found himself in a different place.

"A Dungeon... temporary, most likely. The MAP says this is the Crimson Path, but something tells me it was freshly renamed due to all the blood flowing here... What now?"

[ Main Quest update - Fangs of Corruption

Objective: Find what lies at the end of the corruption. ]

With the Sanctuary leading the way, Michael followed. Until two hundred steps in, when he found something very familiar on the ground.

A strange symbol carved into the soil, made entirely out of blood petals. The symbol was shining brightly red...

"Lilith's mark... *Sigh* Looks like she might be at the end of this trail. Let's see what she's up to."

Crouching and pressing his hand on the mark, nothing happened. Pondering for a while, he imbued some Essence in it, and it shone even brighter, creating a 'hologram' of the demoness.

She was taller than Michael, and her wings made her that much more imposing. A mocking smile adorned her flawless visage, and words oozing with temptation echoed through the silent passage.

[Under old boughs hangs the heart-fruit, swollen with hatred. Let it burst forth and flood the streams and burrows.](Lilith)

The image vanished immediately after, leaving behind a confused Necromancer and a growling Fiorban.

"A curse of sorts? And this heart-fruit should refer to your master, Nafain? After all, all this blood stems from him. Or maybe the heart-fruit refers to Nafain's hatred toward the Cathedral and Donan?"


"Ugh... let's get moving. We won't find answers without reaching the end."

Two more blood-petal marks were found ahead, completing whatever Lilith's curse was.

[In this crimson cradle, let there be born an amalgam of rage.](Lilith)

[Let its anger ever burn until it has devoured the whole of this wretched land.](Lilith)

A bit stumped at the demoness's words, Michael finally found the end of the passage. 

"A clearing. Nafain's blood... it all flows here."