Chapter 313. Reclamation

Fortunately, the Necromancer acted first before either of the three girls' weapons or skills found the stupid mug of the dumbass.

Michael calmly removed six coffins from his inventory, and the girls took out the rest.

"These people just died at Kealer Farm. Beside them, maybe, even more, were taken by the goatmen because your retarded ass decided to destroy the wardstones which protected these lands for generations since they were not needed."

Approaching the whimpering chieftain with calm and measured steps, Michael bent down until he stood face to face with the man and slowly muttered.

"We're going to try and rescue those taken. If we find any proof inside Domhainne Tunnels that you had anything to do with the wardstones and caused this tragedy, I will fucking pull your head and spine out of your body, slowly and excruciating for everyone to see. You better pray we either don't find anything there or don't find you when we return."

When the monks realized the situation had turned sour, they quickly stood up and fled through the surprised crowd watching the show.

Neyrelle informed the people that another batch of provisions would arrive soon, which would hopefully alleviate their hunger.

Michael had already contacted Aylin with the details, to which the Sorceress simply replied, 'On it. ' After that, everyone made their way to the Dungeon.

[ Side Quest update - Reclamation

Objective: Speak with Baewyn outside Domhainne Tunnels

Description: Baewyn was right about the chieftain. Either by true faith or blind subservience, he has abandoned the old ways and resigned Corbach to its fate.

You should meet up with the Seer near Domhainne Tunnels to find out the truth about the goatmen raids and the resulting famine. ]

As soon as they left the settlement behind, Michael opened his MAP and found the Dungeon they were looking for.

[ Dungeon: Domhainne Tunnels (Level 55)

Description: Corbach residents hear the screams from the Khazra's lair. ]

Making haste, they found Baewyn waiting near the entrance.

With everyone dismounting, Evelyn approached the Seer and complained like a child who had just been bullied.

[You were right about the chieftain. We're on our own.](Evelyn)

[Hmm, I can't say I'm surprised. *Chuckle* I hope you're ready for this. If the goatmen were strong outside the town, they'd be even worse in there.](Baewyn)

Watching the old woman act like a grandmother pacifying her young, Michael's anger was somewhat soothed as well.

"We're ready. Let's see what exactly happened."

[Yes. I have a feeling we'll find our answers inside. Let's go.](Baewyn)

[ Side Quest update - Reclamation

Objective: Enter Domhainne Tunnels

Description: Baewyn and the rest of you must search the Domhainne Tunnels for answers about the famine and recent goatmen raids around Corbach. ]

With the Sanctuary's intervention, Baewyn joined the party, boosting their members to five. 

While the Dungeon limited the monsters to Level 55, the fact that they were planning to clear it as a group increased the levels of the mobs inside by the same number as the number of party members.

'Since it's only Level 60, it should be fine. Baewyn should also be around Level 70-80, meaning that her assistance would make things even easier.'

"I'll take point with my minions. Ms. Baewyn, what type of Druid are you?"

[I can mostly offer buffs or debuff enemies. Please don't count on me to deal with the goatmen too much.](Baewyn)

"That's perfectly fine. Evelyn and Neyrelle. You'll guard Ms. Baewyn. Tia, you'll practice the same hit-and-run tactics while I take the front line. Any complaints?"

Nobody said anything and even the flighty Assasin remained quiet. Unbeknownst to the Necromancer, she decided not to test the limits of his patience in the future after seeing how he punched the chieftain without taking the repercussions into consideration.

If the girl would know he was planning to kill that bastard... it's unknown how she might react.

Taking out the newly gained Elixir of Advantage from his inventory and prompting the imp trio to do the same, the Necromancer stepped through the thin film covering the entrance first.

[ Dungeon Quest issued - Domhainne Tunnels

Objective: Free the Prisoners (0/12). ]

Seeing the objective, everyone stepped on the gas. Every second wasted might result in the death of one of the prisoners or, even worse, having them suffer the torment of the monsters, leaving them scarred for life.

It didn't take long for them to find the first prisoner, who was suffering a similar fate to what Michael envisioned, surrounded by more than ten goatmen who were poking at him with their spears.

Sending his Golem ahead, he used its taunt to draw their attention, after which he followed right behind it with a Reap and Corpse Tendrils.

Over five debuffs - Decrepify included - landed on the creatures, and Tia appeared to end their suffering immediately after.

With the monsters gone, Baewyn freed the first prisoner while having it follow closely behind her.

[Thank you. I wouldn't have made it without you.](?) 

[*Sigh* It's alright. What about the others?](Baewyn)

[I'm not sure. They were taken deeper into the tunnels.](?)

After a short discussion, it was agreed that the man should follow behind the group. Since there were multiple tunnels, it was impossible to have him wait outside the Dungeon or at its entrance.

Even if the party cleared two or three, there were still more from which goatmen might emerge and kill the freshly saved farmer.

A few minutes later, they stumbled upon a strange formation after saving their second and third prisoners.

[Look there... these wardstones, destroyed. And this Cathedral of Light symbol jammed in its place. What idiots...](Baewyn)

Approaching the wrecked wardstones with the ringed cross smacked dab in its middle, Michael raised an eyebrow at the system's description of the object.

[ Cathedral Cross - 'The Father protects the faithful'

Druid wardstones marred by deep scratches. Their runic lettering broken, these inert stones now serve only to uphold a symbol of the Cathedral of Light.

The cross bears an inscription in a ragged handwriting. ]

Reading everything, the Necromancer felt it was a shame he didn't tie the damned chieftain with a rope to his saddle and dragged him across the plains to this Dungeon.

[ Side Quest update - Reclamation

Objective: Search the Dark Descent

Description: In your search for the cause of the famine and encroaching goatmen raids, Baewyn discovered the broken druidic wardstones in the Domhainne Tunnels. 

Whoever defaced these wardstones attempted to replace them with holy symbols of the Cathedral of Light, seemingly to no effect. You must continue exploring the tunnels. ]

With the Sanctuary's roundabout way of saying that whoever did this was an idiot, the group continued killing mobs and freeing prisoners.

So far, they suffered no losses, much to everyone's delight.

Michael's mood improved further after discovering a blue-glowing book, which dropped after one of the goatmen was slaughtered. 

[ Blood-smeared ledger

Brought in three more. I'm closer [illegible] gaining his favor. [illegible] hates me, but they don't understand. [illegible] way to protect my home. ]

A bit creeped out by what they read but abstaining from blaming the chieftain since this was a Dungeon drop way before his time - probably - the group continued their exploration, delving into the Crimson Passages and then onward into the Dark Descent.

[ Dungeon Quest update - Domhainne Tunnels

Objective: Return the Stone Carving to the Pedestal. ]

The search continued, with more prisoners being saved, a lot more goatmen being killed, and one more destroyed wardstones found.

[Over here. *Sigh* I see why our lands are being overrun. Let's continue...](Baewyn)

Approaching the second wardstone they found, Michael could feel the disgust in him seething.

[ Cathedral Cross - 'The Father rebukes the wicked'

Another pile of broken, inactive wardstones. Whatever power they once held over the evil in this place is now gone. ]

As they continued onward, the Necromancer wondered if all worlds infected by religion acted in a similar matter.

How can anyone be so brainless?

Why destroy something practically proven to work only to replace it with something you hope will work? 

It made absolutely no sense. Faith or no faith, why discount the countless years of proof?

[There's a split in the tunnels ahead.](Tia)

[Looks like there are three different paths we can take.](Neyrelle)

"Any suggestions?"

Drawn out of his thoughts, Michael turned to Baewyn and the farmers, hoping they might know the general layout of this Dungeon.

While nobody knew it, the Seer came in clutch.

[I might not know the layout, but I am certain there's a third wardstone in the path to the right. Unfortunately... it's also broken.](Baewyn)

"Are there any more?"

[No. Just that one.](Baewyn)

"I see. That might mean that's where the Boss Room should be. A wardstone to cover the entrance, one in the middle of the tunnels, and the final one blocking the Boss Room. That also means we need to check these other two tunnels for the Stone Carving."

[Based on the general Dungeon layout, these two tunnels should be connected, and the Stone Carving should be at the innermost place in the left tunnel.](Tia)

Agreeing with the brat, the Necromancer took the lead and charged into the tunnel, moving straight ahead.

After more than ten minutes of slaughter, they began moving to the left and eventually found their objective in a spot similar to what Tia had speculated it would be.

Letting the proud brat carry it, they returned to the crossroad and went into the right tunnel, eventually reaching the locked Boss Room and the third wardstone Baewyn had sensed.

[ Side Quest update - Reclamation

Objective: Speak with Baewyn, the Seer

Description: It is clear now that the chieftain of Corbach had the old druidic wardstones destroyed in an attempt to bring a new faith to his people.

You should discuss these findings with Baewyn. ]

With all twelve prisoners rescued, the Seer stood in front of the wardstone with a sad look in her eyes.

There was disappointment, anger, and pity visible.

"What will happen now?"

[Now that the tunnels are cleared and the farmers are free, we can start to rebuild. The chieftain will see reason after he sees results.](Baewyn)

"Oh... I doubt you'll be able to find him upon your return."

[Ugh... why? Don't tell me you killed the bastard?](Baewyn)

"No, not at all."

[He just punched him across the room and threatened to kill him if we find any proof of his wrongdoings in the tunnels, and we'll find him upon our return.](Tia)

Speechless at the brat hiding behind Neyrelle and blowing raspberries at him, Michael felt like he should DEFINITELY talk with Mina about some re-education courses for these girls.

Seeing the kind smile she was getting in return, Tia suddenly felt her back go cold. Once more, looking around, she couldn't find any source of danger, prompting a confused look on her face.

[Thank you. You'll always be welcomed in Corbach, friends.](Baewyn)

[ Side Quest complete - Reclamation

Reward 1: 35,200 experience points

Reward 2: 2,800 gold coins

Reward 3: Gem Cache. ]

Opening the cache and earning 20 Gem Fragments of each type, as well as a Rare item, Michael had the brat place the statue on the pedestal while he inspected the last wardstone.

[ Cathedral Cross - 'The Father banishes the darkness'

The final wardstone lies in pieces, like the rest. ]

Shaking his head at the stupidity that would make even Inarius laugh, the party entered the Boss Room.

The enemy was a Khazra Abomination, so they dealt with it in a manner similar to how they had practiced so far. 

Michael took the frontlines, Evelyn and Neyrelle poured out debuffs, and Tia used her Ultimate and Backstab whenever they were off cooldown.

It was a bit painful on the Necromancer since he had to deal with the creature's poison, but after sacrificing four Healing Potions, the Boss finally died.

The clear rewards were abundant, with each Wanderer getting three Rare and one Legendary item box.

This time, Michael got a ring, but it was crappy when compared to his other goodies, which resulted in the decision to salvage it.

"Now that we're done with this let's get moving. It's already 6:40 p.m., and we're barely halfway through our collection."

[Things would've been a lot easier if you would've woke up earlier...](Tia)

Speechless but unable to rebuff the brat, he directly ignored her and asked Neyrelle for directions.

[We'll head for Braestaig next. On our way there, there will be an Altar hidden on the side of the main road. Then, after activating the Waypoint, we'll move north for number 19.](Neyrelle)

"Okay. Let's get moving."

Exiting the Dungeon and moving west, the party reached the Bronagh Expanse after almost half an hour on horseback and found Lilith's Altar.

Next, they moved straight toward Braestaig and activated the Waypoint. Tia complained about a Dungeon called Raethwind Wilds, which they found near the Altar, but Michael quickly denied her wish since clearing it would cost them another hour.

Unbeknownst to the little Assasin, her 'sins' kept piling up, and the Necromancer she kept making fun of was an incredibly petty person.

What everyone was happy about was that before getting to Braestaig, they found another one of those puzzle statues.

This time, its inscription was much different, prompting everyone to wonder about its use.