Chapter 256. Healing Cooldown

Taissa wasn't unfamiliar with the term Healing Cooldown, and even after the pain underwent during the sacrificial ritual, she couldn't help but wince.

On their way here, Mira had already explained where Michael went and why. That made seeing the bloodied and wrecked equipment on the side of the pavilion more impactful. 

The pitiful Necromancer had deep cuts everywhere, from his feet to his face. Fortunately, he somehow managed to avoid getting stabbed in the ass. Otherwise, the girls might have had to invent some sort of suspended contraption for him to rest in.

Still, the wounds on his back and chest made her look away. If there was one thing to be glad about, it was that he wasn't entirely disfigured, with only three cuts on his face.

The less worrying one was on his forehead. While not very deep, the man was probably worried about the hairlocks he lost while barely avoiding getting his head chopped.

Then, there was a cut going from his nose to his right ear. It was not very deep, but the hearing organ suffered quite a bit of mangling in the process, making it hard to look at.

Lastly was the deep cut through the left cheekbone and down to the collarbone. Even for someone who was probably the less experienced among those present, Taissa could tell that it was a downward strike which, again, was barely avoided.

If Michael had to suffer with these wounds for a whole week, then even eating would be a horribly painful task since chewing would hurt enough to make him faint.

Taissa remembered seeing a veteran who suffered from this Healing Cooldown for five days and confidently said afterward that it was the most terrible thing he had gone through in his entire life.

After the Horadrim had investigated this Healing Cooldown, they concluded that anyone suffering from such a 'disease' would undoubtedly die if not for the high Strength and Willpower of Wanderers.

Why? Simply because human bodies weren't meant to suffer such damage and still function. 

A normal person suffering the wounds that Michael did would have long gone into shock and died.

So, during the next week, the Necromancer would have to count on his body's attributes to endure the pain and make it to the point where he could be healed again.

[I will bring over some supplements he should take over these next few days. Otherwise, even after the Cooldown passes, we won't be able to heal him if his body is not adequately nourished.](Natalia)

[*Sigh* Sorry girls. I wish I could offer something, but I have nothing. I guess I could at least say thanks. The Wanderers under me have been drinking like crazy ever since two hours ago.](Mira)

[Same here. Starting tomorrow, we're planning to clear Dungeons like crazy.](Beatrice)

"Glad I could... *Groan* Glad to see you're better, Taissa."

[Once more, thank you for saving me back then. As for a conversation, it can wait until you recover enough to have one. Rest for today, and I'll return tomorrow to pass on some news from Lorath.](Taissa)

Michael turned his head with difficulty and looked at Helen, who nodded to the unspoken question.

[You can stay here for the night. Honestly, wounds aside, he's exhausted. I am sure you're just as curious as I am for details about what happened during these nine days, but it can wait until tomorrow.](Helen)

Seeing the second part being addressed to them, the four representatives looked at each other and immediately shook their heads.

[I only came here to send my thanks. While I am curious, it can wait. As for staying the night, I'm afraid that's not possible. The Druids under me were going bonkers before I left, and I am worried the World Tree would string them upon its branches if I don't return and put them in order.](Natalia)

[I agree. There's no rush with the information. Since the Sanctuary didn't say anything yet, Nightmare Dungeons shouldn't be opened immediately.](Beatrice)

[If they are, though, I'm sorry, but I will have to come and pester you, Michael. As much as I appreciate your help, seeing the state you're in makes me worry about their difficulty.](Mira)

[A bit blunt, but I agree. For now, I'll forbid anyone from attempting them. Hopefully, they can be joined as parties. Otherwise, the casualties we'll suffer...](Celeste)

Mei and Hella had already 'kidnapped' Taissa and brought her to one of the empty guestrooms. At the same time, the other Wanderer Representatives exchanged some words with Aylin and promptly left after waving Michael goodbye.

Mina and Helen brought the 'patient' to the bathroom, where they cleaned his wounds to prevent possible infections that might further complicate his situation.

Even though the gasps of pain, seeing the two beauties almost naked while tending to him prompted a tent to be raised in his lower regions, making Mina blush in shame.

Helen got mad at the horny bastard that couldn't even walk properly but was having inappropriate thoughts, so she began scolding him until the tent slowly deflated.

The pitiful blue-balls Necromancer fell asleep/fainted immediately after he was fed some soup, allowing for silence to envelop the Pink Palace once more.

Returning to the garden, the youngest trio finished cleaning the bloodied equipment Mina and Helen pried off Michael's body and were looking at it with strange expressions on their faces.

Seeing them like that, Aylin comforted them slightly.

[Don't worry about Michael. It's not something he'll die from. What you should do now is get stronger. That way, you can help him more in the future. For now, take the equipment to Zivek and have him start repairing it. Tell him to put the costs on my tab.](Aylin)

[Big sister, what about the Region Progression?](Neyrelle)

[That... we'll talk about it tonight at dinner. Helen knows the most about it among us, so we can plan more thoroughly at that point. Then... after tomorrow, we can start exploring.](Aylin)


[Mhm! One of the things that gives points is Areas Discovered. We'll probably have to travel again and revisit every corner of every region!](Tia)

[This minx... *Sigh* But it's true, so we'll probably split and move as parties. Fortunately, we also located all 28 Altars of Lilith in Fractured Peaks, so we can take care of that as well.](Aylin)

Aylin giggled when she saw the excited looks on the three girls' faces, but she couldn't really blame them as she shared their sentiment.

All things aside, she had already received reports about parties leaving from Kyovashad toward Dungeons in high numbers.

They could only pray that the Burning Hells had enough resources to expend since most Dungeons would get cleared hundreds of times per day.

Watching the trio run to Zivek, Aylin contacted Connie with an annoyed look on her face.

[Oooooh! To what do I owe the honor, Miss Aylin?](Connie)

[Zip it, fun bags! Is your dad around?](Aylin)

[Hmpf! At least I'm not as flat as a washboard.](Connie)

[This cow-like bitch!](Aylin)


Hearing the derisive laughter, Aylin took deep breaths to calm herself down as she waited for the 'big boobs/no brain' creature to stop with her stupidity.

She knew how much the woman enjoyed teasing her about her... lacking aspects, but she couldn't help but explode in anger every time that trashy mouth opened.

It was as if she knew exactly what buttons to press every time to annoy her.

[Is it related to the Dungeons and the Region Progress?](Connie)

[*Sigh* Yeah. We need to regulate the Dungeons to avoid possible catastrophes. Normally, Helen would take control of the City Guards to enforce this, but right now, she's taking care of Michael, so she's in no mood for that.](Aylin)

[Michael? Is he okay?](Connie)

[Healing Cooldown. He'll live.](Aylin)

[ long and how bad?](Connie)

[Pretty bad and about a week.](Aylin)

[I'll swing by tomorrow with Gonk. I'll talk with my father so we can begin enforcing a temporary lockdown until tomorrow. Anything specific you want me to do?](Connie)

[Give the order that only full parties can clear Dungeons starting tomorrow. Also, we need the number of active teams so we can rotate them around without destroying the natural 'healing' process of the Dungeons. Otherwise, the demons might go berserk and induce a Dungeon Break. To calm them down, we can sell the news about the Altars of Lilith and their location around Fractured Peaks.](Aylin)

[It will be hard. We have over 100 full parties already active. Add on top of that Wanderers that would come over later...](Connie)

[We'll do what we can. Split them temporarily since they only need to clear the Dungeon once for the points to be awarded. Also, we'll send City Guards to the Dungeons locations to enforce the order.](Aylin)

[How about creating a waiting list for each Dungeon and have them sign up for it?](Connie)

[That'll work. I'll go talk with Aunty Veroka to help us also.](Aylin)

[How so?](Connie)

[I'll have her spread the word that the additional potion capacity given as a reward won't work unless everyone follows the rules.](Aylin)

[That's a bit... Not everyone is stupid enough to believe that.](Connie)

[It's enough if it works to calm down the masses temporarily. If there's not chaos everywhere, things will work themselves out.](Aylin)

[I'll go talk with my father. I'll come visit tomorrow.](Connie)


Closing the communication line with her 'frenemy,' Aylin sighed deeply while worried about the near future.

While the implications of the newly added feature were far-reaching and would impact the growth and survival of the Sanctuary, in the short term, it was certain to create chaos.

Fortunately, after the continuous mess that this world went through again and again, they decided to appoint young geniuses as leaders of their generation, A.K.A. the Wanderer Representatives.

Thankfully, both the common folk and the nobles accepted these young geniuses and usually followed their advice in terms related to the general safety of their cities.

Now that such a major matter happened, their influence that has grown over the years would shine and be put to the test once more.

[Just to be safe, though...](Aylin)

Reactivating her Ring of Communication, she contacted some of the veterans and had them disseminate the news further.

While the lower levels would crowd to the Dungeons, the higher levels would be more interested in Nightmare Dungeons, while the lower levels would be used as testing dummies for the Region Progress.

After observing them for a while, only then would the higher levels participate in this new feature confidently. Years of dancing with death had taught them to be at least this cautious.

That's why Aylin reached out to the other four Representatives first, allowing them to 'sell' information about everything, starting from Lilith's Altars, to Region Progress, to Nightmare Dungeons, and finally, to tips and tricks that would make their progress in both faster and safer.

[...mhm! Using the veterans to keep the other Wanderers in line is best. We can promise a discounted price for all this information, but it will only be released a week later. That way, we'll have time to review it ourselves after hearing it from Michael. Then, we'll make a short version and get help from Tia, Evelyn, Neyrelle, and Mei by posting it in their Kyovashad's Herald. As for those veterans, we'll hand them a pamphlet including all the details promised. What do you think?](Aylin)

After discussing it with the other girls one by one and getting their approval, everyone began implementing it in their area of influence.

The veterans weren't spared either, as they were also mobilized into crowd-controlling the overly excited newbies.

As a result, the day passed slowly and agonizing for almost everyone in a slightly administrative position.

Even merchants were heavily affected, as most guards they would usually hire were more interested in Dungeon clearing, exploring the region, and searching for blasphemous altars - according to the church.

Amid all the chaos, the one who caused it was sleeping like a log, irrelevant to the horrendous wounds on his body.

If he were slightly less tired, laying on the bed like he was now would've made sleeping impossible. As for why... the red bedsheets and the soaked bandages covering his body like a mummy would prevent such wild dreams.

[*Sigh* I saw it before with Mother, but it really is unreasonable. It makes so little sense to bleed this much and still be alive. *Sigh* The Priestess over there, can you stop crying!? You're the one supposed to monitor his condition...](Helen)

[But, Helen...](Mina)

[Look at his face, Mina. He's soo deeply asleep that this asshole wouldn't feel it even if I would add a couple of extra cuts. Furthermore, we're certain that he won't die, correct?](Helen)


[Then what's the point of crying like that? *Sigh* While it breaks my heart seeing him in such conditions, there's nothing we can do about it. From the moment when he wakes up, he'll be in Hell from how much he'll hurt physically. We can't add more stress mentally on top of that by having him see us cry.](Helen)

Finally coaxing the crying Mina to rest, Helen stood by Michael's side, gently stroking his hair. 

Her heart was torn every time she saw him move slightly in his sleep, and the wounds open some more, but there wasn't much they could do.

With Mina's proficiency in healing, they had already stitched all the gaping wounds, but no matter what they did, blood was still flowing. 

There were signs of them closing, but it was so slow... that it was painful to watch.

They could only wait.