Chapter 286. A Pound of Flesh

[ Andrea the Shadow (Elite) - Level 54

*Vampiric: Each successful hit on an enemy heals for 180% of the damage dealt.

*Shadow Enchanted: All attacks deal an extra 300 Shadow damage.

*Hellbound: Summons a Hellbinder that latches chains on enemy targets in a 10-meter radius. Enemies caught are unable to move further than the chain's length. ]

The bandit minions were easy to dispatch, but Andrea herself was a major pain in the ass. 

Leaving aside the Hellbound and Vampiric modifiers, as a stealth-based Class, she would vanish every now and then, forcing Michael to directly use Bone Storm to reveal her or Blood Mist to avoid getting daggers to the face.

To his surprise, the Necromancer found himself using his legs much more than before - probably because now he didn't have the shield to hide behind - and took a fancy at kicking at people's faces.

That fancy turned painful when the annoyed Elite decided to test the length of her knives against his calves, but it wasn't anything a Healing Potion couldn't fix.

When she finally fell, a strange wall of flames covered a two-meter radius around her body, leaving her in a state similar to the charred corpses he found at the bandit camp where the ledger was initially.

'That confirms it. This book has something evil lurking within, or it has the capability of briefly connecting the Burning Hells with the Sanctuary, even if it is for the purpose of collecting the soul. Andrea mentioned she found it in Ked Bardu.'

Deciding to head straight to the city after he wrapped up the two Quests he gained from the Onyx Watchtower, the Necromancer checked the time.

It was 5:17 a.m., so everyone would be sleeping for a while longer.

[ Side Quest update - Scorched Debts

Objective: Seek answers in Ked Bardu

Objective: Andrea flew into a terrified rage when you showed her the ledger. You were forced to defend yourself, but when she fell, her body was consumed in hellfire. This book is clearly more than it appears.

Andrea mentioned finding the book in Ked Bardu. Someone there must know more. ]

Since it was still this early, Michael decided to slowly return to the Watchtower. He would take the long way back and focus on clearing more undead. That way, he would make the best of both worlds. 

There were only Minion-class monsters that he met on his way back, without any Elites in sight. There were also no items that dropped, except for the usual gold coins. 

After taking out his pocket watch and checking the time, he realized it was already 7 a.m. and promptly returned to the Watchtower. He could only hope everybody was already up. 

To give the old lady a bit more time to sleep and maybe have breakfast, he decided first to stop and check on the prisoner kept in the gibbet. Nizzar was patiently waiting for the Wanderer to return and get him the hell down.

When he saw his Savior, Nizzar started screaming with excitement. The Necromancer ignored him and focused on the contraption instead. With the key on his person, he could interact with the chain pulling down the gibbet, and with it, the prisoner was finally on the ground again. 

"Have some patience while I unlock the cage.

[Wanderer, you have no idea how bad the steel is for your back. I feel every bone in my body screaming in pain. Just the thought of spending another second in this place is mental torture.](Nizzar) 

"I get it, I get it! Just hold on for a moment.

Finally unlocking the cage, he let the man out, curiously watching as he stretched his body. The more Michael interacted with this guy, the more confident he was that something was wrong with him. 

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew for sure that something wasn't making sense. 

[ Side Quest update - A Pound of Flesh 

Objective: Speak with Zizarr 

Description: You have freed Nizarr, but it looks as if the time and the gibbet has not been kind to him.

"So, how does freedom feel?

[I'll be damned; I didn't think you'd bother coming back. Thank you. There's no chance you have any extra healing potions on you, is there?](Nizzar) 

Seeing his Quest update again and asking him to provide the hurting man a Healing Potion, the Necromancer relented. 

"Here, take this.

[Oh, th-thank you for your kindness. Borza, the bastard to put me in that cage, took some of his Men and fled into the caverns below. He'll just put someone else in that cage if we don't put an end to him now. Yes, 'we.' I-I just need your help to find a weapon.](Nizzar)

It would be a lie to say that Michael wasn't getting more and more curious about this Quest.

Furthermore, the more he interacted with this strange guy, the more flaws he found in his behavior and speech patterns.

Like, for example, the fact that a 'merchant' had suddenly requested to fight side-by-side with the Wanderer who just saved him, after claiming that his entire body was hurting from being stuck in that gibbet overnight.

[ Side Quest update - A Pound of Flesh 

Objective: Help Nizzar choose a weapon

Description: Nizzar wants vengeance on Borza, the man who put him in the gibbet. First, however, he needs a weapon to fight with.

With the Quest pointing them to some nearby crates, Michael found himself facing multiple choices, from spears to wows to daggers. Finally, he saw them: a short sword and a shield. 

[Sword and shield? I'll be happy to play the part of the raider this time.](Nizzar) 

"Just stay close to me where I can see you. We don't know what we might face down there."

[ Side Quest update - A Pound of Flesh 

Objective: Enter Borza's Hideout

Description: You and Nizzar can now head for Borza's Hideout to confront the man who imprisoned him.

Annoyed at a Quest updating four times already, the Necromancer opened the MAP, checking where the marker was. 

Much to his surprise, he realized it wasn't very far from the Dungeon. He could actually see the doors leading to what he initially believed to be a cellar. There were even two guards protecting the entrance down below.

After explaining the situation to the guards, he had Nizzar lead the way as he remained less than two steps behind the man, just in case he tried something. 

[Let's go. He's hiding in the tunnels nearby. Can't wait to see the look on Borza's face.](Nizzar) 

Michael remained quiet and followed behind the man. 

'From the looks of it, this is a Temporary Dungeon. Which means that we should be able to see Monsters very...soon.'

Before he could even finish his thoughts, a small group of around seven enemies ambushed them, obviously all of them bandits. Fortunately, there were only minion-level monsters, so they were quickly dispatched. 

What stood out to him the most was how proficient the 'merchant' was with his sword and shield. While Michael took out five, Nizarr took out two. 

He was trying very hard to hide it, but he did so with ease, further raising the Necromancer's suspicions. 

While keeping an eye on the merchant/mercenary, he advanced through the Dungeon, getting rid of three Elites in the process. The loot was practically nonexistent, but he did gain some experience and gold coins. 

The situation took a turn for the strange after crossing the halfway mark. Instead of the usual bandits greeting them, the duo now had to fight with undead Skeletons. 

Judging by the clothes they were wearing, it was plenty clear that they were bandits previously. 

[What did that bastard stir up down there?](Nizzar) 

Ignoring the yapping mouth, Michael focused on getting rid of the monsters besieging them. Their numbers were much higher than the usual ambushes they suffered on their way here. 

However, the enemies were rounded up with a taunt from his Golem, after which he used Corpse Explosion to clear the battlefield. 

The feeling of something being out of place kept growing in his mind, forcing Michael to go on high alert. Since he was already in enemy territory, all he could do was have his Reapers surround him as he moved forward. 

The Golem took the front line, and the Accountants were right behind Michael, leaving Nizarr the only one out of place. It was very likely that the 'merchant' had already noticed something was happening, and the fact that he wasn't saying anything about it further confirmed the Necromancer's suspicions. 

Still, since they got this far, he decided to go all the way through with it.

Thirteen minutes later, the duo reached a cave of sorts, with traces of humans living nearby present near the walls. Crates with different goods like food, alcohol, and weapons — even three larger crates filled with jewelry and gold coins — made it easy to figure out that they had reached the Boss Room. 

[Borza! I know you're here, you bastard! Show yourself!](Nizzar) 

Hearing the man shout expletives, Michael was surprised for a moment. However, when a voice answered him, the situation became clear. 

[Well, well! Someone let you out of your cage, did they, rat? Suppose you learn your lesson?](Borza) 

[Aye! I know I did wrong, but I brought you the troublemaker who wrecked our camp! A little gift, wrapped up nicely.](Nizzar)

Rolling his eyes at the 'sudden' development, Michael wondered if Nizzar had a few screws loose. He was talking to his boss as if the Necromancer wasn't less than a meter away. 


Before the battle could start, a scythe beheaded the merchant-turned-bandit, leaving the rest of the mobs stunned. 

Shrugging at the group, he ordered his minions to attack. It took less than five minutes to clear the scene, and then he began to store the crates in his inventory. 

'I'm pretty sure the people above will be happy to see this return to them.' 

As for keeping things like jewelry to sell himself or the crate that probably had around three to four hundred gold coins, he didn't bother. That sort of amount can drop easily from one or two monsters.

[ Side Quest - A Pound of Flesh

Reward 1: 34,848 experience points

Reward 2: 2,750 gold coins

Reward 3: Borza's Bonecrusher (Rare Mace). ]

Opening his inventory to check the weapon, Michael rolled his eyes again after realizing it was another weapon unsuited to his Class.

[ Borza's Bonecrusher

Rare Mace

597 Item Power


519 Damage per Second 

* [376 - 566] Damage per Hit

* 1.10 Attacks per Second

* +31.0% Overpower Damage


* +12% Damage

* +29.0% Critical Strike Damage

Description: The last holdout of the Onyx Watchtower, Borza the Grim, inspired great fear and respect among his crew. Even given a second chance at freedom, his underlings would always come crawling back.

Empty Socket ]

Leaving the Dungeon, Michael explained the situation to the two guards and then asked them for a place to drop the crates. The caverns also stopped being a temporary dungeon, allowing another team of five people to go in and explore, ensuring the Necromancer didn't forget any Undead or bandits behind. 

Leaving those people to their tasks, he headed straight for Chabi's house, knocking gently on the door. When the old woman opened, he smiled and presented a small crate borrowed from the bandits where all 50 personal effects were kept. 

"This is all I could find. I hope it puts your mind at rest.

[Thank you, Wanderer. Oh? This talisman belonged to Kokachin. And I recognized this handwriting... perhaps the old scribe Orus? It will take time, but I will ensure each object is identified properly.](Chabi) 

Smiling at a kind lady, he refused her invitation for breakfast as he was in a hurry. Since everybody was up, it was best to head for Ked Bardu.

[ Side Quest complete - Kith and Kin

Reward 1: 17,424 experience points

Reward 2: 2,200 gold coins

Reward 3: Salvage Cache. ]

With this, his business at the Onyx Watchtower was officially over. Next, he would wait another couple hours and then contact Beatrice to inform her about the situation with Guulrahn's request for aid and the upper brass of Onyx refusing the order.

Some things are better solved locally.

There was also the Vizjerai Mage Clan he was curious about. Neyrelle had slept at the Horadric Vault, meaning she must've spent the entire night pouring over the information.

Grabbing a sandwich from his inventory as he arrived in Ked Bardu after using the Waypoint, he opened the MAP to check the direction in which the Scorched Debt Quest would point him.

Unsurprisingly, since he was supposed to acquire more information, the first marker was set at the local inn.