Chapter 233. Jirandai

A group of strange humanoid creatures ambushed him as soon as he left the Fields of Hatred.

With his exhaustion mounting, Michael made use of his revived Golem to temporarily draw their attention as he resummoned his Skeletons.

[ Executioner (Minion) - Level 56 ]

[ Gorger (Minion) - Level 56 ]

[ Carver (Minion) - Level 56

Seeing the blood on their faces and the severed limbs hanging around their waists like some dry rations, Michael immediately realized he was dealing with more cannibals.

Redoubling his efforts, he quickly dispatched the trash.

Seeing the bright blue item dropped after removing them from existence, he sighed and picked it up. The 'Tarnished Amulet' was a Quest Item.

[ Side Quest issued - Tarnished Amulet

Objective: Bring the Tarnished Amulet to the Yinsuk Shrine

Description: You found what appears to be a traveler's protection amulet. Some at the Yinsuck Shrine in Jirandai may be interested in this. ]

Opening his MAP and seeing the city only half an hour away on foot, the Necromancer dragged his tired body that way.

Seconds later, his Ring of Communication began vibrating like crazy. Someone was contacting him.


[Are you okay? Oskar contacted me saying that your mount returned to his stable after being attacked.](Helen)

"Huh!? Oh... yeah. I got ambushed by a wild Boss. That damned thing was so nasty to deal with..."

[Are you injured?](Helen)

"No. Just tired. I am close to Jirandai. After reaching the city and handing over a Quest... well, two of them actually, I'll be able to return to Ked Bardu and see what Lorath found about the demon. *Sigh* Today hasn't been a lucky day for me so far."

[Be careful. Please don't overdo it!](Helen)

"I will. We'll talk tonight."

[Okay. Bye!](Helen)


Fortunately, after another half an hour passed, nothing worth attention happened. Except for some more cannibals attacking him while yelling something about eating his flesh and drinking his blood, the Necromancer successfully reached Jirandai.

Unfortunately for him, after opening his MAP to find the Quest markers, he began despairing after seeing five Quest symbols. Three were in the city, while another two were somewhere east of it.

[ Side Quest: Blistered Heart

Description: The Spider Queen has taken her last victim. ]

[ Side Quest: Augury of Bones

Description: The dead still have answers for those willing to inquire. ]

[ Side Quest: Salt Begets Salt

Description: Insatiable greed leads to ill-fated deeds. ]

[ Side Quest: Augury of Bones

Description: The dead still have answers for those willing to inquire. ]

[ Side Quest: Keeping the Old Traditions

Description: A note with a message about traditions. ]

Seeing the repeated Side Quest both in Jirandai and outside of it, Michael wondered if the system was glitching. Fortunately, it didn't seem to be the case, and it might just be part of a chain Quest.

[Khaad, get up! I pay you to fight, not to fall back and hide with the beggars!](?)

[Fuck off, Zai! You said this job would be easy! Killing cannibals is not easy!](Khaad)

[That's because you're stupid! See this scar? A bitter thought it was a good idea to show off his teeth. So I bit him back!](?)

Seeing three Wanderers argue near the stairs behind the entrance to the city, as well as hearing the roaring laughter followed by the third man's bragging, Michael wondered how bad this place was faring.

Fighting monsters was one thing. However, the psychological stress from fighting against cannibalistic humans was much greater.

Finding the Waypoint, he activated his second one today after the one in Alzuuda and began moving about.

One thing that drew his attention was a large crane, similar to the one he saw when he first visited the Under the Fat Goose Inn. This one was in much better shape, and the system immediately gave an explanation about it.

[ Canyon Crane

Heavy cranes reach over the edge, poised to lift cargo from the canyon below. The merchants take their security very seriously. ]

Seeing the group of five guards standing around the crane, he couldn't help but agree with that statement.

After some digging around, he found a notice board with a similarly interesting message on it.

[ Notice board

'To all residents and visitors - Signal the watchmen when approaching the northern barricades, and cross at your own risk! 

We are not responsible for your safety beyond our borders!' - Jirandai Mercantile Council ]

There was a second signpost under that with a similar warning message.

[ Zarozar the Mighty

Legends speak of a barbarian warrior whose bloodthirst was so ferocious that he terrified even the cannibal tribes.

His spirit still haunts Desolation's Reach, searching for a worthy challenge. ]

With his face changing after reading, Michael decided to get the fuck out of there as soon as he handed over the two Side Quests.

[*Sigh* Orgai is at it again, disrupting our ancestors in a foolish attempt to appease the Grinning One. Ah, senseless shrew!](?)

Pausing after hearing an interesting term, Michael looked to his right and saw two women speaking. 

Among the two, the one complaining about this Orgai was actually the Questgiver for the Augury of Bones he saw previously. 

Scratching his head, he initially wanted to keep moving, but his curiosity got the better of him. Hearing the woman called Nomin continuing to complain about how foolish it was to mess with this entity, the Necromancer quickly approached the duo.

"Excuse me for butting in, but could you please tell me more about this Grinning One?"

[Hmm? A Wanderer? Well... it's an ancient entity once worshiped by our ancestors. Long forgotten... and for good reason!](Nomin)

"I see. What about this Orgai?"

[Orgai seeks its secrets and attention, digging through our sacred urns like a child looking for sweets. There's no limit to that hermit's delusion.](Nomin)

After five more minutes of useless banter, Michael left the gossipy middle-aged women behind and continued toward the Quest Marker.

[ Side Quest issued - Augury of Bones

Objective: Speak with Orgai in the Valley of the Strayed

Description: Jirandai locals spoke of a troublesome hermit digging through the remains of their honored dead. It seems he wishes to commune with 'The Grinning One' -- an ancient entity once worshiped in the Steppes.

It souls like he's gambling with dangers best left alone. You should find him in the Valey of the Strayed. ]

Reading between the lines, Michael realized that the Sanctuary was pointing out how dangerous waking up this 'Grinning One' was. 

So, he immediately decided to temporarily ignore this Side Quest and complete his other two.

The Quest Marker brought him in front of a stall where a man in his mid-thirties was selling fruits.

"What's for sale?"

[Hmm? A traveler? I have only overripe fruits left, half-price. I'm still waiting on a new shipment.](?)

"Are you Ordun by any chance?"

[Yes. Wait, what!? Who are you?](Ordun)

"Your father asked me to check on you."

[Of course, he did. He never trusted us to do anything on our own. *Sigh* My brother Khada is out selling our goods to a camp north of here if you must check on him.](Ordun)

"Got it. I'll go now. Take care."

[Yeah, yeah! Oh, and... if he's in the middle of a sale, don't interrupt him.](Ordun)

Leaving behind one of the jar seller's children, Michael couldn't help but think that they weren't doing particularly well.

Leaving aside the 'not-so-premium' products, Ordun's hunger for a sale was quite evident. 

Shaking his head, he moved toward the second Quest Marker - the one for the Yinsuk altar.

[ Side Quest update - Corroding Mettle

Objective: Find Khada's caravan

Description: The jar seller's son Ordun seems upset that his father sent you but begrudgingly told you where his younger brother Khada is. You should also check up on him. ]

Seeing the area for the Quest being north of the city, probably about an hour away on foot, Michael felt nothing but despair.

Fortunately, the sight of a blooming tree distracted him from his dark thoughts. 

[ Yinsuk Tree

Preserved long ago by the builders of Jirandai, this tree stands at the center of the Yinsuk Shrine. The prayer candles burn day and night, lit by travelers and merchants alike. ]

Among the people praying and lighting candles, he also saw his Questgiver. The man named Gesur was praying loudly, his voice overpowering the others.

[Blessed Akarat, spirits of the sands, grant my wagon safe passage.](Gesur)

"Where are you headed, friend?"

[*Sigh* I must travel north, and the place is not very safe. Hopefully, my prayers will be heard. How can I help you, Wanderer?](Gesur)

"A cannibal I killed had this amulet. Do you know what it is?"

[Hmm? Let me see... Oh... *Sigh* This must have belonged to a traveler. I'll put it here with the other offerings. May it keep others safe on their journey, even if the one wearing it fell.](Gesur)

Michael wanted to continue the conversation for a while, but the man made up some excuses and left him in the dust.

[ Side Quest complete - Tarnished Amulet

Reward 1: 16,896 experience points

Reward 2: 2,080 gold coins

Reward 3: Elixir Cache. ]

Immediately after opening the Elixir Cache, Michael gained two more Weak Elixirs of Poison Resistance, which made the corners of his mouth twitch.

'How did my stupid ass forget about Elixirs!? If I had used the remaining Elixir giving 10% increased Poison Resistance, I could've dealt with the Seething Abomination much easier. Not to mention the experience gained after clearing undead near Alzuuda.'

Shaking his head at his stupidity, Michael took the Waypoint and returned to Ked Bardu.

Since it was almost 3 p.m., he had to check with Lorath about the progress of his examination before doing anything else.

He could also hand over the damaged axe to Gerti on his way there. As for searching for the second son of the jar seller... he could return after and deal with it.

Finding the Forgemaster, Michael handed over the damaged axe to her.

"I retrieved the great axe. It was damaged by the Triune, unfortunately."

[Those idiots! Decades with our Warmaster, not even a scratch. Days with the Triune... shattered! Disgraceful!](Gerti)


[The shaft is destroyed, and the head will fracture before it reaches any bone. It must be repaired. Raekor's glory must return to its edge!](Gerti)

Seeing where this was heading, the Necromancer looked at the sky and sighed inwardly.

"How can I help?"

[I require a demon's horn to reforge the head. A fiend hardened by fire, like those found within the eastern crags. Silver Quarts will mend the haft. It's a rare find within the caves to the north. Bring them to me, and we will show the Triune that Oxen craft endures!](Gerti)

Hearing the passionate words, Michael muttered 'as expected' and nodded to the woman.

[ Side Quest update - Crucible of Worth

Objective: Acquire an Oppressor Horn

Description: Gerti needs materials to reforge the Great Axe. 

First, you must find an Oppressor demon in the Hapless Frontier and take one of its horns. ]

Leaving the Oxen Forgemaster behind, he went to find Lorath. The ex-Horadrim was covered in blood and gore when Michael finally located the man as if freshly returned from a terrible battlefield.

As for the demon Elias 'gifted' them... it was a sorry sight.

[Hmm? Are you here already? I am not yet done examining the body. I need another two or three hours. Come back later.](Lorath)

The Necromancer's mouth opened for a while... but he immediately closed it right after. 

Finding a place to sit down near the city walls, he took out a couple of sandwiches and a large glass of squeezed juice and fruit pulp. He would enjoy a late lunch while taking in the view from atop the city walls of Ked Bardu.

With his meal done and his energy somewhat recovered, he exchanged some words with Helen to ensure she wasn't too worried and then returned to Jirandai.

[They brought Taidji down from the gate. You want to see him?](?)

[Ah, I've seen enough corpses on this trip. Kehjistan had better be worth it.](?)

Listening to every conversation he could, Michael found himself in front of one of the two Questgivers left in Jirandai.

[I'm sorry, Sorga, but I am not sending anyone again. Be at peace with his body recovered.](?)

[Peace? I wonder if you would feel the same if this were your child, Sukh!](Sorga)

[*Sigh* Ancestors keep you.](Sukh)

Watching the two guards leave after dropping a body covered with cloth in front of a weeping middle-aged woman and another younger one.

Approaching the one who appeared to be the mother, Michael inquired about the situation.

"What was that about?"

[Wanderer? *Sob* My boy... the young die, and the old linger on. When will it end?](Sorga)

"I am sorry for your loss..."

[I don't need pity! What I want is for every spider in the barrens to be exterminated! I know not if they feel or if their queen would suffer this same anguish if she lost her brood. Regardless, I want it done! Please, bring me their Queen's heart.](Sorga)

"I'll see what I can do. Wait for my news."

Leaving the two weeping women behind, a mother and a wife now turned into a widow, the Necromancer prepared to leave the city after taking a look at the local inn.