Chapter 266. Culling the Flesh

The barbarian camp was in a worse state than he had imagined.

Leaving aside the fact that over 80% of the people - both men and women - he had seen so far were heavily injured or had limbs missing, he couldn't find any 'services' in this camp.

There was no waypoint, no blacksmith, no shop of any kind, and even worse, no Healing Well.

Furthermore, the morale was also at an all-time low, with people fully ignoring him while he strolled throughout their camp as if he owned it.

Scratching his head after seeing their reactions, he stopped one of the closest barbarians to him and asked for directions.

The response he got was a wave in a general north direction, where the Necromancer thought someone like the Chieftain might be.

Finding a larger 'hut'-like building decorated with pelts and skulls of different monsters, it appeared as if Michael had found his target.

Judging from the blue exclamation mark being in the same direction, it might actually be the village chief or shaman staying here.

'Tsk, tsk, tsk! I know Barbarians usually show off by hanging the craniums of their hunted foes, but that one... is a really big one. Can't imagine how hard it must've been to take it down.' 

Fortunately, the sound of a heated conversation drew him out of his daze, prompting him to focus on its source.

[Venri, what of Sgam? Rofi?](?)

[I'm sorry, Chieftain. Just blood and signs of struggle. Likely taken by--](Venri)

[No. Do not count them with our ancestors so quickly. Hmm? Another visitor?](Chieftain)

"My apologies for intruding, Chieftain. My name is Michael, a Wanderer brought here by the Sanctuary for a Quest. Do you mind telling me what happened? I might be able to assist."

The Chieftain was a woman, though her battle scars and missing left arm proved that she was a force to be reckoned with.

Raven hair, brown eyes, and a medium build for a Barbarian woman. She wasn't the 'pretty' kind, but she could easily be called beautiful by Barbarian standards.

The pelt of a white animal, reminding Michael of an Arctic Bear, was draping her back while she had equipped a broadsword on her left and a throwing axe on her right thigh.

[Wellcome to our tribe, Wanderer. I am Ealda, Crane Tribe Chieftain. As you have already heard, mongrel flesh eaters see our shame, our weakness, and gnaw at our wounds. *Sigh* Seasons against the cannibals have left scars deeper than the flesh. There is no glory in torture. No reward in a slow death.](Ealda)

"Cannibals. I've dealt with them at Guulrahn and around Ked Bardu. After taking down their 'king' in Guulrahn about two weeks ago, they dispersed throughout the Steppes, it seems."

[So it was true that the mongrel calling himself their leader had died. You've done us a great service. Thanks to you, their ranks are less organized, and there is a lot of internal strife.](Ealda)

"Probably fighting for the position of the next 'king.'"

[Be that as it may, the damage to my tribe has already been done. You've seen the situation we're in. Now, some of my most battle-scarred warriors have gone missing. Only blood marks their trail.](Ealda)

"Taken by the cannibals, no doubt. Do you believe them alive?"

[I do not believe they are dead yet. They would not go so quietly.](Ealda)

"I see. Tell me the last location you saw them at, and I'll try to track them. If they're alive, I'll bring them back. If they are dead, I'll try to at least bring their corpses back or offer them a decent burial."

Receiving an approving nod from the Chieftain and the general location of where the warriors had been seen last, Michael turned around and returned to the middle of the camp, where the next exclamation mark was.

'But before that, let's see the details.'

[ Side Quest issued - Consumed by Pride

Objective: Search for the missing Crane Tribe Barbarians

Description: Crane Tribe is losing ground in their homeland from constant cannibal attacks. Ealden, the tribe's Chieftain, has asked that you look for some of their missing kin who disappeared in the Fields of Broken Spears. 

They are seasoned warriors, and she does not believe they would fall to the cannibals so easily. ]

Before leaving, Ealda agreed to answer some of his questions, two of which gave the Necromancer insight into the Crane Tribe's current lifestyle.

First and foremost, Barbarians were a tight-knit group. Even if they were on the other side of the continent, if a Chieftain asked for assistance, they would cross mountains and rivers and go through fire and blood to come to their aid.

That's why the current situation of the Crane encampment looked odd in Michael's view.

"Does the Crane Tribe fight alone? Where are the other tribes?"

[They will not aid betrayers. My kin is marked by dishonor.](Ealda)

"Dishonor? Mt. Arreat..."

[Yes. We carry the shame of our ancestor, Nihlathak. His cowardice stood before his pride when facing Baal beneath the mountain. Crane Tribe's honor fell with Arreat, as did our place among the tribes.](Ealda)

"What about assistance from the nearby cities? From what I've seen, your equipment needs repairs, your food supplies dwindle, and the injured..."

[We fight alone, as we must.](Ealda)

"*Sigh* You are a smart woman, so I hope you won't say 'no' to outsider help. I'll talk with Beatrice and figure out a solution."


"Chieftain! This isn't pity or kindness. With your Crane Tribe gone, the hungry flesh eaters would set their sights on other human settlements nearby. If you want to atone for your ancestor's sins, you must be alive to do it. Furthermore, you need to do it properly. I'll let you know what answer I get after my conversation with her."

[...thank you, Wanderer. We'll try to hold on for as long as possible.](Ealda)

"*Sigh* What about these cannibals? What gives them their strength?"

[Honestly, I've never let one live long enough to ask. They feed on those they conquer and consume their own, given the chance. Even mad beasts hold more honor.](Ealda)

Shaking his head as he walked through the encampment, Michael wondered just how many tribes suffer from a similar fate due to their ancestors' failure.

Barbarians value their honor above their lives, so it's understandable why they seek a chance to wash away the dishonor of fleeing battle against Baal.

Opening the MAP, he saw the general location of this Field of Broken Spears southeast of the Crane Tribe camp, less than thirty minutes on horseback.

'I'll go clean up the cannibals while I'm at it. I'm not sure about their overall count, but unlike monsters and demons summoned from the Burning Hells, their numbers shouldn't be infinite. Oh? Looks like I'm here.'

[Kaida, I can't just lie here! They have to be avenged! I can still fight!](?)

[Ancestors help me; if you move an inch, I'll break your legs!](Kaida)

Hearing the promise made in a very flat tone, the Necromancer shivered, and the first speaker, who appeared to be wounded, immediately shriveled like a cooked shrimp.

"Apologies for intruding, warriors. Would you mind telling me what the problem is? I might be able to help."

[Wonderful. Now, outsiders witness your wailing. Ignore my brother Kaidu, please. The Chieftain ordered him to rest, and he grows impatient.](Kaida)

[I've had enough rest to last a lifetime! I can stand -- *GROAN*](Kaidu)

The wounded man tried standing up, only to have his wounds reopen. Seeing the bleeding of the large gash on his chest, Michael immediately took one of his Healing Potions and fed it to the strong Barbarian, who was almost crying from the pain.

Seeing her brother recovering slightly, Kaida looked at his potion, filled with longing, but immediately moved to slap her brother into unconsciousness. 

With him finally 'asleep,' the duo could converse properly.

[Thank you, Wanderer. *Sigh* The cannibals maimed him. Ancestors were watching over him because the others were unrecognizable. I also await the day I can avenge them two-fold, but the living takes precedence.](Kaida)

"A wise outlook. How can I help lessen your worries then?"

[If you would, please kill the cannibals. As many as you want and can. It would ease both of our spirits, as well as those of our entire camp.](Kaida)

"Understood. Rest and wait for my good news."

Leaving the tent with the siblings behind, Michael opened the details of the newly accepted Quest.

[ Side Quest issued - Culling of Flesh

Objective: Slay cannibals in the Field of Broken Spears (0/50)

Description: Kada told you of the Crane Tribe's efforts in quelling the growing cannibal numbers. It is a never-ending battle, and the tribesmen are too few to eradicate the problem entirely.

Kaida asked you to slay cannibals in the Field of Broken Spears while she tends to her injured brother. ]

Reading the Quest details and realizing it was a 'pest-extermination' type, Michael grinned as he prepared to resummon his minions and slowly walk toward the Fields of Broken Spears while cleaning up whatever was in the near vicinity of the camp.

[Wanderer! A moment, please.](?)

Realizing it was the woman who had previously reported about the missing warriors, Michael stopped in his tracks and waited to see what was happening.

[Please follow me. The Chieftain knows you Wanderers are searching for the Altars of the Mother, and there is one hidden on a cliff nearby. Follow me.](?)

Remembering that there were three Altars of Lilith in tricky locations - according to the 'report' he got from the girls that had already found all of them in the four regions - the Necromancer raised an eyebrow and thanked the guide.

He was led to a cliff overseeing a canyon and could see a small, man-made 'clearing' on the rock wall on the other side.

It was about four meters away, about a meter or so elevated from his current ground level, and there was no bridge or rope to traverse on.

'With the Wanderer physique, it's not much of an issue.'

Thanking the guide, he immediately jumped across and successfully landed on the other side. He found the Altar, as well as some offerings and lit candles around it, so he wasted no time in activating it and getting back to his Quests.

Time was short, and he didn't want to waste tomorrow on these missions.

Exiting the Crane Tribe Hutmoot with his minions in tow, Michael started a bloodbath.

It surprised him when he realized that, unlike near Jirandai, he had yet to see any Wanderers skulking about.

While casting a Corpse Tendrils and allowing his Quarterback to smash the cannibals into meat patties, he theorized that the Field of Broken Spears might be the territory of these flesh eaters, and due to their numbers and home-field advantage, the Wanderers might not want to risk venturing here.

Infusing some Essence into his Ring of Communication, he contacted Beatrice and succinctly explained the situation of the Crane Tribe.

[*Sigh* Those prideful boneheads! I knew the situation had worsened recently, but I wasn't aware it was this bad. What do you think?](Beatrice)

"Do you think it would be difficult to transform that camp into something similar to what the Bear Tribe in Kyovashad currently has?"

[Ugh... Michael, my finances are strained as it is. I don't have the coins and the materials needed for a Waypoint.](Beatrice)

"Leaving the Waypoint aside temporarily, what about the rest of the amenities?"

[Well... it would be difficult, but I can recruit some people. The problem is the general safety of the location.](Beatrice)

"That won't be an issue. I'll try cleaning the surroundings a bit and inform the Chieftain about it. As for making it even safer, you know there's an Altar here, right?"


"If the Chieftain gives an 'unofficial' Quests to Wanderers who come to activate it to kill some monsters nearby, including cannibals, won't the situation stabilize? Furthermore, the lack of people adventuring in these parts is due to a lack of amenities and a Waypoint."

[To be honest, it's not like we haven't considered it in the past. The location is perfect for a Waypoint, but we just didn't have the coins or manpower for it.](Beatrice)

"How much do you think it would cost? To build one."

[Probably around 10 million coins if we have all the materials.](Beatrice)

"Since we're meeting again tonight, let's talk it over then. In the meantime, please prepare some aid for them. Their armors are a mess, so a blacksmith would be nice. The main priority is still healing all their injured. For Barbarians, even if they lack a hand or two, it doesn't detract from their prowess that much. As long as they're standing, they are capable of biting enemies to death."

[I'll get together three small parties of five people. I can probably spare two First Class Awakening Healers and another Second Class. The other Wanderers will stay posted there but only act as camp guards and not hunt actively. Also, they WILL prioritize the lives of the Healers and the craftsmen I'll send over that of the Barbarians.](Beatrice)

"Understandable. Thank you, Beatrice."

[Yes, yes. Just cook some more good food for tonight.](Beatrice)

Smiling while casting Raise Skeletons multiple times to replenish his 'lost' soldiers, the Necromancer pondered on the issue of sending the Healers of different levels.