Chapter 306. The Vizjerei Clan

With titanic efforts from Michael and Mina, the conversation was finally steered back to a more normal topic. Region Progress was used to distract everyone from the plans they were preparing to hunt for the Butcher.

[I've already talked with the other girls, and we'll help each other with the Dungeon map, relevant details, and the locations of the Altars of Lilith. It's obviously trickier for the Quests and Stronghold Events part, but the Sanctuary is taking care of that through the abundance of monsters in every region.](Aylin)

The Necromancer nodded, as he received a lot of support indeed from Beatrice while he was Dungeon diving in the Steppes.

What was incredibly annoying for him was that the girls kept receiving the rewards for activating the Altars, while he had to wait until he cleared all five regions before they would be granted.

'There has to be a reason for it. I'm not sure Lilith has a hand in it, meaning it should be the Sanctuary that is withholding the rewards. The question is why.'

Since it wasn't necessarily a big issue - especially since he had yet to make proper use of the Paragon Board and the +64 to all attributes wasn't that big of a game-changer for him - Michael focused on the issue at hand.

Since tomorrow was 'collection' and Dungeon diving day in Scosglen with the girls, he asked what he was more interested in.

"Neyrelle, what did you discover about the Vizjerei Clan?"

To his surprise, everyone else also looked toward the girl, indicating they had somehow held back from asking until now.

It was especially impressive in Aylin and Hella's cases, who were big fans of history and mysteries. 

Since it was getting late and he wanted to keep the subject of their conversation from returning to the Butcher, it was better to talk about something everyone was interested in.

[To my surprise, we found a lot of books about them. Leaving aside the regular historical rendition of their clan written by the Horadrim or other similar factions, there is even a book detailing the Dark Wanderer's interaction with them while he was trying to free Baal.](Neyrelle)

"Mhm. Seems like it was a good read."

[Yes! Ehm... where should I start from?](Neyrelle)

[From the very start. We have plenty of time, after all.](Aylin)

With everyone in agreement, Mina gestured to Sophia to ask the kitchen staff for more snacks and drinks since it was very probable for their conversation to continue until very late into the night.

[The Vizjerei Mage Clan, otherwise known as the Brotherhood of the Vizjerei or the Spirit Clan, was one of the eldest and most dominant of the Mage Clans. Their ranks are composed of both Sorcerers and Mages.](Neyrelle)

"Uhm... what's the difference between Sorcerers and Mages?"

Everyone turned to him with very familiar looks of surprise on their faces, probably prompted by his ignorance of the subject.

Still, Michael remained as stoic as he could be while waiting for an answer.

[Sorcerer is a title given to the mysterious Mages from distant Eastern Lands and were largely part of the Vizjerei Clan according to what Neyrelle discovered. From what I found throughout the years, Sorcerers have developed a greater understanding of spellcasting when compared to the magic of our continent, which is in the form of enchanted items and elixirs. While a Vizjerei neonate knows only the simplest of spells to start, they can expect to rapidly grow in power as they discover new incantations. All Sorcerers possess the ability to recharge spell staves by drawing power from their surroundings and channeling them through the staff.](Hella)

'So they are similar to the Enchanter job I saw in games and novels, but leaning more toward being able to use their enchantments into battle since they are spell-related.'

[It's worth mentioning that if you read about Sorcerers and Sorceress, they most probably have different backgrounds, with the former referring to a Vizjerei Clan magic-user and the latter referring to a Zann Esu Clan magic-user. As for the Zann-Esu... ehm... let's leave that for later. Just know that the 'magic society' back then would separate the two genders based on their connection with their clan.](Aylin)

Judging from everyone's reaction, except for Hella, nobody was privy to this information until just now.

Neyrelle appeared particularly thoughtful, with an expression showing that some pieces of the puzzle just fell from the sky and made everything fit together much better than before.

At Tia's prompting, the little scholar coughed awkwardly and continued her story.

[*Cough* As for the Mage title, in the opinion of Covetous Shen, Mages weren't known for being particularly personable. Many Mages spent their lives trying to transmute base metals into gold as their field of study. It was very well known that they considered melee combat to be distasteful and engaged their foes almost exclusively through magic. They are usually required to train at one of the few magical academies in Sanctuary. At least back then, since now, none remain...](Neyrelle)

Judging from Hella and Aylin's wistful looks, unless there are hidden magic academies, the duo have yet to encounter such a wonderful treasure trove of knowledge.

Michael could understand why they would wish to find such a place, even if there were plenty of Horadric Vaults spread across the Sanctuary.

'The difference between a library and a school is very obvious. For someone who wishes to receive a more hands-on lesson about magic, rather than researching it through books, a magic academy must sound like a paradise.'

[It's worth mentioning that all magi, with the exception of one of their unique brethren, could only be found in ancient times by traversing the depths of Hell. They appeared as old men dressed in robes, and each type of Mage was associated with a particular spell that they would cast at will upon the approach of an enemy. Firebolt, Fireball, Charged Bolt, and Lightning are the four spells wielded by the different types of Magi. Each of the four types also has Flash, a skill that they will use when an enemy gets too close. They used Phasing as their only way of movement and would consistently cast it to get away from their foes after suffering more than 50% of their total Life Points in damage. Oh, before I forget! Some of the most powerful Magi could receive the title of 'Archmage.'](Neyrelle)

[Oh, right! I also read about that. However, it was something very rarely seen. The wealth of knowledge needed, on top of a large number of spells they must learn, is truly daunting.](Hella)

[Don't forget the 'practical' test. The ancient Mage clans would test their potential Archmages by sending them through a portal straight into the realm of the Burning Hells. If they survived for seven days and killed a sufficient number of demons, they would pass.](Aylin)


The conversation delved a bit too deep into the lore of the magic users of Sanctuary, but it served as a good foundation for Michael's future knowledge to be laid upon.

Especially since he was a Necromancer without even the most basic theoretical know-how about his craft.

Seeing Neyrelle take out her journal, everyone patiently waited as she flipped through the pages.

She was probably looking for the things she noted down while reading.

[Here we go! Ahem! 

Vizjerei are known for their brightly colored "turinash" (spirit robes), which grant them protection from spells and demonic creatures. They focus on the use of Elemental Magic. Whereas they were once based around the summoning of demons, they now take great interest in seeing that demons are slain. A Vizjerei neonate knows only the simplest of spells to start but can expect to rapidly grow in power as he/she discovers new incantations. The Vizjerei researched ways to use a simple wooden Staff as a container for focused magical energy. The process of creating a spell staff is very time-consuming, but even an apprentice Vizjerei can recharge a staff by channeling magical energy into it.

Their societal structure was literally based on summoning demons in the beginning, but after some... well... accidents, they turned into demon slayers.](Neyrelle)

[What about their location?](Mei)

[From what I found, they were based in the Yshari Sanctum but maintained several outlying schools for the study of magic.](Neyrelle)

[That's correct. The Sanctum was created at the behest of the Trade Consortium of Caldeum. Seeking to make Kehjistan's new capital a beacon of learning, the mercantile rulers worked to unite the Mage Clans and build the Sanctum. The academy came to be filled with treasure troves of arcana, becoming a place of learning and growth for the various clans. Deckard Cain was of the belief that the Sanctum stands as the greatest symbol of mage power and unity since the Golden Age of Magic.](Aylin)

[Unfortunately, later on, students of the Sanctum began an underground movement, dissatisfied with the Sanctum's rigid instructors. These students started addressing themselves as Wizards. One such Wizard left part of the Sanctum in ruins after her duel with Archmage Valthek. The renegade Wizards fashioned their own banner.](Hella)

The storytelling temporarily stopped as everyone took a break to allow the new knowledge to sink in.

Michael could imagine the prosperous Kehjistan and how the merchants schemed to make this Sanctum better than anything else on the continent.

Then, people got greedy, and due to the various opinions and beliefs of the Mage clans forced to unite, everything came crumbling down.

'How sad... Ultimately, human nature is so contradictory. We seek the companionship of others, but our innate greed and ego prevent us from properly working together toward a common goal. One can only imagine how history would've changed if the Sanctum was still around.'

Nevertheless, Michael was increasingly looking forward to meeting with Teckrin and the book detailing the Sanctuary's timeline.

With it in hand, he could make sense of everything.

[By the Anno Kehjistani -- ](Neyrelle)

[The Anno Kehjistani is a dating system used by the people of Sanctuary. It was created at the apex of Zakarum power when the church gathered an army of scholars to document the history of the world as they saw it. The calendar possesses a 'year 0,' with years moving up from this point, while years before this point use a "-" sign. By chance or design, the months of the Anno Kehjistani represent the phases of the cycle of time. As such, certain magical practices will be more effective in one month than another.](Aylin)

[*Cough* Right. Uhm... yes... the Mage Clans were formed around the year -2200 when the study of arcane sciences was formalized. The Vizjerei appear to originate from this time period. They were convinced that spirits dwelled on and beyond Sanctuary. While the clans' Sorcerers could not directly commune with these entities, they believed contact was possible. Thus, the driving goal of the Vizjerei became to perfect the arts of conjuring and summoning spirits.](Neyrelle)

Michael immediately reacted and took out the journal page he found in the Whispering Vault, showing it to the girls.

[ Vizjerei Journal Page

Our research suggests that a powerful entity is bound to the artifact. Whether is by choice or against its will, is yet to be seen. The other mages report hearing its whispers in the halls - attempts to poison our hearts with fear and suspicion.

As a precaution, we have placed wards around our sleeping chambers, and we have agreed to examine the artifact only in a group. No one is to act alone.

Research continues tomorrow. It should not take long to bend the entity to our will. ]

Adding the other notes he collected so far, everyone checked the ones related to the Vizjerei, after which Aylin would most likely go tomorrow and 'deposit' them into the Horadric Vault.

Even if she wasn't a Horadrim, she was much more responsible than all those he had met until now when it came to recording knowledge.

[For years, the clan conducted experiments and carried out empirical research into the practices of the Priests of Rathma and Druids, both of whom successfully contacted spirits in their own way. Yet, for all the combined dedication and intellect of the Vizjerei, they could only hear a whisper of the beings they sought.

Around this time, the Vizjerei engaged in a short-lived feud with the Ammuit Clan.](Neyrelle)

[The Ammuit Mage Clan is one of the original Mage Clans that was founded in Kehjistan. Compared to other schools of magic, Sorcerers of the Ammuit clan focus on illusions and the manipulation of reality and its perception.](Hella)

Looking at the pretty Illusion Mage, everyone snickered. It made sense for her to know of a proficient Mage clan focusing on the same subject as her Class.

[Ahem! Yes. However, in the following years, everything started going downhill for the Vizjerei as well as the entire Sanctuary. *Sigh* It's a bit shocking, but it appears that they are responsible for the plight we find ourselves in.](Neyrelle)

Everyone's attention was on the young scholar. To talk about the Sanctuary's plight is to talk about the demons invading it.

"Could it be..."