Chapter 259. Taking it slow

The 'date' the trio had in Nostrava was peaceful and enjoyable.

This was especially true for Michael, who hadn't seen the outside world in a while, except for the memories of the facade he had created. However, seeing something through someone's eyes and witnessing the same scene yourself are two different things.

The calm and silent walk through Nostrava became even more relaxing as the two beauties held onto his arms.

On his right was Helen. She was beautiful and voluptuous but as dangerous as a tiger in the wilderness, giving the impression of an untamed and unconquerable peak. Her brown eyes sparkled in the dim light of the sunset, drawing curious and admiring gazes from the people of the settlement.

From his memories of their long talks, she was only 26 years old but matured beyond her years due to Sanctuary's intervention. Svelte legs, thick thighs, big ass, narrow waist, large bust, and a drop-dead gorgeous face.

It really made him wonder just what she saw in him. He was feeling a bit guilty, thinking that his facade tricked this big beauty with sweet words that he wouldn't be able to replicate, which would eventually result in getting the beating of a lifetime.

Barely convincing himself to remove his eyes glued to the beauty on his right, he turned and observed the shy and adorable woman on his left.

The mother figure of the Seven Sisters, Mina, is probably the most mature of the girls. She is a gentle young woman who cares for her sisters immensely. She has sworn to help others after enduring a scarring trauma in her childhood, hoping others wouldn't have to go through the same thing.

She is a terrific beauty with an artistic disposition. Her cascading blond hair, emerald green eyes, and pretty face, which could only be portrayed as the 'princess' in any story, made it incredibly easy for one to become enamored with her.

If that wasn't sufficient, her bust size was at least one or two numbers bigger than Helen's, and memories of her plushy backside were incredibly vivid in the Necromancer's mind.

Furthermore, she was shorter in height than Helen, which gave her a different taste when one appreciated her beauty.

Eyes returning to take in his surroundings, Michael failed to see the gazes exchanged between the two beauties, expressing their confusion silently to one another.

Nevertheless, they secretly enjoyed the appreciative glances their lover showered them with, even if he had been acting strangely ever since he woke up. 

Neither of them overthought the situation. After dying multiple times in the Nightmare Dungeon and enduring incredible pain due to the Healing Cooldown, it was expected to become 'unbalanced' for a period of time.

All they had to do was stick by his side and let him know he wasn't alone in his mental struggles until he recovered. 

So the girls quietly accompanied him on the walk, which lasted over three hours. They exchanged very few words but enjoyed themselves quite a bit since this 'date' felt more intimate than previous ones.

Furthermore, it was Mina's first time experiencing such a feeling, making Helen happy to see the content smile everpresent on her lips.

When the sky was slowly turning dark, the trio returned to Kyovashad and took shelter at the inn. Raskya and her husband Allen were more than happy to treat the trio to some good food and drinks, especially with the new business opportunities Michael shoved their way.

After they had enjoyed their dinner, the girls nervously followed the Necromancer into his room.

Seeing how panicked the duo was, Michael remembered what had happened the last time they slept together and frowned slightly.

Unlike the facade, he was currently disturbed by all these new yet familiar feelings he hadn't experienced in a long time, making it impossible to be sexually aroused. 

To prevent the situation from becoming awkward, he took the lead in changing into more comfortable clothes and lying on the bed.

Seeing his behavior, the girls were somewhat confused but followed in his footsteps and changed into their sleepwear, after which they snuggled next to him again, one on his right and one on his left.

While the bed was smaller than the one at Helen's house, it was big enough for the three of them to have enough room without feeling crowded.

Then, breaking the silencer, Michael was the first to open his mouth.

"Tell me about yourselves."


Seeing the two girls' confused looks, he smiled genuinely for the first time since he woke up today.

With his hands embracing them, he reached for their heads and patted them gently.

Unlike his frivolous facade, he couldn't accept becoming intimate with someone he knew nothing about. And after so much time ever since he became acquainted with them both, except for sexual interactions, he knew almost nothing about them.

Especially Helen. As the woman with whom he spent the most time, it was unacceptable to know nothing of her likes and dislikes or past.

While her past was irrelevant to their relationship, it defined her personality. So, if he wanted to understand her better, he had to know more.

Taken aback by the sudden question, both Helen and Mina were temporarily stunned. 

Given his naughty previous behavior, they expected Michael's hands to be less honest than they currently were.

Nevertheless, maybe influenced by the patting and the calm atmosphere in the room, the duo slowly started telling him bits and pieces about themselves.

The conversation took a long time, and it was past midnight when the girls fell asleep in his arms.

'First, Helen. Unlike the other girls, who are all orphans, she is the only one to grow up with her parents. Even if she lost her mother at a young age, she experienced familial love more than the others could. Her mother is considered a hero in Kyovashad, as she died during an attack that would've turned the city into a Stronghold Event. Helen's mother was also one of the strongest Wanderers to have ever existed in Kyovashad, a woman who had reached Level 98.'

Having experienced such a loss when her mother, as well as her idol, died, the 12-year-old Helen matured while feeling the pressure of living up to everyone's expectations.

As the daughter of a hero, she couldn't embarrass herself, so she trained more than anyone. Once she was 14, she received her Recognition Quest. 

From then on, she fought many bloody battles and, in the process, first got acquainted with Mina and Aylin. 

While Aylin became cynical after the horrible experience she and Mina had, Helen's persistence in befriending them eventually paid off.

When they were 18, they found Mei and Hella. The two were also orphans raised from a young age at one of the orphanages in Nostrava.

Seeing potential in them, the trio helped them train, eventually allowing them to become Wanderers as well.

Tia and Evelyn were the most tragic cases in their group. Tia was abandoned at the Cathedral's doorsteps and would have frozen to death if not for Mina finding her by mistake.

When the Priestess returned after a healing session, she almost stepped on the small Tia. It shocked the girls how quiet the child was even after taking her in. 

Over the many years, they watched her grow, they could count on one hand the times she cried. It was only recently that she blossomed into the young and exuberant beauty she was.

Evelyn also suffered a similar fate, but unlike the others, she was in the care of her parents until she was four years old. They, unfortunately, died while traveling to Kyovashad to meet with Demyan, Helen's father.

Since her parents had died, Demyan took her in and initially wanted to adopt her but couldn't find a way to do so after the other girls swarmed and 'stole' the young child from him.

From then on, everyone knew about the girls as the Seven Sisters. Due to their beauty and prowess, they were famous in Kyovashad and even beyond Fractured Peaks. 

Mina didn't add much since she grew up in the orphanage. Her most happy yet painful memories were of her childhood, where she played and dreamed of becoming Wanderers alongside Aylin, Kenzy, and Dawn.

Feeling the saddened tone in the Priestess's voice, Michael changed the subject to distract her.

Scouring his memory, he found a stupid 'questionnaire' that included questions one should ask during their first date.

So, the conversation continued until late into the night, with the Necromancer finding out about the girls' favorite colors, favorite seasons, whether they liked rain or not, what their favorite dishes were, their favorite pastime - and here he agreed with his facade in the desperate need of adding more entertainment to Sanctuary - and many other silly things.

'Seeing the happy looks on their faces, it wasn't a complete fail. *Sigh* This is much more difficult than what I remember.'

While he was slightly complaining, the fact that the overall societal system was vastly different than that of the modern Earth helped a lot.

He was most curious about what exactly brought about this sudden change, which forced him to recall the facade and re-enter the world of Sanctuary with his real personality.

He had a vague feeling that the Sanctuary itself, as well as his encounter with Mephisto, could also be factored in, but they were nothing more than mere assumptions at this point.

Still, he could only take things one at a time, especially now that he couldn't venture out into the wilderness or participate in Dungeon Diving. 

Falling asleep, he inadvertently felt the warmth of the two women surrounding him and felt strangely comforted by their presence. While his facade might be gone, it was incorporated into his 'self.' 

Some changes were unavoidable.

When morning arrived, he woke up to see the two women eyeing him curiously, prompting a strange look on his face.


[Good morning.](Mina)

"Mhm. Good morning, you two. What's the time?"

[It's 9:15 a.m., and if we laze around any longer, Aunty Raskya might stomp down the door.](Helen)

"Let's go get some breakfast then."

[Any plans after that?](Helen)

"No clue. Do you have anything you want to do?"

Like excited little kids, the two girls bounced off ideas of each other, and during their breakfast, it was finally decided that they would visit Túr Dúlra.

With Helen and Mina, even if high-level monsters attacked them, the duo could deal with them without any issues.

As for Michael, even if he was at a lower level, he had plenty of crowd-control skills to help if a fight happened.

After temporarily returning to the Pink Palace to let everyone know, Tia and Evelyn threw a tantrum about wanting to join but were coaxed by Neyrelle to give in since they had plenty of work to do for their next issue of Kyovashad's Herald. 

Things would've been much easier if Helen and Mina had visited Túr Dúlra previously, but they had no Quests in that area. Therefore, they had to travel there either on foot or on horseback.

Since they weren't in much of a rush, they took the Waypoint to the Firebreak Manor, planning to visit Donan on their way there. 

Unfortunately, after talking with the Head Butler, they found out that the manor's master had yet to return but was in good health, as he sent weekly letters to inform them of his wellbeing.

Bidding farewell to the butler, the trio decided to walk to their destination. While on horseback would be safer, and they could bypass most of the monsters they might encounter, it was a rare chance to enjoy each other's company.

Since he would be the one to be protected, Michael agreed to the suggestion and followed the excited girls in their 'exploration' of Scosglen's beautiful nature.

Moving from location to location, the Necromancer retraced the Quests he did in the area, calmly telling the duo the story in as much detail as possible.

Occasionally, groups of four or five monsters would appear, only to get shredded to pieces by Helen's sword aura.

Mina would even go as far as to use Purify, turning the remains into fertilizer for the nearby plants and trees.

Out of curiosity, Michael asked the girls to let him face a single monster on his own to see the difference 30+ levels brought but was immediately shut down by the beauties, using his Healing Cooldown as an argument.

Unable to win against them, he gave up trying to fight and instead continued the story of the Quests he had done here.

It was already 3 p.m. by the time they reached Túr Dúlra since the girls took their sweet time admiring every tree in every grove.

Michael didn't feel that it was a bad thing, as he enjoyed the change of pace quite a bit. 

Furthermore, once the trio entered the 'bastion' of the Druids in Scosglen, everyone was awed by the refreshing feeling of 'nature' the Tree in the middle of the settlement brought.

Recognizing the Necromancer, the Druids happily greeted him and exchanged pleasantries. 

Not only had this man revived Túr Dúlra, but he recently allowed their strength to further increase by risking his life to test out the new Nightmare Dungeon the Sanctuary came up with.

The cherry on top was the Region Progress that helped them reclaim extensive amounts of land from the claws of the monsters and demons in the Wilderness, even if less than a week had passed since its introduction.

Being treated as guests of honor, the trio enjoyed a lavish meal and pleasant conversations with the Druids until nighttime, and then traveled back to Kyovashad where they once again slept together at the inn.