Chapter 276. Tempering

Seeing the Affixes offered by a Magic grade recipe, Michael was instantly captivated by the possibilities.

Turning to Zivek, who was still savoring Aylin's morning efforts, he curiously pointed at the Manual.

"Does it mean that when you temper an item, it replaces all existing affixes with the ones offered by the recipe?"

[Hmpf! You'd wish! It randomly adds one. Also, if you want to change it, you can repeatedly redo the tempering until you get whichever one you choose from the list. However, it will obviously cost you.](Zivek)

"Huh!? Wait a minute... wasn't this something usually done at the Occultist?"

[Yes. Now, however, instead of everything being random, you can choose based on the recipes you found. Also, from what I can tell, not only are there Magic and Rare grade manuals out there, but there are also Legendary ones.](Zivek)

Reading between the lines, the Necromancer instantly agreed with the theory. Furthermore, if Rare grade Tempering Manuals offered the type of stats he saw yesterday, one can only imagine how amazing a Legendary was.

[I'll explain it briefly so you can understand. First off, I don't suggest you do it yet. It takes a lot of resources, and the items you currently have are not worth it.

Secondly, depending on its rarity, each item can be tempered several times. You cannot temper Magic and Unique items for now, it seems, but Rare and Legendary are possible. 

Each type can be tempered once or twice if it's an Ancestral item.](Zivek)

"I see..."

[Next, once you successfully tempered the item, you can reroll up to five times per affix if you don't like the affix added. You fail six times... you get it.](Zivek)

Realizing that he needed to hurry up and complete his Main Quest, the Necromancer nodded and waited for the continued explanation.

[You saw the categories right?](Zivek)


[Good. Simply put, depending on the item, it can only accept certain tempering recipes. For example, Chest Armor, Helmets, and Pants can all accept Defensive type tempering, but your weapons can't. Likewise, your weapons can accept the Weapon and Offensive type recipes, but your armor generally can't. I'm still learning the fine details, so I'll tell you more when you return.

Finally, Masterworking... Ugh. This one's tricky. First, you must fully temper an item of Legendary or Ancestral Unique grade before you can start improving its affixes.](Zivek)

"So, to summarize it, tempering adds up to two new affixes on the item, and once it's considered maxed out, you can do masterworking to improve all affixes on it?"

[Pretty much.](Zivek)

"What about the cost?"

[You can't afford it.](Zivek)

After clearing out the fine details Zivek spent the whole night going over, Michael asked about the Legendary Aspect extraction.

As expected, once the Wanderer added the item to the 'Salvage' interface, a new line appeared in the item's details.

[ *Unlocks new Aspect in the Codex of Power on salvage. ]

Happy that no cost was added to salvaging, Michael used his two Legendary items to test it out.

He got 4 Iron Chunks, 2 Rawhides, 3 Veiled Crystals and one Coiling Ward, Baelful Fragment, and Abstruse Sigil each.

With Zivek hinting that each item would cost multiple 'rare' materials such as the Coiling Wards, the Baelful Fragments, and the Abstruse Sigils, Michael was in a bad spot if he wanted to revamp his entire equipment set.

'I need to save gold coins for my house project, but there's also a high need for salvaged materials for masterworking and tempering. There's also this bastard of a Sanctuary pissing me off.'

[ Priority Quest update - Tempering

Objective: Temper a piece of gear at the Blacksmith

Description: Tempering can be done at a Blacksmith and allows you to add Affixes to a piece of gear.

Seek out Zivek in Kyovashad to learn Tempering. ]

Leaving the Sanctuary's insistence aside, the fact that neither of his current items could be used to complete the Quest was maddening.

Michael wasn't sure if it was because they became 'Legacy' items or because only 'Ancestral' grade items were worthy of tempering.

'If it's the latter, I'm in deep trouble. I need to reach World Tier 3 Difficulty for such items to drop, and I can't switch to that difficulty until I complete the Main Quest. At the same time, the Main Quest gets progressively more difficult as time goes on, and I will soon reach a plateau in terms of improvement.'

Bidding farewell to the Blacksmith, Michael rubbed his chin, trying to figure out how he should move forward.

"Oh, right! Before I start Dungeon Diving, I should stock up on Elixirs."

Calculating it based on the increased difficulty and high number of mobs, it would roughly take somewhere between one and two hours to clear a Dungeon unless something happens to either speed up or lengthen the process.

With two hours on average to be safe, he would need between 35 and 40 Elixirs per day, considering how he wanted to clear Dungeons continuously.

Of course, that was nothing more than a pipe dream since there was still distance he had to travel between Dungeons.

Adding a minimum of half an hour for traveling between Dungeons - if he succeeds in creating a proper route to diminish the wasted time - he could clear between 8 and 10 per day.

Another concern regarding quick travel teleportation was also resolved last night during the meeting, where Mira confirmed that the number of daily teleportation allowed was increased to five from one.

Also, inside Dungeons, a blue portal would remain active, allowing the Wanderer to travel between his 'workplace' and the Waypoint of his choice. This also solved the matter of insufficient space in the inventory.

'No matter how I look at it, the Sanctuary is pretty much saying 'Hurry up and become stronger,' hinting that a catastrophe is imminent. Like always, I should do what I can.'

Reaching the Alchemist, Michael calculated a total of 35 to 40 Elixirs he would need since each one lasts for only 30 minutes.

"Good morning, Aunty Veroka."

[Oh, it's you! Here for some Elixirs?](Veroka)

"Yes. Please don't tell me there were changes on your end also."

[Haha! There were, but it's not as bad as for that baldy Demyan or Zivek. Right, you should have reached level 50, correct?](Veroka)


[That's good. Then you can start using Advanced Elixirs.](Veroka)

"Oh? What's the difference from the basic ones?"

[The improvements they provide increase. Not only that, but they also last for about three hours each.](Veroka)

Michael could swear that Veroka's voice was more beautiful to listen to than that of the Archangel duo that had visited them recently.

With an increase in duration, the number needed would also decrease.

[I also have something new added called a Quest Elixir. You can get two samples for free.](Veroka)

"Oh? I love free things. Let me see."

He got two vials, placed one in his inventory, and identified the details on the other.

[ Elixir of Antivenin (requires Level 35)


For the next 120 minutes:

*Increases Maximum Life by 15% and Poison Resist by 20%

*Experience gained is increased by 8%. ]

Seeing such a fantastic item, Michael almost shouted about the cost, planning to create another 50.

[Before you go crazy with joy, check the cost.](Veroka)

Feeling his heart go cold, he accepted the interface the Alchemist sent over, and his face changed colors.

[ Elixir of Antivenin - Requires Level 35

Material costs:

*50 Bundled Herbs

*35 Angel Breath

*150 Emerald Fragments

*150 Skull Fragments ]

With 28 Angelbreaths in his possession, he could create one, not to mention 50!

Swallowing hard, he quickly searched through the other available Elixirs and promptly found two he was interested in.

[ Elixir of Poison Resistance II (requires Level 50)


For the next 180 minutes:

*Increases Poison Resistance by 30% and Maximum Poison Resistance by 6%

*Experience gained is increased by 8%.

Material costs:

*40 Bundled Herbs

*30 Angel Breath

*300 Emerald Fragments ]

[ Elixir of Iron Barbs II (requires Level 50)


For the next 180 minutes:

*Increases Armor by 500 and Maximum Thorns by 250

*Experience gained is increased by 8%.

Material costs:

*20 Bundled Herbs

*20 Angel Breath

*200 Diamond Fragments ]

Feeling the earth under his feet sink, he offered the best impression of puppy eyes anyone in the Sanctuary had seen to Aunty Veroka.


[Don't even bother! Brat! Do you think collecting materials is easy? If you don't have materials, use gold coins!](Veroka)

Clenching his teeth at the capitalistic nature of all businessmen in Sanctuary, he asked the price for his three choices.

[10,000 gold coins for each Elixir of Iron Barbs II, 25,000 for each Elixir of Poison Resistance II, and 50,000 for each Elixir of Antivenin.](Veroka)

"Holy shit!"

[You dare cuss!? I gave you a premium price because of that lass, Helen! Otherwise, I'd charge you double! What? You don't want it?](Veroka)

"I do, I do!"

[Hmpf. How many?](Veroka)

"Give me five each..."

[Oh, right! I forgot to mention, but you can stack the Elixir of Antivenin with the other ones.](Veroka)

Seeing the sly look on the middle-aged woman's face, Michael was appalled.

After changing his order, he left the store with 8 Elixirs of Antivenin, 8 Elixirs of Iron Barbs II, and 8 Elixirs of Poison Resistance II. Oh, and a very empty pocket as the bill came to 680,000 gold coins.

His reserves dipped to less than a third of what he had, dropping to 310,943 gold coins.

Disillusioned and worried about his future as a kept man, he stepped through the portal and traveled to Jirandai.

There, he summoned his horse, who snorted, displeased at his master's continuous lies, making the Necromancer almost pass out when he realized he promised a whole week of R&R to his mount, which would probably drain another 500,000 to a full million gold coins.

Setting a marker for Champion's Demise, Michael called one of the Wanderers Beatrice placed him in contact with - apparently, you can transfer contacts using the Ring of Communication just like when using a phone - and asked him to let the Chieftain know he was on his way to their appointed place.

With hollow eyes, he traveled to the Dungeon and found the Chieftain Ealda waiting for him.

Unlike yesterday, her eyes appeared more determined and full of life. Evidently, the reinforcements did wonders for the Crane Tribe's morale.

"Good morning, Chieftain."

[Good morning, Michael. I must thank you again for your assistance. Because of you, my have mostly recovered their health. Now, I must ask you once more to assist me in recovering their spirits.](Ealda)

"It's what I promised, so I will obviously do so."

[Then, let's go in without further delay.](Ealda)

Stepping through the thin film, the duo entered Champion's Demise.

After recovering his bearings, Michael turned to ask the Chieftain for directions, only to be met by a horrible display.

Bloody chains with nails as their tip burrowed into her body in three different locations. One went under her left armpit and into her chest, one nailed her right calf and thigh, and one pierced through her right shoulder and collarbone.

Seeing the Necromancer's terrified look, she laughed upon finding out that the panicked young man had taken out a Healing Potion for her.

[Phew! As painful as I remember. Don't worry, Michael. This is a level restriction charm. Each charm decreases the overall level of the one using it by 10. That way, I can join you in clearing our once-sacred grounds.](Ealda)

Speechless at how brutish the Barbarian women were, the Necromancer placed his Healing Potion back in its pouch. 

Since Ealda was okay, he checked the Dungeon Quest.

[ Dungeon Quest issued - Champion's Demise

Objective: Return the Stone Carvings to the Pedestal (0/3). ]

Turning back to the Chieftain, he saw her look at the grass under her feet with complicated feelings.

[My ancestors soaked these fields with demon blood. Yet these fiends still dare trespass upon their betters.](Ealda)

With her rage slowly increasing, Michael wanted to avoid dealing with a berserk Barbarian in his party, so he quickly comforted her.

"Doesn't that mean we simply need to remind them of their place?"

[Yes. Yes! When they are washed in their own blood to the point where they have nightmares upon seeing our banners, I'd like to know if they still dare come harass our fallen!](Ealda)

Advancing behind the gung-ho Chieftain, Michael saw a strange construct in the middle of an open field ahead of them.

Once they closed in, he could recognize burial mounds decorated with weapons and skulls of demons, telling visitors of the accomplishments of those resting beneath the soil. 

What was curious were the extra human bodies and heads impaled around the said mounds.

It was obvious that this wasn't the work of the Crane Tribe.

[The cairns of our ancestors, defiled by beasts. Their filth can't quiet the glory that echoes through these stones!](Ealda)

Surprised at the Chieftain's sudden shout, the Necromancer turned around and met her red-tinged eyes.

Before he could even think the words, 'Oh, shit!' the responding roars of the living inhabitants of this Dungeon filled the air.

The taunt was very successful.