Chapter 215. Proof of Hard Work

After parting ways with Helen, Michael took the Waypoint to Tirmair.

A small town plagued by famine before, it was now showing signs of life again.

'Tirmair was the closest to Nafain's domain. His blood corruption affected everything from wildlife to crops to the fish in the lake. Now that he's gone, the Great Tree in Túr Dúlra is slowly remedying the corruption.'

At least, that's what Celeste claimed after Michael asked about it. The woman was very reluctant to invite the Cathedral to help, after they lost the glenfolk trust with them fleeing from Cerrigar when it was under attack.

Moving through the settlement and checking on the people he met before, he first stopped in front of the Offering Tree, where the Druid Aneira was still praying.

[I have heard his wolf's lament. Nafain is now one with nature... perhaps that is for the best. Nafain, my kin.... what happened to you?](Aneira)

Hearing her words, Michael stopped for a moment but said nothing in the end. Some things were better left unsaid.

Walking inside the inn, he found Seona, the owner, and asked her about what happened recently.

"What's the word around town?"

[There's talk that the ancestors finally answered our prayers. As for whether they did or not, something's different, that's for sure.](Seona)

"Glad to hear that. It seems there are fewer people than before, though."

[Many have left, yes. But I won't! Don't wanna help? Fine. Let 'em leave, I say. I'm not dumb, Wanderer. You passed through, and our problems suddenly vanished. If it was you or not, it doesn't matter. I know you tried helping us, and that's more important. Thank you!](Seona)

Smiling at the woman as he prepared to leave the inn, an open ledger drew the Necromancer's attention.

It was too far to read, but the Sanctuary helped identify it.

[ Hunter's Ledger

While previous entries were forged in frustration, a new entry written with legible hesitancy reads, 'I'll believe it when I see it with my own eyes. Whispers around say our curse has lifted. Spirits, let it be so...' ]

Content with seeing his hard work bearing fruit, Michael strolled around the town. 

He first visited the local hunters and saw more life in their eyes and visible excitement in Kyrissa's voice as she spoke to Drystan.

[Not sure what, but something's changed. Got a clean kill about a stone's throw from Brione.](Kyrissa)

[Does that mean it's stopped spreading? Have our prayers finally been answered?](Drystan)

[If we can prove it's true, then we should get some more hunters together and map out new hunting grounds.](Kyrissa)

Michael met the duo last time after handing in the quilboar's meat during his first Quest in Tirmair. Now, they were ready to continue living here instead of looking for a better place to move to. 

Moving down to the docks, he found Telyn, the daughter of a renowned fisherman in Scosglen. She was previously complaining about her father's continuous remarks about patience while dismayed by the lack of catch over the course of more than a week.

Now, however, there was happiness in her voice and an extra spring in her step as she roamed the pier, followed by four younglings wanting to learn her craft.

[Pa always said patience and endurance will see us through. And he was right. Caught a fish this morning. It was just a minnow, but it's my minnow! There's hope ahead!](Telyn)

Mounting his horse, he moved through the Daudur Peats and to Boglann Stone Circle. Unfortunately, Fiorban, Nafain's white wolf, wasn't there to greet him this time around, so he continued on his way to the Blood Vale.

The forest still showed signs of contamination, but the lack of fierce wildlife attacking him signified progress, which he was happy about.

Moving through the woods on the trail he previously followed, he reached the steep cliff and climbed it. There were still traces of blood on the walls, but he ignored them and calmly reached the top.

It was still a mess around, with the metallic smell polluting the air, but the small river of blood was at least gone now, and nature could take its time to heal.

Walking to the big tree Lilith had strapped Nafain to, Michael shook his head and walked behind it.

There, he found the loyal creature sitting in front of its master's grave, guarding it.

"Hello Fiorban."


Walking before the grave, Michael placed down a Totem of Passing he grabbed from Túr Dúlra with Nafain in mind.

As the Necromancer wasn't familiar with the burial rites of the Old Ways, he asked what he should do for the dead Druid and was advised to simply place a Totem of Passing near the grave.

'I can't bring myself to pity you, Nafain, since you brought this not only onto yourself but almost doomed the entire Scosglen to follow you in your fate. However, I do hope you find peace. At least for the sake of those left behind.'

Looking at Fiorban, Michael approached it and gently stroked its head, resulting in a low whine from the majestic creature. 

Seeing that the white wolf had already used the Cleaning Marbles he left behind, the Necromancer laughed and supplied twenty more. 

As for food, with a wolf the size of a calf, there was nothing in the forest that could pose a problem to it. So it wasn't short on meat.

Parting with the wolf, Michael returned to Tirmair and took the southern road toward the Fat Goose Inn.

Moving across a bridge, he reached the Withered Scrubs, and from there, he took the western path, reaching the Gloom Pine Pass.

Continuing on this road, which was surprisingly safe since he had yet to meet any monsters, the Necromancer reached the Loch's Bane Ridge.


Lost for words, he overlooked Tirmair from afar, realizing he stood on the other side of the lake. He was on top of a tall cliff, signifying that the place he planned to visit was based around it.

Now, he also understood the scarcity of monsters since most of them chose to avoid such dangerous places.

Still, the view was amazing. It was interesting to see the calm lake and the pier moving halfway through it to better facilitate fishing.

New types of lifestyles never seen or heard of before put a smile on Michael's face.

This was the main reason he enjoyed his life in Sanctuary so much. Diversity he couldn't see back on Earth.

Not because it didn't exist but because he couldn't seek it back then.

The Fat Goose Inn, as the settlement's name implied, was actually only that—an inn built around steep cliffs, which were easy to defend. 

Except for a stable and some drying nets for fish near a river flowing down into the lake, only the Waypoint stood out.

After activating it, Michael approached a gazette, where he saw in large bolded words, 'Travelers beware! Deadly threat spotted nearby.'

Curious, he read the content.

[ Gaspar Stilbian

As dangerous as The Scar in the northeastern Highland Wilds is, the appearance of this cruel stranger has made it worse. Gaspar has overpowered any who have attempted to capture him, his fists wreathed in fire. ]

Walking up the steps carved in the hard stone of the cliff, Michael heard someone cursing above.

[Damn it! The sign's gone missing at a time like this. Mischief. Right now? *Sigh*](?)

Finding the source of the voice, Michael found Torben, the innkeeper. Leaving aside his missing sign, seeing the man's massive build made the Necromancer feel pity for Niall, who owed him money.


"Yes. Niall asked me to come over. He said he'll settle his tab shortly."

[Oh, he will, will he? You must be the fifth person he's sent this week while proclaiming his intention to make good on what he owes. Haha!](Torben)

Michael shrugged helplessly as the Sanctuary marked the Quest as completed and awarded him 'handsomely' for his hard work.

[ Side Quest complete - Settling the Tab

Reward 1: 4,180 experience points

Reward 2: 1,530 gold coins

Reward 3: Ore Cache. ]

Turning his eyes back at the innkeeper, especially the blue exclamation mark above his head, Michael connected it to the man's complaint about the inn's sign.

"Your sign is missing?"

[Aye. Torn right off the hooks. In their hurry, they left blood on the steps. Amateurs.](Torben)

"You have someone you suspect?"

[Nairne and Tavish, local mischief-makers, have also been absent. Sense tells me they're somehow involved. Man or beast who took it, the Goose isn't the same without it.](Torben)

"Who are these, Nairne and Tavish?"

[Regulars of the Goose. A spirited pair who don't let the gloom dampen their hearts. Always inclined to shenanigans, those two. Little passes their ears without a challenge or a raised wager. I'm hoping they are fine. The blood on the steps is worrying me a little.](Torben)

"I can help you look for the sign if you don't mind."

[I really wouldn't. I'll repay you if you can also bring back news about those two lads.](Torben)

Nodding to the man, Michael moved past him and found the room behind, where the second Quest Giver was waiting patiently.

As he approached the man, he saw him jerk and turn around angrily.

[Maric! Bet's not over until -- wait, you're not Maric. Take a seat! Drinks on me!](?)

"I'm Michael. Drinking for pleasure or purpose?"

[Ewan. Well... you know the Scar, where that demon was killed? Name escapes me. My brother killed a brute there and has been wearing its horn around his neck. 'Seven feet tall! It breathed fire! Ma would be so proud!'](Ewan)


[I got sick of the gloating. Insulted his horn's size. Now we have this waver. I must get a bigger one. Heh, you can see how it's going.](Ewan)

"What's my role in all this?"

[Say! We're friends, right? How 'bout you get me a horn, and I'll give you the coin for the wager. Remember, a really big one!](Ewan)

Rolling his eyes at the shameless drunkard, Michael accepted and prepared to leave. 

Since it was still early, he had time to visit the surroundings a bit before heading back to Túr Dúlra around noon.

By then, he and Yuein could go looking for the hidden runestones.

Opening up the Quest interface, Michael was surprised to see that both ones he got from the Fat Goose Inn were relatively close to his location. That meant he could wrap them up quickly and return to his planned business.

[ Side Quest issued - Remembering the Goose

Objective: Find Under the Fat Goose Inn's missing sign

Description: Torben says an unknown thief made off with Under the Fat Goose Inn's sign. He believes local mischief-makers, Nairne and Tavish, are likely responsible.

Whatever the reason for the theft, Torben wants the sign returned. A blood trail leading east looks to be the best lead to its location. ]

Seeing the general location being on the road he took to reach the Goose, Michael frowned and realized he hadn't seen anything except for a pile of junk.

Nevertheless, he would return to investigate if the area marked by the Sanctuary leads there.

[ Side Quest issued - Wagered Honor

Description: Retrieve a Giant Demon Horn

Description: Ewan and his brother have a wager on who can claim the biggest demon horn. But with Ewan drunk at the inn, he hires you to hunt demons for him.

Demons roam the Heroes Triumph, where Astaroth was originally defeated. You should search there for a demon of adequate size. ]

Finally connecting the dots on this whole 'Scar' and 'defeated demon' fragmented information he got, Michael realized that the place he was going to next was where Donan, Nafain, and Airidah defeated Astaroth during the Days of Ash.

Honestly speaking, he was very curious about how the place looked after three legendary heroes faced off against the Charred Duke.

'Let's take things one at a time. First, since the area for the first Quest is closer, let's go there. Then, we'll go demon hunting.'

Following the road to the area marked, Michael reached it in less than five minutes on horseback.

Surprisingly, a Blood Clan goatmen Elite blocked his path this time around, only to be sent flying by the minions. Then, reaching the previous pile of junk, he found a young man drowning his sorrows.

The poorly carved sign of a bird, which had no semblance of a goose, was next to him.

[Wouldn't be doing this alone if you didn't pop off with those goat-faced fiends, Tavish. *Sigh* You know I'm not made for this...](Nairne)

Hearing his words, Michael realized that the situation was as bad as the innkeeper feared.