Chapter 272. Hubris strikes... smiles back

Once again, the Necromancer realized that he might've gone overboard. The system message confirming the completion of the Quest had long disappeared, yet he found himself hunting down every demon that appeared in his sight.

[ Side Quest complete - Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache

Reward 1: 17,042 experience points

Reward 2: 2,120 gold coins

Reward 3: Unsealed Oxen Tribe Cache. ]

In fact, Michael could tell that something was wrong, especially since he had already reached Level 52 earlier in the day but somehow completely missed it.

"It's pretty odd... There's obviously something influencing my emotions, but I can't tell what. It was made more apparent when I visited Tuya in Alzuuda. If until then it was a very soft whisper, in Alzuuda it became closer to a soft-spoken conversation. *Sigh* Mephisto's aura was quite prevalent around the outpost. I'm surprised people can even live there without tearing each other apart."

By now, his experience bar had reached 441,932/1,763,640, which was already over 25% of Level 52.

His status page also changed a bit.

[ Class: High Necromancer

Attack Power: 1300

Armor: 5,805

 Life: 2,651


Strength: 308

Intelligence: 382

Willpower: 406

Dexterity: 363 ]

Seeing the increase made him curious how much these stats would change once he completed his Second Class Awakening.

But that was a thing for the future. Now, he had to deal with the disgusting 'creature' and its creepy god.

Moving through the plains called Path of the Stray Soul and from there into the Wayfarer's Folly, the Grinning Labyrinth quickly appeared in his view.

Stopping about ten meters away from the kneeling Orgai, the Necromancer studied the altar containing a much taller and creepier statue of The Grinning One.

Unlike its previous statue, this one appeared to be sculpted only from the bust upward. Its right hand was on the ground, and its head was lowered as if curiously looking at those praying for its help.

'Ancient god or not, it doesn't seem a very benevolent one to me. *Sigh* Let's hope the situation doesn't become weirder than it already is.'

Approaching Orgai, he called to the 'creature' in a stern tone, waking him up from his 'trance.' He obviously treated himself to another 'seance' session with the bone dust left from the undead.

Seeing the Wanderer, Orgai stood up with an unpleasant expression.

[*Grunting* It gnaws at me. So close. So close to its gifts! But first, I--I must be proven. The Grinning One must see Orgai is worthy.](Orgai)


[The dust showed me a labyrinth. Winding walls, endless halls. Laughing from the deep.](Orgai)

'Sounds delightful.'

[It wants ancient offerings returned. Offerings of devotion. Offering from those once worthy.](Orgai)

'Is this bastard asking me for his next fix right now? Should I turn him into bone dust instead?'

[But, Orgai is not made for demons and darkness. No, no, no, no, no... You brave the shadows. Bring what was lost to Orgai. Then the Grinning One may speak to you, too!](Orgai)

"I prefer the silence."


"Eh? Nothing. Continue. *Mumbles* Damn, I accidentally spoke my thoughts aloud."

With the request given, the Quest was also updated.

[ Side Quest update - Hubris Smiles Back

Objective: Retrieve Baneful Oblations from the fallen within the Grinning Labyrinth (0/5)

Description: Orgai says the bone dust showed him a labyrinth of demons and darkness beneath the Grinning One's shrine, claiming the Grinning One requests he retrieve ancient offerings from within. Desperate to prove himself, he had asked you to retrieve them instead. ]

Walking to the Dungeon's entrance, Michael downed his final Elixir of Poison Resistance.

Overall, it was still the only thing he feared more than anything else.

Passing through the thin film and sensing space warp around him, the Necromancer opened his eyes and found himself underground once more.

[ Dungeon Quest issued - Grinning Labyrinth

Objective: Destroy the Demonic Corruption (0/2). ]

Observing the structure of the underground halls, Michael realized that it was much wider than he initially expected it to be.

Furthermore, the markings on the walls and floor were very clear, with much less dust or other hints that might show this place's age.

It was obviously either maintained or, like all other Dungeons, it existed in a temporal bubble unaffected by the passing of time in the real world.

As for the monsters, just like the Dungeon Quest mentioned, they were demons. Fallen, to be more precise.

After stepping less than three hundred meters in and taking out the first wave of monsters, two Quest Items dropped.

[ Baneful Oblation (x2)

Quest item: Hubris Smiles Back


An ornamental jawbone offering. The sound of distant laughter seems to emanate from the bone itself. ]

Taking this opportunity as his minions cleared out the rest of the mobs, he also checked the details on the Oppressor Horn.

[ Opressor Horn

Quest item: Crucible of Worth


Torn from a servant of the Burning Hells, this horn seethes with ill intent. Only a master of their craft could render this material into a weapon. ]

Curious how Gerti would use this horn in the future, the Necromancer continued mowing down enemies in the Dungeon.

About fifteen minutes later, after moving between intertwining halls, he found the first Demonic Corruption.

In a similar fashion to the Stronghold Event he cleared earlier in the day, a unique named Elite popped up after the strange structure collapsed.

[ Dharlyx Bloodpulse (Elite) - Level 52

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 125% of the damage dealt.

*Tainted: All attacks deal an extra 450 Curse damage and inflict 'Vulnerable' status for 5 seconds. ]

One-on-one would've been a pain in the ass to deal with, mainly due to the Vampiric modifier. 

But no matter how fast the Elite punched or kicked his minions, two hands were no match against twenty-two, primarily because some pairs of hands used skills occasionally.

The second odd thing he found in this Dungeon, after dealing with the Demonic Corruption, was a blue item identified by the system as 'Manual: Profane Cage.' 

Realizing that the color represented the Magic grade since it was an item, Michael curiously asked for the Sanctuary's help identifying it.

[ Profane Cage

Magic Temper Manual



Affixes can be applied to Helmets, Chest Armors, Pants, Shields, and Amulets.

* +[21.0 - 30.0]% Blight Slow Potency

* +[28.5 - 37.5]% Corpse Tendrils Durration

* +[1] to Crippling Darkness

Use this item to unlock a new recipe. ]

While it was his first time seeing this sort of item, Michael immediately linked it to the Tempering Priority Quest he had previously received.

Now, when he bothers Zivek tomorrow about the details, he will at least have something to show the man.

He temporarily held off from 'using' the Manual and instead continued clearing demons from the halls and tunnels he kept passing through.

The second Demonic Corruption was quickly found and 'deleted,' leaving behind another enraged Elite roaring indignantly at the Necromancer.

[ Eransyx Taintspawn (Elite) - Level 52

*Plaguebearer: Upon death, detonates its Corpse and soul to deal 2,000 fixed damage, as well as 500 Poison damage per second, for a duration of 5 seconds.

*Poison Enchanted: All attacks create a poison puddle on the ground. Enemies affected by poison are dealt 450 damage per second for a duration of 4 seconds. ]

Another disgusting creature similar to the Spider Queen he killed today appeared. Upon its death, even if Michael ordered Quarterback to keep the Elite in place while he ran for cover, he was still inflicted with a major injury worth 1,200 Life Points.

Obviously, all his minions also perished in the process and had to be resummoned using fresh Corpses. 

[ Dungeon Quest update - Grinning Labyrinth

Objective: Travel to the Endless Coil. ]

As he continued clearing Fallen, the Side Quest was also completed.

[ Side Quest update - Hubris Smiles Back

Objective: Speak to Orgai

Description: You retrieved the Grinning One's ancient offerings from the Grinning Labyrinth. You should bring them to Orgai and see if there's any truth to his visions. ]

As the crazed Fallen rushed at his minions, Michael couldn't help but look over and over again at the Quest's name. 

With a deity called 'The Grinning One' and a Quest name that implies an answer from it, there was no way things would proceed smoothly.

Fortunately, there were plenty of things to distract him from his 'mortal' worries. Such as, for example, more Manuals.

[ Thorn Army

Rare Temper Manual



Affixes can be applied to Helmets, Chest Armor, Pants, Gloves, Shields, and Amulets.

* +[8.0 - 10.0]% Thorns while Fortified

* Minions Inherit +[8.0 - 10.0]% of your Thorns

* Skeletal Warriors Inherit +[8.0 - 12.5]% of your Thorns

* Skeletal Mages Inherit +[10.5 - 15.0]% of your Thorns

* Golems Inherit +[15.5 - 20.0]% of your Thorns

Use this item to unlock a new recipe. ]

Knowing her love for Thorns, Michael calmly deposited it next to the Magic Manual and continued his exploration. He decided to share this with Helen tonight to see how she would react.

"Ooooh! Finally! No Dungeon would feel appropriate without this."

[ Timeworn Letter ]

Another 'collectible' appeared! 

Furthermore, as much as all the girls were curious about some novel stories or gossip easily found in such items, Neyrelle was the most intrigued by them.

After all, they weren't considered actual items or Quest Items, but they could still be brought outside the Dungeons.

Not only that but if a second Wanderer clears the Dungeon after the first one is done, he would still be able to find another rendition of this curious thing.

The fact that they would also contain the same words, including punctuation, made it even more interesting to the young researcher.

[ Minu,

I have heard what is transpiring in the labyrinth. Three summoners driven mad by this Grinning One, as it is called. My daughter, why do you persist in trying to break the demon? You have nothing to prove.

You are more the Vizejrei than I was at your age. There is wisdom in knowing when to move on.

Seal the demon and its minions away. Return to the clan. Please.

I am asking as your father. Do not make me command it as the grand summoner. ]

Reading the letter, Michael's expression changed multiple times. 

Even for someone capable of compartmentalizing his emotions, the situation was much too interesting to remain unbothered.

He first directly contacted Neyrelle and asked if she could visit the Horadric Vault and search for details about the Vizejrei.

When the young researcher heard it was related to another 'collectible' found in the Dungeon, she quickly yelled for Tia and Evelyn.

Fortunately, Mina was around and heard them, and forced poor Gonk to act as their guardian again.

Closing the call with Neyrelle and contacting Mina, the Necromancer chatted with his 'second girlfriend' as he tried finding the Endless Coils.

Apparently, Connie came over to discuss the situation regarding the 'supporter' contracts mentioned yesterday on behalf of her father and obviously ended up butting heads with Aylin over trivial matters.

After a couple more minutes, when his Dungeon Quest finally changed, he hung up and decided to properly focus on wrapping up the hunt.

[ Dungeon Quest update - Grinning Labyrinth

Objective: Slay the Grinning Fiends (0/2). ]

Seeing the words 'grinning' and 'fiends' used in conjunction, Michael was able to confirm his previous suspicions.

Just like the strange 'method' to become more powerful found leading to the Exhuming Faith Quest, eventually leading to having to face off against Izzoth the Deceiver, this Grinning One was similarly a demonic entity rather than a deity.

"It's a bit worrisome, really. Just how foolish were the people of the Sanctuary to be fooled by so many demons into worshiping them? Also... *Sigh* This Dungeon appears to be related to Lilith."

Looking at the large statue standing guard over a flight of descending stairs, Michael quickly noticed the same traits he had seen many times on the Altars of Lilith or throughout other Dungeons, such as Rathma's Necropolis.

The first Grinning Fiend appeared, and he was indeed more challenging to handle, thanks to his ridiculously combined modifiers.

[ Nelrak, the Grinning Fiend (Elite) - Level 52

*Explosive: Explosions send shockwaves around the creature afflicted with this modifier, dealing 1,350 damage to its surroundings.

*Mortar: Randomly throws eight fireballs toward an area occupied by an enemy. Each fireball deals 950 damage.

*Teleporter: Teleport randomly in a 20-meter radius range.

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals you for 165% of the damage dealt. ]

Combining the crappy explosive modifier with the teleporter and adding the vampire on top of it was truly disgusting.

What made matters worse was that the 'random' teleportation was not random at all. It kept targeting the Necromancer every time.

The only way through which he could avoid getting blown to High Heavens every time was by using Blood Mist, even if it hurt like hell every time the hot flames vaporized his blood form.

Fortunately, Nelrak fell swiftly because of its low Life Points compared to other Elites Michael had met in the Dungeon so far and was searching for over half an hour for the next Grinning Fiend.

Unfortunately, no matter how far he went, he couldn't seem to find the damned creature.

Resigning himself to being late to tonight's meeting, Michael found a Blaswave Shrine, which was apparently cursed.

"I guess it does make sense for the only Shrine of Inarius I found in a Dungeon the system asked me to get rid of Demonic Corruption, would be corrupted itself, huh?"