Chapter 264. Augury of Bones

[ Side Quest update - Sentimental Value

Objective: Take Ulagan's Uncle's Ring to Rakhaan

Description: It turns out the value of Ulagan's Uncle Ring came from the personal meaning it held for his Uncle and his wife. Having learned it holds no 'real' value, Ulagan no longer wants it.

He gave it to you and suggested you take it to Rakhaan, a Curio Collector in The Boiling Plains. ]

Curious about the strangeness of the ring, Michael nodded to the disappointed Ulagan, who seemed to have lost his soul while murmuring things like 'Who buries a worthless ring?', 'What a waste of my time!' and 'I need some space to grieve.'

As if he needed to grieve for his dead Uncle or the fact that the ring was worthless... only he knew.

Opening the MAP to see where this Fate's Retreat and The Boiling Plains were, Michael saw an active Waypoint he had no previous memory of activating.

The fact that it shone in that pale azure color on the MAP meant that he could directly travel to that location from a different Waypoint, slightly stunning the Necromancer.

Usually, places with a Waypoint are marked on the MAP with other smaller markers, notifying the Wanderer of what services are provided there. 

Major cities, for example, had many such markers, including Blacksmiths, Jewelers, Armory Shops, Alchemists, and Demonologists.

Fate's Retreat had a single one, marked as 'Stash.' 

'If I remember correctly from what Orzen told me last time, all Stashes are connected by the Sanctuary, just like in a game. So I can access it wherever I find one such 'service.' What's interesting is that this small camp only has this Rakhaan character. Furthermore, the fact that he is dealing with suspicious items like this obviously cursed ring makes it that more interesting.'

Deciding to walk since his next Quest Marker wasn't very far away, Michael reopened his MAP and inspected the details of the Quest again.

[ Side Quest issued - Augury of Bones

Objective: Speak with Orgai in the Valley of the Strayed. ]

Remembering that this should be the weirdo who 'exhumes' other people's ancestors without the consent of their family members, the Necromancer felt a headache coming on.

'Isn't the digging of ancestral graves a common trope for xianxia and wuxia novels? What the hell is it doing in a 'normal' game like Diablo? As for this Orgai being a Necromancer... based on what Natalia told me, the bones need to be in excellent condition for them to be used for summoning skills. There's no way the bones of common people can be materials for such rituals.'

Enjoying the calm wilderness, Michael slowly advanced toward the Quest Marker, barely finding any monsters on the way for his minions to practice on.

Furthermore, he also needed some combat experience since entering a Dungeon with his current 'expertise' would be fatal.

'I realized it while fighting that Orsolya or whatever woman, but I'm not as proficient with the sword and shield as my facade was. I can use the skills just fine, but I lack the decision-making capabilities he accrued while fighting these past six months. It's not like I have to start from scratch or anything, but beating some dummies would help me improve considerably.'

Reaching the Valley of the Strayed, Michael rechecked the MAP for directions to Orgai's exact location, only to notice yet another blue exclamation mark. 

Seeing its proximity to Orgai, the Necromancer sighed and checked its details.

[ Side Quest - Keeping the Old Traditions (Level 50+)

Description: A note with a message about traditions. ]

Deciding to read this note first and figure out what to do after getting the info, he reopened the interface showing the Quest details.

[ Side Quest issued - Augury of Bones

Objective: Speak with Orgai in the Valley of the Strayed

Description: Jirandai locals spoke of a troublesome hermit digging through the remains of their honored dead. It seems he wishes to commune with 'The Grinning One' -- an ancient entity once worshiped in the Steppes.

It sounds like he's gambling with dangers best left alone. You should find him in the Valley of the Strayed. ]

"*Sigh* Leaving aside the fact that he's looking for trouble in a place called Valley of the Strayed, even the Sanctuary says he's 'gambling with dangers best left alone.' Why does it feel that I'll get mixed up with something annoying?"

Hearing his master raise a question, Quarterback scratched his head, not knowing how to assist.

Seeing the big oaf, Michael laughed and hurried to the troublemaker's location.

As soon as he was in range, he could hear someone's deranged mumbling.

[Too quiet... Speak to me! Tell me your secrets!](Orgai)

Before he could turn on his heels and get the fuck out of there, the man saw him.

Looking him over, Michael could only describe him as a junkie. He was impatiently pacing around, his body showing many strange involuntary habits formed by drug addicts.

His face was almost skeletal-like, showing that whatever he 'partook' in wasn't very healthy for his body.

If that wasn't enough of a reason to walk away, the man was standing in front of a huge, demon-like statue with four arms.

Leaving its bull-like face aside, it was sat on a throne with two hands on his knees holding strange bowls filled with something the Necromancer couldn't see, while the other two hands were raised toward the sky, empty.

It had bull-like horns, probably longer than three meters each, and wore a 'crown' made of either human skulls or serpent heads. It was difficult to tell since it appeared to have been sculpted a very long time ago, and the weather had long eroded many parts of it.

Many candles burned at the feet of the statue—most likely the Grinning One, even if it wasn't showing signs of grinning—making the atmosphere even creepier. 

After all, the wind was gently blowing, but the candles showed no sign of fluttering.

Knowing he had no way of escaping, Michael approached the junkie and pretended to be curious about whatever he was doing.

"Good day, sir. What are you doing here? What is this place?"

[*Grunt* Those wretched dead keep their secrets silent. Rotting bones. Useless liars, hark! *Cough*](Orgai)


[They were privileged to know the Grinning One. Receive its gifts. Unworthy! All of you!](Orgai)

The more the man spoke, the more Michael wanted to move away from the place.

Not only did the man sound like a crazed fanatic, but his tics were turning more violent alongside his temper.

But unfortunately for the Necromancer, the shitshow had just started.

[I've collected their dust. Sniffed it deep, but... no answers. No words. Only headaches.](Orgai)

Had it not been for his almost inhuman control over his emotions due to his compartmentalizing capabilities, Michael's jaw would've most certainly dropped to the ground.

Not only was this guy a fanatic junkie, he was the meth type back on Earth. But to think that the correlation in Sanctuary would be sniffing cremated human bones!

He's even complaining that the quality is low, which gives him headaches. If the people of Jirandai found out, I do not doubt they would burn him at the pyre and sniff his ashes in anger instead.

[The dust of weaker beings, unfitting the Grinning One. Maybe you can find proper bones. Heh, yes -- yes! Bring me their dust. Break the silence!](Orgai)


[Don't sniff the dust yourself! Too dangerous, hmpf! Only Orgai has strength for its knowledge. Strength for-- *Cough*](Orgai)

"Got it."

He decided to accept the request and get it over with before he either lost more brain cells 'conversing' with this 'creature' or slapped him into blood mist, so Michael opened his updated Quest interface to discover the new details.

[ Side Quest updated - Augury of Bones

Objective: Collect Bone Dust from skeletons in the Valley of the Strayed (0/3)

Description: Orgai, an eccentric hermit, is attempting to commune with 'The Grinning One' -- an ancient entity once worshiped in the Steppes. He has asked for your aid in acquiring bone dust from the ancient dead to offer him answers, believing he can speak with them. ]

Reading the description, Michael was flummoxed. Not only does the man want to sniff more bone dust, but now he wants a higher quality from the walking undead skeletons swarming the Valely of The Strayed.

And if it wasn't enough, the Necromancer had to act as the dealer, procuring this junkie's fix and bringing it back to his door.

Rubbing his eyebrows, he pondered if it would be better to leave and never return here again. 

But on second thought, if someone else were to get this weird Quest and expose themselves to danger because of this 'creature,' he would undoubtedly feel some remorse... maybe.

Seeing that there was a cliff he had to climb to deal with the undead 'capable' of dropping the 'drug,' Michael sighed and grabbed at the protruding rocks.

Once he reached the top, he had his minions engage the wild Skeletons while heading toward the Quest Marker previously shown on the MAP on his way here.

The remains of a cart and lit candles surrounding an open book stood on the side of a demolished wall.

His objective was precisely the worn-out pages of the book.

'It doesn't look capable of summoning any demons, but it's better to be safe than regret it later. Oh? The system can identify it?'

[ Lonely Offering (A note left as an offering)

Though timeworn, you endure. Before your colorful kin, I say: Yes, I keep your traditions! ]

Obviously, as soon as he finished reading, a Quest was created. Wanting to further check the book's contents, the Necromancer approached and tried lifting it from the ground, only to find that impossible.

Giving up on taking the item away, he tried flipping the pages, only to reach a similar conclusion. The book looked and felt like it was made of paper but acted as if someone had carved it from the wall itself.

A bit creeped out, he decisively gave up and joined his minions while constantly keeping an eye on the strange book. It was better to watch his back lest a summoned demon suddenly attacks him while he's distracted.

[ Side Quest issued - Keeping the Old Traditions

Objective: Show the ancient statue you keep the traditions

Description: You found a hint about how to honor the customs of the Steppes, 'Though timeworn, you endure. Before your colorful kin, I say: yes, I keep our traditions.' ]

Reading the details with one eye while monitoring the weird book with the other, the Necromancer was starting to dislike the Dry Steppes quite a bit.

It was much creepier than the Fractured Peaks or Scosglen, and one had the Cathedral of Light, while the others had a goddam Duke of Hell buried underneath a keep.

Checking the location of the Quest Marker on the MAP, he found it was less than three hundred meters away, though he had to take a different road since he couldn't climb the steep cliffs.

Fortunately, his minions wrapped up the beatdown session involving the wild Skeletons, and he could now collect the bone dust.

Fortunately, The Quest Item was wrapped up in small bags, prompting Michael to thank the Sanctuary for its kindness.

Leaving his minions behind to stand between him and the weird book as he descended the cliff wall back to the junkie, he found the man on his knees in front of the statue, apparently worshiping.

Spending another 20 Essence points to recall his minions by his side in case the statue comes to life, he took a deep breath and approached Orgai.

"I retrieved the bone dust."

The man all but jumped from his kneeling position, snatching the satchels containing his 'fix.' 

Then, under Michael's shocked gaze, he snorted one of the bags.

"What the fuck!?"

[Yes! Yes! Worthy dust! The secrets are here!](Orgai)

Following that, Orgai began muttering strange, incomprehensible things while also gesturing to something or someone in the air above him.

Contemplating having his Golem slap the 'creature' to death - since he didn't want to dirty his hands or catch whatever he was having - Orgai appeared to have regained consciousness or whatever was left of it.

[I see you... yes. Yes! The Grinning... *Choke* *Cough**COUGH*](Orgai)

'Well, he did snort undead bone dust. Choking and coughing make sense. It would be incomprehensible NOT to. What the...!? Why is he looking at me like that?'

[It... reaches out to me...](Orgai)


[Mmm, I... I just need to... ACHOO!](Orgai)

Seeing the man reach out for the second pouch and sneeze into it, spreading it on the ground, Michael felt his intelligence being insulted by simply being in this moron's presence.

Exasperated, he waited for the Quest to end.

[So... so close...](Orgai)

Just as the Necromancer took out his sword, preparing to send this bastard to meet the Grinning One in person, he noticed the bone dust previously 'sneezed' away by Orgai fall on one of the pillars next to the statue.

Then, strange inscriptions were revealed.

"You have to be shitting me..."

With the Sanctuary's help, the engravings on the pillar were immediately identified.

[ Immemorial Inscription (A faded engraving from ancient times) ]