Chapter 284. Onyx Hold

After the wound closed and he helped the old lady back to her home, Michael spent another fifteen minutes helping her sort out the mess the bandits had caused inside.

In their attempt to find valuable goods, they turned the house upside down but probably gave up halfway through when they realized the old lady might not have anything worth stealing.

When the cleaning session was done, Chabi kneeled in front of the small chest filled with mementos of the dead and began praying for them.

Probably noticing the Necromancer's curiosity on his face, she kindly explained.

[I pray for kith and kin. For those lost to the Crag Song.](Chabi)

"Crag Song?"

[Dark spirits live in these lands. They call out, luring those who pause to listen into eternal slumber. In such foul times, the will to resist the Song grows harder. They walk the crags now, fleshless and cursed.](Chabi)

Concluding that it must be a local legend about how villagers die and turn into undead walking the fields, Michael remained quiet and continued listening to the woman.

[If you travel by that road, would you collect any mementos that the dead drop? It would ease an old woman's worries.](Chabi)

"Understood. I'll see what I can do. However, it's getting late and you should rest. I'll return in the morning with the souvenirs."

[Thank you, child.](Chabi)

Realizing how much he was projecting his grandma from back on Earth on this old lady, the Necromancer left her house and felt her gaze on his back until he was too far away for her to see.

Turning around and seeing the door close, Michael scratched his head and prepared to meet the second Quest-giver.

[ Side Quest issued - Kith and Kin

Objective: Collect Personal Effects from Skeletons (0/15)

Description: An ancient curse has long called unfortunate souls to their doom. Now, an elder named Chabi has asked you to see the living dead in Khargai Crags and collect any personal effects to remember them by. ]

Reading the description, his brows furrowed when he saw that the 'ancient curse' was real.

If not for the time being past midnight, he would've already contacted Beatrice and Aylin, possibly even Lorath or his 'informant' Teckrin in Ked Bardu.

'There are so many mysteries to this world, most of which are not even properly recorded on paper and just passed to further generations through word of mouth. However, in the case of this specific one, there are sure to be those who investigated the curse in the past, leaving behind some breadcrumbs for me to follow. There's a strong possibility of demons being involved again, just like in the Grinning One and the Azzoth the Deceiver case. I'll check in the morning with those better informed than I am.'

Following the Quest Marker, the Necromancer reached the northwestern part of the camp, where he was shocked to find out what a gibbet was.

A strong and thick pole, probably about five meters tall, with another ledge attached to its top mimicking the body of a crane, from which a long chain connected a round cage with a person inside it.

The words 'feed him to the crows' echoed loudly in Michael's mind, especially when seeing the man swatting away the beaks of the carrion checking if he was still alive or not.

Hesitating for a while because he didn't know if the man was a villain or not, Michael couldn't help but let his curiosity get the better of him, and he finally opened his mouth.

"You up there, are you alright?"

[Huh!? Oh, thank the gods! Most people don't bother to look up, especially now at night. I-I'm Nizaar.](Nizaar)

"Michael. I'd say 'nice to meet you,' but I think we could've met in better circumstances."

[*Cough* D-do you think you might be able to get me down? I don't want to die up here.](Nizaar)

"Do you mind telling me first how you end up there?"

[Those spineless thugs fled when you slew Ezmin, including the one with the key. They're probably camped nearby, though.](Nizaar)

Hearing the name Ezmin, the Necromancer remembered the final Boss he dealt with, the one that tried to recruit him into the 'gang.'

Still, the situation was sketchy at best. Why would the bandits string him up like that instead of killing him instead?

It seemed like a major waste of time.

If the crime he committed against the fallen Boss were petty, they would've just beaten him to a pulp and then thrown him with the rest. If the crime was unforgivable, there were much better methods of torture than locking him in a cage two meters above ground.

More investigation was needed.

"What are you doing out here?"

[Sitting in a cage, waiting for death, what does it look like!? I was a merchant before... this, and a good one too.](Nizaar)

Mentally pressing 'X' for doubt, the Necromancer analyzed his speech pattern based on the people of the Steppes he had met so far, and even if he was the 'rougher' kind, his matter of speech wasn't very aligned with his job.

Especially since the man claims to have been good at it.

"I see. Why didn't they kill you then?"

[Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe they were hoping for a ransom. They were fooling themselves if they thought my life was worth more than what I could haul in my caravan.](Nizaar)

Mentally adding, 'How contradictory!' when the man had clearly stated he was a 'good' merchant and how his worth was less than his caravan of goods, Michael raised an eyebrow, curious to see what the system had to say.

[ Side Quest issued - A Pound of Flesh

Objective: Find the Ragged Encampment

Description: You've found a prisoner of the bandits held in the Onyx Watchtower. He has asked you to retrieve the key to unlock his gibbet from the bandits outside. ]

Sneering and lashing out with his scythe at the chain used to lower or raise the gibbet, the Necromancer found himself recoiling three steps back due to a force protecting the contraption.

[It's magically enchanted. You can only lower it when the key is within two meters of the gibbet.](Nizaar)

"How... convenient. Okay, I'll go find these bandits. You... stay put."


Chuckling at the sound of clenching teeth as he strolled away, Michael opened the MAP and saw three blue circles covering different areas.

The closest was directly east of the Watchtower, as well as the largest area—the Kith and Kin Quest.

Judging from the range he had to cover while dealing with the Skeletons, he should make it his priority.

The other two were the Pound of Flesh, which was a much smaller area, probably a hidden camp where the bandits escaped to.

And finally, a bit north of the Ragged Enchampment was the third Side Quest, where he had to find and stop whatever the dumb cultists were trying to do in their recruitment process.

Another thing he notices was a Dungeon, which was immediately unveiled after the Watchtower event was cleared, housed at the heart of the camp.

The handful of guards he saved from the bandit's claws made it their priority to assess the situation of the Dungeon, breathing in relief when they realized the situation was stable.

[ Dungeon: Onyx Hold (Level 50)

Description: Undead wardens still patrol the halls of this prison. ]

According to the guards, some of their superiors escaped into the Dungeon when the bandits overwhelmed the Watchtower, wanting to wait inside for a couple of days until reinforcements arrived to clear the interlopers.

A solid plan in Michael's mind, but unfortunately for them, the support arrived much faster than they expected, and now they would have to deal with the undead inside instead of the bandits.

Stopping in his tracks, the Necromancer began formulating a plan that would make the most out of another batch of Elixirs.

'The old lady should be sleeping, and I have a bad feeling about the 'prisoner.' Also, even if he is not lying to me, it would be better to attack the bandits' camp closer to sunrise rather than now. They shouldn't be as stupid as not to have any sentries. But even those sentries would be dead tired in the morning, while the others would be sleeping deeply. If I attack at that point, their effective combat power would probably not even reach half of their regular potential.'

Nodding to himself, he turned around and strolled into the Onyx Hold Dungeon.

The guards were happy to have him do that since clearing an instance could lower the difficulty their upper brass, who fled cowardly, had to face.

Stepping through the thin film and working through the dizzying feeling assaulting his senses, Michael sighed upon seeing the area being called the Rotting Penitentiary.

It was yet another prison-type Dungeon.

[ Dungeon Quest issued - Onyx Hold

Objective: Slay all enemies in the Rotting Penitentiary. ]

Almost getting confirmation that the Sanctuary was messing with him - as this was the third Dungeon in a row where he got this sort of Quest - the Necromancer advanced through the corridors, taking in the tall ceiling and the walls covered in rusted cages.

There wasn't anything special about what he had to do so far, as the Skeletons and the Phantoms kept popping up everywhere, and he simply had to put them to rest.

However, that didn't mean it was a boring Dungeon, especially after finding the skeleton of a dead guard and retrieving a 'collectible' from its bloodied chest pocket.

[ Shredded Orders ]

Curious after seeing that it was only a single page, Michael inspected it as his minions were setting a perimeter to ensure he could read in peace.

[ Shredded Orders

To Captain Batai of the Onyx Watch,

Guulrahn is under attack by the Tyrant Brol. Your Lord Overseer commands that you muster the Onyx Watch and ride at once to defend your capital.

I need not remind you of our Lord's opinion of cowards. Those who fail to join in our victory shall be judged in due course.

- High Captain Tsartu, Guulrahni Royal Guard ]

Confused at the letter, Michael took out the other collectible he found under the dead guards' bodies after dealing with the bandit Boss.

[ Formal Request

Captain Batai. It has been four days since Guulrahn called the Onyx Watch to their aid, yet still, we hold our posts. We, the undersigned officers, request your leave to march on the capital at once.

Let no one say that the Onyx Watch lacked the courage to fight for the Steppes. ]

"These two are obviously connected, but the timeline doesn't make sense. I had already dealt with Brol and his bandits in Guulrahn over two weeks ago. By the time I got there, both the Royals and their guards were long dead and eaten. This looks like an interesting conspiracy Beatrice might be interested in."

Adding to the Vizjerei Mage Clan Neyrelle was researching, the Steppes were proving themselves to be quite the treasure trove for entertaining mysteries.

Moving forward to avoid wasting his expensive Elixirs, the Necromancer ended up with a Cursed Shrine Event. 

Fortunately, the blessing he got was the Blast Wave type, and he easily made the rounds around the Shrine, squashing the summoned undead as if they were bugs.

Then, using Corpse Explosion, he cleared eight waves of monsters once the blessing ended until the system announced that the Event had cleared.

The Resplendent Chest was one of the most generous he had ever opened.

Even if it offered only two Rare item boxes, the 5 Angelbreaths, 7 Iron Chunks, 7 Rawhides, and 7 Bundled Herbs were an excellent addition to his hoard.

Much to his surprise, another Cursed Chest Event popped up a bit further into the Dungeon, where after smacking away the Elite Skeleton Captain that angrily staggered his way, he obtained a pair of Legendary pants and three more Rare item boxes.

He quickly compared them to what he had on, eventually deciding to salvage this new gain as well.

[ Boneweave Fauls of Disobedience

Legendary Pants

450 + 20 Item Power (Upgrades 4/4)

Legacy Item


470 Armor

* While Injured, your Potion also grants 14% Maximum Life as a Barrier.


* +14 to All Stats

* 32 Willpower

*+9.1% Healing Received

* +1 Rank of Corpse Explosion (Necromancer Only)

Legendary Aspect: You gain 0.8% increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 48%.

+2.5% Maximum Life (Chipped Ruby)

+2.5% Maximum Life (Chipped Ruby) ]

[ Aphotic Exceptional Leggings

Legendary Pants

590 Item Power


590 Armor (+120 when compared to the currently equipped item)

* +75 Maximum Life

* 49 Intelligence

*+18 Life per Second

Legendary Aspect: Skeletal Priests empower your Skeletal Warrior's attacks to deal Shadow damage and have a 13.0% chance to Stun enemies for 1.5 seconds (Necromancer Only).

Empty Socket ]

For now, unless something much better than this popped up, he wouldn't bother changing his pants since, with the Aspect of Disobedience, his Armor would go up by almost 3,000 during fights.

Yes, he could 'transplant' the Aspect onto the new pair of pants, but his Legacy Item was still much better in terms of Affixes and sockets.

With a full inventory, Michael scratched his head and decided to use one of his five refreshed quick-travels back to a city, only to realize that it was close to 2 a.m. and everyone should be sleeping.