Chapter 298. Firsthand Knowledge

His smile grew crocked after seeing the experience needed for the next level, but he sighed and put it out of his mind.

"It's fine. I'm already at 9,233/2,067,950 and have a Resplendent Chest to open! Let's be positive!"

Turns out a good mentality helps your luck, as the chest dropped one Legendary Item box, a Rare one, 5 Angelbreaths, 7 Bundled Herbs, Iron Chunks, and Rawhides each, 10 Gem Fragments each, and 18 Murmuring Obols.

Ignoring everything else, he opened the Legendary item box and saw a pair of pants.

[ Hulking Adventurer's Pants

Legendary Pants

584 Item Power

Legacy Item


584 Armor

* +74 Maximum Life

* +30 Life Per Second

*+4.0% Healing Received

Legendary Aspect: Your Golem has a 3% chance to reduce its active cooldown by 2 seconds and a 1.5% chance to spawn a Corpse each time it damages an enemy with its normal attack (Necromancer Only). ]

While it did sound interesting, especially the Aspect, Michael's current pants were much better in every way.

[ Boneweave Fauls of Disobedience 

Legendary Pants

520 +20 Item Power ( Upgraded x4 )


470 Armor

* While Injured, your Potion also grants 14% Maximum Life as a Barrier.


* +14 to All Stats

* 32 Willpower

*+9.1% Healing Received

* +1 Rank of Corpse Explosion (Necromancer Only)

Legendary Aspect: You gain 0.8% increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 48%.

+2.5% Maximum Life (Chipped Ruby)

+2.5% Maximum Life (Chipped Ruby) ]

Leaving aside the overpowered Aspect, the fact that he was gaining a Barrier worth 14% of his Maximum Life points - which was like 437 or something - and all other incredible Affixes... it was hard to say he could change the item any time soon.

Moving forward, he managed to kill more Elites, one of which dropped an interesting Tempering Manual.

[ Summoning Finesse

Rare Temper Manual



*+[31.5 - 40.5]% Summoning Damage

*+[57.0 - 75.0]% Skeletal Mage Damage

*+[72.5 - 95.0]% Golems Damage. ]

'Learning' it while hoping the minion would become proper damage dealers in the future, Michael envisioned himself facing a Boss and then letting his summons loose on it.

Then, the bastard would fall in seconds due to the overpowered damage they would deal without their master having to step in.

"*Sigh* One can only dream. Anyway... let's deal with the Tomb Lord."

[ Dungeon Quest update - Forgotten Depths

Objective: Defeat the Tomb Lord. ]

This time around, the Necromancer played a more active role on the battlefield, using his bat cloud transformation whenever it was off cooldown.

Continuously adding a Vulnerable status debuff on the Boss with it and Corpse Tendrils and Decrepify, the poor bastard died in record time, even if Michael felt his damage waning with every level the monsters grew to match his.

His proactiveness was rewarded in the form of another Legendary item box, two Rare ones, and another Rare Tempering Manual.

[ Smithing Skull and Steel

Legendary Scythe

588 Item Power


507 Damage per Second 

* [369 - 553] Damage per Hit

* 1.10 Attacks per Second

* +9.0% Critical Strike Damage


* +12 Life on Hit

* +23.0% Critical Strike Damage

* +15.0% Damage

Legendary Aspect: You have a 14% increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain 28% increased Crowd Control Duration. ]

[ Blood Endurance

Rare Temper Manual



*+[46.5 - 60.0]% Chance for Hemorrhage to form Blood Orbs

*+[18.5 - 27.5]% Blood Orb Healing

*+[5.0 - 7.0]% Blood Mist cooldown reduction. ]

Both items were interesting, so he safely stored them away - well, just the sword, as the Tempering Manual vanished after he chose to learn it - and left the Dungeon.

"Let's see... Next stop should be... here!"

[ Dungeon: Carrion Fields (Level 50+)

Description: The defilers of this land were cursed to wander it forever. ]

[ Dungeon: Komdor Temple (Level 50+)

Description: A Triune sect cursed to forever walk Sanctuary as goatmen. ]

The final two Dungeons he had to clear for his Region Progress in the Steppes.

They were pretty far away, around an hour and a half, maybe two on horseback, and the sun was setting.

Leaving the Orbei Monastery behind, the Necromancer mounted his annoyed horse, to which he confessed to having booked it a seven-day R&R package at the stables in Kyovashad.

Only then did it stop ignoring him and trotted calmly toward their next destination.

From the Orbei Monastery to Forlorn Thread, nothing out of the ordinary happened. 

He even uncovered a small portion of the MAP hidden by fog. 

And with it came an issue.

[ Side Quest: Firsthand Knowledge (Level 50+)

Description: A Scholar tracking the history of the Zakarum Inquisition hopes to aid the Cathedral of Light today. ]

As he was pondering whether to go and accept the Quest, he happened to walk in on yet another World Event, where a Succubus in Lilith's employ was draining the life of goatmen monsters in the most brutal possible fashion, leaving behind empty husks that the wind shattered to fine sand.

Obviously annoyed at all the interruptions, Michael decided to rain on her parade. There was no way in hell he would be the only one to suffer this sort of injustice!

When the Elite demoness finally fell, spewing crap about how the Mother would punish him, the Necromancer kicked her head away from his feet and headed toward the beautifully glowing Resplendent Chest.

The rewards were surprisingly bountiful, with one Rare item box, 1 Coiling Ward, 25 Bundled Herbs, Iron Chunks, and Rawhides each, as well as 20 Murmuring Obols.

With his mood improving considerably, he decided to check out the Side Quest. After all, it held details about the Zakarum, for which he would end up paying 5 million gold coins.

What if his informant decided to sell him bullshit, and he would foolishly fall for it?

After all, he wasn't aware of almost anything about them except for the fact that they were yet another type of religious fanatic cult.

[*Exhale* I've come so far... could these ruins really hold the answers I seek?](?)

As if on cue, once he got closer, the Quest-giver started blabbering, ready to spew a whole Bachelor's degree worth of intel.

It was a middle-aged man wandering the fields, making the Necromancer also wonder what the fuck was he doing here so close to nightfall and surrounded by goatmen on all sides.

Rubbing his eyebrows and remembering that even if it was a 'real' world, it still functioned like a game, Michael approached the NPC.

"Excuse me. What are you doing out here so close to nightfall?"

[Eh!? Oh, Wanderer! Great! I am Nurbolat, a scholar of history and religion. The Cathedral of Light seeks to heal Sanctuary's corruption. And I am working to assist them.](Nurbolat)

'The pot calling the kettle black. Heh! The Cathedral wants to heal the Sanctuary's corruption? How about they deal with their internal corruption first? How laughable!'

[This region was once overseen by the Hand of the Zakarum, whom, I've gathered, were quite deft at rooting out corruption. I yearn to discover how exactly they guided those who strayed from the Light.](Nurbolat)

Corners of mouth twitching, Michael seriously pondered if this man was truly so naive or if it was his fault for being so jaded.

After all, he could think of one way through which religion could keep people in check... and it wasn't anything worth learning.

"I see. How did it go so far?"

[Thus far, my studies have led me here. I am currently following a thread to an abandoned marketplace nearby. Will you accompany me while I conduct my research?](Nurbolat)

"*Sigh* Sure, why not."

[Great! I've found multiple accounts, which speak of the Hand of the Zakarum visiting this particular marketplace, inquiring after a family of non-believers in the town nearby.](Nurbolat)

"...lead the way. I'll protect you from the goatmen."

With his suspicions of this poor Scholar's hopes and dreams shattering increasing with every word coming out of his mouth, Michael checked the Quest description.

[ Side Quest issued - Firsthand Knowledge

Objective: Bring Nurbolat to the marketplace

Description: You met a Scholar named Nurbolat on the road, who is tracking the steps of the Hand of Zakarum and their search for non-believers. He hopes to learn what happened and bring this information to the Cathedral of Light today.

His studies have most recently led him to a former marketplace nearby. ]

The location was less than half a kilometer north, but the high number of monsters deterred Nurbolat from venturing out alone.

For Michael, though, it was fairly easy to exterminate the goatmen while making small talk with the man.

He found out the area they were traveling through was called the Chittering Shrine, but nobody knew why it was named so.

Overall, he couldn't extract any useful intel from the Scholar, so he decided to quickly get rid of him.

Once they reached the marketplace, the duo could still see ruins of the previously prosperous location, as large wooden structures were still standing tall, unaffected by time and rot caused by wind and storms.

"Is this the place? What are we looking for?"

[Ugh... Just give me one moment. I've only read how to do this in books until now. Hopefully, we can attune with the spirits in the area, like so...](Nurbolat)

He spread his hands wide and chanted something that, in Michael's eyes, was something the Cathedral would surely yell 'heresy' to, and then excitedly looked around.

[There! Uh, did it work?](Nurbolat)

'You're asking me? Who should I ask?'

Just then, two apparitions formed near the duo. One was dressed like a merchant, while the other was in obvious religious garbs and had a zealous look in his eyes.

[Listen well. We are the Hand of Zakarum. The man known as Batzorig is suspected of heresy. Anyone with information to his whereabouts, come forth at once.](Hand of Zakarum)

[Oh, excuse me! I'm not sure where he lives, but I see him talking with a neighbor of his quite often. And they live to the north, just over there.]


Speaking their piece, the two apparitions vanished, but Nurbolat's enthusiasm didn't. 

On the contrary, with the spell or ritual he cast successfully used, the man was over the moon, brimming with excitement.

[Ah, incredible! Did you see that? Come quick; we must follow their trail. To the north!](Nurbolat)

Knowing it would otherwise be impossible to deter the man from going, Michael calmly followed, ensuring the Scholar's safety on the way.

[ Side Quest update - Firsthand Knowledge

Objective: Bring Nurbolat to Batzorig's Neighbor's house

Description: You and the Scholar saw the ghost of a Hand of Zakarum searching for a non-believer named Batzorig. A merchant mentioned this wanted man might be found with a neighbor up north.

You should follow this latest lead. ]

About twenty or thirty goatmen later, the duo reached the ruins of a house marked by the system.

Under Michael's reassurance, the Scholar performed his magic trick once more.

[Please, my friend, don't trouble yourself. Helping us will only endanger you and your loved ones.](?)

[Bah! There's no time for that. Listen to me, Batzorig - take the children. Do you remember our cellar in the hills? Go to it.](Neighbor)


[Hurry! Go, now!](Neighbor)

Watching Batzorig's ghost run away while the Neighbor sighed and downcastedly looked at the ground, Nurbolat was on cloud nine.

[Fascinating! We should try speaking with him. Ask him about Batzorig!](Nurbolat)

'Why the fuck don't you ask if you are so curious!? Why should I?'

Still, not wanting to put the naive Scholar in danger, Michael did just that.

[ Side Quest update - Firsthand Knowledge

Objective: Speak with Batzorig's Neighbor

Description: You and the Scholar saw the ghost of a Hand of Zakarum searching for a non-believer named Batzorig. You traced his steps to a neighbor who was sending him to hide in a nearby family cellar.

You should question the neighbor about the situation. ]

Taking a deep breath, Michael approached the sad-looking ghost, who immediately turned vigilant upon seeing him.

"Excuse me, you seem to know Batzorig?"

[Hmpf! If the Zakarum want answers, they'll have to find them elsewhere. You think you can march in here and take whatever you want?](Friendly Neighbor)

"No, no! We're not..."

[Eh... eh, please, we only want to understand what happened here. We've come all this way; we aren't leaving without answers.](Nurbolat)

Hearing the negative IQ scholar talk out of his ass, Michael felt like slapping him across the face.

Especially after seeing the ghost's face turn livid.

[Then, you'll have to go through us to get them!](Hostile Neighbor)

[ Side Quest update - Firsthand Knowledge

Objective: Defeat the Hostile Neighbors

Description: You and the Scholar saw the ghost of a Hand of Zakarum searching for a non-believer named Batzorig. You traced his steps to a neighbor who was sending him to hide in a nearby family cellar.

Upon questioning the neighbor, he reenacted attacking the visiting Hand of Zakarum. You will have to defend yourselves. ]

Using his minions to block the five angry ghosts pouncing on them, Michael realized that these neighbors weren't annoyed by the dumb Scholar but, instead, were just reenacting what had already happened a long time ago.

Remembering the Hand of the Zakarum's strong tone in the marketplace, what happened was clear.