Chapter 244. Descent into Flame (1)

Remaining silent for a moment, he finally decided on a subject this shitty Lord of Hell won't be stingy with.

"Who were those Barbarians?"

[Quite the curious one, aren't you? They are the victims of my brother Baal. He laid waste to the Barbarian lands long before your time. I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes.](Mephisto)

Silently rolling his eyes at the pretentious act, he mentally chastised this old fossil for not answering properly.

Also, why would these poor bastards be here if they had nothing to do with him?

[I had no part in it, though Elias has upset the balance at the Temple of the Primes, and those shades of the past belong in Baal's domain, not mine. But, I do welcome their hatred.](Mephisto)

"How badly did he screw up the balance?"

[Not irreparably. Don't overestimate the impact a puny mortal can have on the cosmic scale, young one. If you are just an ant, then he is slightly bigger in the grand scheme of things. No matter how they squirm in the dust, they won't be able to change how the humans live their lives, can they?](Mephisto)

Feeling that it made sense, the Necromancer was about to nod his head in approval when he realized that the words were kind of insulting to him and other humans in general.

Still, he could feel that Mephisto didn't say that with any particular emotion. It was similar to someone saying the sky is blue. They were simply stating a fact.

[ Main Quest update - Through the Dark Glass

Objective: Leave the Vision of Seschron

Description: You have visited the three shrines and gained the blessings Lorath spoke of. You should meet with him at the volcano's caldera. ]

Sensing something, the wolf looked at Michael with a strange gaze and stood up from the ground.

With a low growl, the fiery portal appeared again.

[It seems like it's time for you to go.](Mephisto)

"As 'entertaining' as this was, let's not do it again any time soon, okay?"

[Hahaha! I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, Wanderer.](Mephisto)

"*Sigh* I knew it... Anyway. I'm out. Smell ya later!"

Leaving behind a thoroughly dumbfounded Lord of Hatred, Michael wasn't aware that his unconscious farewell made the wolf smell itself to see if there was something wrong with it.

Returning to the real world, he found himself staring at Mephisto's statue on the altar, unable to relate it to the pretentious wolf he had just spoken with.

'In the end, it's just smoke and mirrors. It could very well be Mephisto playing with me to hide his true intentions. His beef with his daughter is also suspicious. Whatever plan she's cooking somehow involves him, meaning that he is trying to find a way out. He also talked about his essence or whatever reforming after suffering many setbacks, meaning that he's at his weakest now. It makes sense that Lilith would target him now.'

The more he thought about it, the stranger his mental state became. Fortunately, after 'surviving' the invasion of Baal and Diablo's intents, he grew a bit more resistant to other types of influences, and even if he couldn't control himself properly, he could at least realize that something was wrong.

'It's that bastard wolf's influence. I always thought of Lilith in a neutral manner, but now, all of a sudden, hatred is clouding my judgment. How annoying and disgusting! These fuckers and their fucking chess games!'

Growing more annoyed by the second, Michael tried centering his thoughts and focusing on a particular image in order to calm himself down. 

Unfortunately, he didn't succeed, so he could only open up the MAP and search for the location where he was supposed to meet with Lorath.

Judging by the area marked by the Sanctuary, he had to head further southeast and continue on the road to the true Mt. Civo.

Taking in his surroundings, he resummoned his minions to deal with the crazed cultists as he bent down and grabbed some rocks and soil.

"I'm no geologist, but there are traces of sulfur around here and in large quantities. Could it be that Mt. Civo is not an actual mountain but rather a volcano? Huh!? Wait a second."

Opening his Quest interface and reading the description at the end, he embarrassingly closed it and stopped playing detective.

The Sanctuary had already pointed out that this place was a volcanic area, but his thoughts were too messed up for him to think rationally.

Fortunately, he now had everything needed to enter the Temple of the Primes and get rid of Elias and whatever plan he was cooking. Then, he could go home and take a long, relaxing bath, which would hopefully work wonders on his mental state.

The closer he got to Lorath's marked location, the hotter the environment became. It didn't affect him much, but he was able to notice it nonetheless.

Finding tons of Mother's Chosen, Disciples, Heralds, and plenty of other crazed fanatics standing in his way, he used the same method as before to vent his negative feelings, which worked to some degree.

What was genuinely annoying was the large number that kept coming at him, making him increasingly mad. What the hell did Lorath do!? Just walk past them?

Half an hour later, he found the ex-Horadrim and saw the runes moving in the air around him. The Necromancer rolled his eyes, exasperated, realizing that the man used another type of stealth formation to hide his presence from the Triune cultists.

Before getting the chance to say any words of complaint, his words got stuck in his throat after seeing the sight behind Lorath.

They stood on a tall cliff overlooking a small stretch of land beneath, surrounded by lava on all sides. On this patch that somehow survived what might've been an eruption, a tall fortress stood erect in the most adverse conditions.

"That's the temple?"

[Mhm. Pretty majestic if you don't consider the problems the Triune caused over the years.](Lorath)

Nodding slightly, Michael took in the fantastic sight quietly. The red, almost apocalyptic color, gave the temple a surreal feeling. 

The heat increased considerably now that they were this close to the caldera, but the Necromancer wasn't bothered. 

Only now did he realize exactly how much he had changed compared to an average human. 

Judging by how nothing grew in an extensive area near this place, the temperature should be above 60 degrees Celsius. And the closer they got later, the higher it would be.

However, the time for experiments could be left aside for later. Now, they still had to catch Elias and have him dealt with.

"I received the final blessing. We are good to go."

[What took you so long?](Lorath)

"Hmm... I saw something at the shrine. A wolf."

[Oh? Mephisto has been knows to take such a form. Did anything go wrong?](Lorath)

"Not really. It's not the first time I've encountered him."

[What!? And you kept this from me?](Lorath)

"We all keep secrets, don't we, Horadrim?"

[*Groan* We don't have time for this now. Elias could be in the middle of the ritual already. Clear your head before we press on.](Lorath)

Shrugging, Michael couldn't help but complain inwardly. He had already held back considerably, given how his thoughts were still being influenced.

Lorath probably also noticed, so he couldn't be bothered to bicker with him.

Fortunately, the Quest was completed, and he could advance further.

[ Main Quest complete - Through the Dark Glass

Reward 1: 59,136 experience points

Reward 2: 3,260 gold coins. ]

[ Main Quest issued - Descent into Flames

Objective: Enter the Temple of the Primes with Lorath

Description: You should enter the heart of Mt Civo and find a way into the Temple of the Primes as quickly as possible. ]

Fortunately, Lorath had already surveyed the area and found the way down.

[The Temple of the Primes is just ahead. Follow behind me.](Lorath)

Nodding, the Necromancer raised an eyebrow at the hidden passage between the cliffs and carefully stepped wherever the ex-Horadrim did. He didn't know if the cultists were smart enough to place traps for them, but since he had Lorath take Pathfinder's role, he would be stupid not to take advantage of the situation.

Ten minutes later, they descended into the volcano, and Michael saw actual lava less than two meters away from him. A bit shocked at how he wasn't taking any damage because of the heat, he wanted to play around for a bit and experiment with touching the lava to see its effects.

Lorath, however, didn't have time for this. He directly headed toward the gate at the end of the road, much to Michael's displeasure.

"Kiln of the Primes, it says. Say, aren't there supposed to be seven statues? Why are they only 6?"

[No idea.](Lorath)

Hearing the perfunctory answer, Michael rolled his eyes and tried to examine the statues in passing, hoping to find some clues.

The strip of road leading to the temple was surrounded on both sides by six statues above the lava. Three on each side.

He could glean some information based on their general aspects, such as the fact that Andariel is the only statue with womanly features, but he couldn't be 100% sure about the rest.

With Lorath giving him the stinky eye while standing before the large stone door, Michael sighed and approached it. 

He placed his hands on it and pushed after infusing some of his Essence into it.

[By your hands, the way will be opened.](Mephisto)

Hearing Mephisto's voice and seeing the ex-Horadrim have no reaction, Michael's eyes narrowed but kept quiet.

The important part was now to take care of the issue at hand, not add more potential problems to the mix.

Stepping inside the temple after passing through a thin film, the Necromancer glanced at Lorath, to which the man nodded after taking out his polearm.

Seeing him combat-ready, Michael brought his minions forward and prepared himself for the worst.

[ Main Quest update - Descent into Flame

Objective: Find the ritual location with Lorath

Description: You have entered an ancient, sprawling temple from ages past. Somewhere deep in its passageways, a powerful ritual is being prepared. You must do all you can to stop it before it is completed. ]

Reading the last portion and realizing that the Sanctuary was pretty much telling him to hurry the fuck up, Michael took the lead and prepared to speedrun the Dungeon.

However, reality proved otherwise, as not even five minutes later, he stood in front of a large statue, curiously observing it.

It was obviously related to a Lord of Hell, but he couldn't tell which one just by observing its features.

[Tresspassers! Your screams will welcome Andariel to the world!](?)

The sudden shout startled Michael, making him turn and look at whoever was making the noise. 

[ Dark Priest Siban (Elite) - Level 60 ]

Sneering at the pitiful Elite with no modifiers, the Necromancer directly cast his Decrepify on it and had his minions pound this crazed idiot into fine dust.

Much to his surprise, as soon as the minions engaged, Siban's description immediately changed.

[ Dark Priest Siban (Elite) - Level 60

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 85% of the damage dealt.

*Waller: Manipulates the earth to create a wall around the target.

*Frozen: Summons six balls of frost. Upon explosion, they freeze and deal 500 fixed damage in a five-meter radius.

*Mortar: Randomly throws seven fireballs toward an area occupied by an enemy. Each fireball deals 750 damage. ]

Stunned by the Dark Priest, who directly underwent a 'Sailor Moon' transformation in the middle of the battle, he repeatedly used Corpse Tendrils and Corpse Explosion after his minions dealt with the enemy minions.

The Elite's lifesteal was super annoying, and his Waller + Frozen + Mortar combo was incredibly dangerous. It wiped his minions twice during the fight. 

Fortunately, Lorath was there to bring the pain, and five minutes later, the strangely powerful Elite finally fell.

No incredible items were dropped, but the Necromancer was happy to find out that they passed the Hall of Hatred, as the Sanctuary showed on the Dungeon's MAP.

"Does that mean the previous statue we saw was Mephisto's? He really is the most scheming of the lot. Every depiction of him is different from the last."

[Focus on the matter at hand. We're already in the Hall of Destruction. Wait. Do you hear something?](Lorath)

Focusing on his hearing sense, Michael also heard strange thumping sounds coming from behind the doors ahead.

With a strange expression, he watched the huge doors swing wide open, and a giant demon bashed his poor Pathfinder back into the Shadow Realm... *Cough* Spirit Realm.

Calmly using Raise Skeletons to bring the Reaper back, the Necromancer focused on the new enemy, trying to see his information.

[ Malach, Master of Flame (Elite) - Level 60

*Fire Enhanced: All physical attacks deal 250 extra Fire damage. Every 5 seconds, the six-meter area around you explodes dealing 1250 Fire damage. Upon death, the body detonates, dealing 2500 Fire damage in a ten-meter radius. ]

Stumped at the suddenly overpowered Unique Elite, Michael notified Lorath about its features, only to see the ex-Horadrim grimace and retreat.