The emperor's earth shattering proposal


Parlour, Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Hound marched into the mansion to be met with Conan who is lazily sprawled on a divan, his eyes distant and a small frown staining his face.

"Where is the Lord?" He asked impatiently, he had never fancied the idea of small talks.

"You can ask me any question; I'm one of your Lords afterall" Conan replied, his face breaking into a smile, one Hound knew well enough, so he simply stared at Conan in silence, when he feels pressured enough he shall give to him the needed information without him having to break a sweat.

"Fine" Conan gave in. "He isn't back from his whatever shenanigans" he admitted.

Sleekly he slipped out of the divan and leisurely walked towards the other side of the room.

"Come get me if he gets back, will you?" demanded Hound ready to turn away.

"From that cave? No, I shall not" he shuddered. "Whenever he gets back you shall know" retorted Conan.

The mansion was eerie and haunting but Hound's cottage was mysterious in a dreadful way. It wasn't a cave like Conan had called it but it could be with how ominous it always feels and appears.

"Chicken? Sissy? What was your name again?" Hound taunted, his black smudged eyes widening creepily.

"None hound" Conan brushed him off before his eyes narrowed. "You're especially annoying today, is something good is happening out there?" He asked.

"I'd tell you if you come to my cottage" Hound's offer was tempting till it had to lead to the inside of his cave, that place was more eerie than the mansion itself, Conan thought and that was where he drew the line.

"It's fine, I'm not that interested in your life" he retorted with a slight shrug.

Hound smirked, that is a pity, he thought.

He had been ready to play with Conan.

"Going for my muckrake" Conan mumbled as he whistled past Hound to get to his supposedly healthy obsession.


* *



Office, Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


"What did you say?" Theodore snarled with his shoulders tight.

He just got back from torturing any information the coachman knew out of him, and it wasn't much, the Statham's are secretive, or the Marquis doesn't let his daughter in on things like most male figures.

Now the details Hound was giving him weren't exactly as pleasing or interesting as he had hoped to hear.

"The emperor has invited the whole Statham family to the Citadel and they're leaving soon" Hound informed. He looked less creepy as he was now donning a white tee and light brown trousers that hung loosely around his hip.

"What is Salvatore trying to do now?" the question Theodore asked Hound was left unanswered as he watched the lord pace.

It wouldn't look like he was pacing to an outsider but Hound knew Theodore too much to know this wasn't how he would walk if he wasn't distressed, he was most definitely pacing.

"My Lord, do you want me to mess with the success of the travel?" Hound offered.

Theodore considered, mulling over it.

Salvatore will do anything to aggravate him, threaten anybody, attempt massacre but he knows killing the Statham's wouldn't bother Theodore so he won't do it. At least that's what Salvatore thinks and the lord would like to keep it that way, marching there to demand Lydia be returned home would show she is important to him.

He cannot let Salvatore know that until he has her.

"No, let Salvatore play, it's been a while" he replied

"He could kill her" Hound reminded, the emperor was notorious for his instability.

"He wouldn't" the lord of Critic Arley affirmed.

Theodore wasn't underestimating the emperor's hatred or drive to do messed up things, but Salvatore knew about how he was with things that he selected as his, and Lydia is his and his alone.

If Salvatore plays, he would have to at safe.


* *


2 days Later.


Throne Hall, Citadel.

Critic-Citadel, Critic-Ishire.


None of the Statham members slouched or looked pathetic as they got to the entry of the citadel, their chin was held high with steady breath as they moved, their noble lineage evident in their demeanour and attire, even Lydia was dressed in her finest dress this time.

In her almost fitted cream dress, different from the one she had adorned to the banquet, her mother had brought it to her, perhaps as a parting item so she could come to the Citadel.

The large gate was thrown open by four guard knights who looked like they could do with a joke, working in a Citadel with an unstable emperor.

The family were not strangers to the Citadel but they were guided in to wait for the emperor.

They had been waiting here in the throne room primly and quietly as they waited for the emperor to come out.

"The emperor of Critic-Ishire 'Emperor Salvatore Rhuins!" a guard announced as the large doors swung open to present a fine man in fine royal clothing. A figure of commanding presence and authority.

All the Stathams bowed respectfully as they wailed. "Your Majesty"

He watched them for a while before he said. "You may rise"

His voice thundering and commanding they followed it and rose to their full heights.

"Thank you for inviting us to the Citadel, Your Majesty" Lady Georgina Statham started the minute the emperor graced them with his presence.

"No, I am apologizing for the rushed invitation," the emperor said.

A practised smile resting on his face, he was soon delicately seated on his throne taking in the picture.

Julius started. "Your majesty I hope we have not managed to offend you in some way"

Salvatore smirked. He liked him, he thought.

He was very direct and annoyingly filthy.

Salvatore could feel that Julius had a plan and Salvatore would derive pleasure in foiling that plan.

He swept his gaze over all of them and the diamond made herself known without much probing.

She met his eyes with her warm ones those warm eyes gave him an inkling as to why Theodore might want her.

Only he couldn't remember when he had ever wanted anything warm, the dark and dead attracted Theodore.

This one must be special and perhaps the Lord of Critic Arley wasn't as dead as he had made everyone else believe, before he would choose to pick her, he, the emperor would.

Lydia thought the emperor looked extremely familiar, not from the books she had read, he looked familiar as though she'd seen him before. His gaze was still on her and the recognition in them did not go unnoticed.

She knew him, he mused.

His irises were so red it appeared as though they dissolved into the white, polluting it and making him look a lot more unnerving than he looked at first glance.

Her gulp dropped his gaze to her neck, he stood up without looking at her face again.

"Let us go dine, we would talk" The emperor invited them to his dining hall.

He didn't wait for them as he matched away, the guards guided them instead, Lydia noticed the maids were a staring bunch, they held guests' gaze and even the emperor's.

The royal dining hall exudes an aura of frill and grandness. Tall, ornate pillars rose majestically, supporting a ceiling adorned with intricate golden filigree, casting a warm, golden glow over the expansive room.

At the centre of the hall, a long, polished mahogany table stretches elegantly, draped with luxurious silk tablecloths embroidered with the royal crest. Glistening silverware and delicate crystal glasses adorn the table, they reflect the flickering light of countless candles that line its length.

Maids moved gracefully about the hall, attending to every detail with precision and grace. Some of the maids carefully arranged plates of exquisitely prepared delicacies, while others refilled goblets with fine wines and refreshing beverages.

Seated at the head of the table, adorned in regal attire is the emperor, Beside him, a distinguished Statham family guest arranged on both sides.

The atmosphere in the hall is one of refinement as the aroma of sumptuous dishes mingles with the sound of soft music played by a quartet in the corner of the hall.

The dinner was filled with nothing but a suffocating silence that no one was stupid enough to break as the emperor smirked at them once in a while as though it was a warm simple smile that he was offering.

"You have such lovely daughters and without a doubt, I'm almost lost," Salvatore commented, breaking the silence.

Mira's insides tingled while Liza's squeezed, Shi'enz was simply confused, leaving Lydia a nervous wreck.

What is the emperor's reason for this invitation? she mused as her palm sweated.

"Why thank you, Critic Arley…" Georgina started with a polite answer only to be rudely cut off by her daughter "You are almost lost in what, Your Majesty?" Liza drawled seductively her posture hot. Georgina frowned disapprovingly

The emperor glanced at her before he continued. "In their grace and beauty without question but I already have one of them in mind" his subtlety puts the family on edge.

"Whatever do you mean, Your Majesty?" Georgina asked politely.

"I'm acutely aware that none of your daughters are married yet and I would like to marry one of them," he said matterfactly.

'You do?" Mira squeaked.

"That conversation should be he…" Georgina began to explain why this topic should be private for the sake of the other daughters, but Salvatore or Julius didn't think so as the mirror cut her off.

"I would like for your fairest daughter to be my wife, Marquis" Interrupted Salvatore holding up his left index to signal silence is what he requires

"Oh my, Liza is but…" Georgina was quick to explain but was cut off by the emperor again.

"Lady Lydia Statham would be her name if I'm not proven wrong" Salvatore corrected.

"Her?" Mira asked harshly, pointing her index towards Lydia who was sitting across from her.

"Yes her" Salvatore confirmed, amusement dancing in his eyes, hiding the crazy edge lurking.

Lydia, gobsmacked, simply stared into the space between her mother and the half-painting hanging on the wall behind her.

What was happening? She asked mentally.

Her?! She screeched.

The emperor?

She glanced at him.

He is cold and crazy and if he was taking her as a wife as a punishment because of what he considered an act of rebellion or perhaps treason then he was also immature.

"But your Majesty Lydia is the third daughter of the house Statham and her eldest sister is yet to be married off you canno…" Georgina started only to be cut off again.

She had been the one actively replying to him and Salvatore and the girls were beginning to wonder why.

"But I can, this is an invitation to inform the Statham house that I will be taking Lydia as my wife" Lydia gulped her eyes blinking multiple times

"Your majesty, she is not an original Statham" Liza chipped in.

Ignoring her, the emperor continued "The Statham house has committed a crime against the empire by attending a banquet held by the enemy of the empire" At their sharp intake of breath he smirked.

"You didn't unwisely think I was unaware, now did you?"

"Your majesty-" Georgina started again, making Salvatore second guess if Julius was mute.

"The only remedy to the commotion the Statham house has started will only be resolved by the union or death by hanging for apparent treason" the emperor declared his stare firm.

"It is settled, Lydia of the house Statham is to be wedded to emperor Salvatore Rhuins" Julius agreed, his smile not the least pretended.

"Father!" For reasons known to all Liza seems to be affected by this than Lydia appears to be.

She wanted the emperor for herself!

The emperor stood up with a regal air. "Now can I have some time alone with my betrothed?" Salvatore smirked as he offered his arm to Lydia.

She felt uneasy but it didn't stop the polite smile that she mustered.


What is he going to do to her?