Planning to change the dark mansion


Office, Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Lydia found his office, far at the left end of the ground floor, after going through almost all the rooms in the second floor she decided to come down and ask anyone she sees but suddenly like she was guided by the mansion, it glowed towards the room she now found out to be his office. Now she is tired, frustrated and a bit hungry.

He must really like his privacy even in this mansion that barely has guests his office is still located at a place of solitude. She knocked on it lightly before peeking in as she whispers his name.


"Come in, Gooseberry" she stepped inside the yet another dark room.

"To what do I owe this pleasant visit, wife" she met his face in an expressionless view.

He did not ask how she found his office considering it was a hard find she assumed he'd be curious.

"There are no groceries in the house" she alerted, straight to the point.

He simply nodded, looking at her like he needed more insight to the topic

"I was going to make coffee for our guest but I found out there is nothing in the kitchen" she waited "and now I cannot decipher how to go back to her with nothing" she completed as he remained passive.

"She is not a guest, she is a hired dressmaker, that is here for work" he reminded

"You are correct, but it does not hurt to be welcoming" she retorted "You have a reputation to furnish" she reminded bristly

"I don't wish to furnish it, Gooseberry" he shrugged "I don't like people" he deadpaned, rendering her stupified.

Theodore had never been one to like the crowd and it became easier when they avoided him, he never gets tired of the peace and quiet.

"She's just one person" she reasoned "What are we going to do now" her question directed to the problem at hand. She just offered a visitor coffee and is unable to present it.

He stared at her for a few heartbeats.

"I could" he started "out of the goodness of my heart give you wine to offer to her" he nodded liking his proposal as he picked up a feather, feigning nonchalance despite his nerves screaming to get closer to her.

"McDonalds!" His eyes gleamed with amusement at her words before narrowing as he took in the name

"It's the middle of the day" she announced like that alone should explain her suprise to his suggestion.

"You must really fancy this name to exclaim it every chance you get" he stated completely out of context with the current topic "You use it instead of the word 'blasphemy' too?" His frown deepened

"That's not the current issue, Theo" she scoffed

"What then do you want me to do?" He retorted, feigning exasperation that made Lydia narrow her eyes before sighing, she turned and said over her shoulder

"Have a nice day"

Theodore watched in astonishment as she strutted out with determined steps, she's pissed at him, that he was sure of.



Theodore Mansion.


"I reckon water best for the weather"

Lydia kept a cup of water on the table next to the dressmaker after returning to the parlor from the kitchen.

"Oh… thank you my lady, I understand"

Lydia blinked back her embarrassment rapidly, it was a good thing the mansion had water. She took her seat opposite the dressmaker, her hands primly on her lap.

"What kind of clothing do you want?" Ms Janet barely taking a sip of the water turned to Lydia with a question.


"What are you doing here?" She turned her question to the looming figure by the door

"Again with this question, Gooseberry it's becoming utterly boring" Theodore smiled warmly his whole attention on her.

She blushed before turning back to the dressmaker, deciding to ignore her husband.

"To not render your earlier question ignored, I'd like simple dresses and a few shawls with dun…"

"And that is where your ever beautiful husband comes in" he steps further in to the room

"You, Ms Janet will make the best and finest of dresses for my wife, you will without hesitance be paid, I could say handsomely…but instead beautifully for your work" but he needed to ground her, so he added "if well done"

"Ball gowns, sleep dresses, gloves, socks, scarfs because she seems to like them…"

"I love them" she interjected

"Good, and please if you're going to make a dungaree, make one that puts every other dungaree ever made to shame"

"Yes Lord Theodore"

"Cloaks, Undergarments, everything in all colours and fabrics" he stopped himself as the ladies were beginning to seek solace in eachother's eyes.

"All this should be ready in two weeks, that is how long our honeymoon phase would last and then you would start needing clothing" her cheeks reddened quickly at the perhaps unintended meaning behind his words.

She recovered quickly to reflect on his first words "Theo isn't all this a bit too much?"

He frowned, not comprehending her reluctance "I thought ladies always crave more dresses"

"Yes, but I believe Ms Janet doesn't have an apprentice and she would ultimately have to do all of this by herself" she reasoned standing up as "And in two weeks"

"Do you not have apprentices?" He raised one of his brows in question

She avoided his gaze "I do, my lady" directing her answer to Lydia

"You shall call her Lady Theodore"

A moment of silence.

"Of course Lord Theodore" Ms Janet agreed with a smile.

"I would take your measurements now"

Lydia stood so abruptly she almost lost balance, and Theodore was beside her before she could release the abrupt rush of breath she had taken in.

"Be careful" he touched her shoulders with his left hand, his right one on her cheek, he whispered "I do not fancy picking you up broken and bruised from the floor"

She stared at him before shaking her head "You're exaggerating"

He traced his index down her left arm to her wrist "I don't exaggerate"

"I think you…" Ms Janet clear of throat broke her off including the darkening atmosphere.

Theodore put a few steps away from his wife, his hands now to his sides as he gaze at her longingly, Lydia smiled shyly as she dropped her gaze.

"Stand straight… Hands…" Ms Janet instructed, taking the measurements "turn around… look to the ceiling" she followed the instructions dutifully, she was filled with delight she had a feeling this dressmaker would be phenomenal.

"Raise your gown" and colour spread on Lydia's face, she glanced at Theodore who still stood watching them

Ms Janet cleared her throat loudly to get Theodore to read the situation

He stood still, expressionless "She could fall" he growled out, they both stared him down with raised eyebrows

"She is my wife… but I shall be outside"

"I do not want her to take any ready made clothing, so make sure to bring a few today or tomorrow" he instructed over his shoulders, exiting after her reply

"Will do, Lord Theodore"

Ms Janet took the measurement of Lydia's thigh, knee and ankle before standing up straight.

"Lord Theodore is nothing I assumed him to be" she whispered to Lydia

"He is insufferable" Lydia retorted

"He is charmed by you"

Lydia scoffed, earning her a narrowing of eyes from the elder woman perhaps because that was unladylike, she thought.

"I'm done now".

She nodded and the dressmaker started to pack her measuring tape, paper and her scarf.

Lydia saw her to the gates.

Critic Arley's Lady Theodore shall soon be ready to go out.


* *



Parlour, Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Lady Theodore sat in the gloomy sitting room of her new home, her slender fingers delicately tracing the edges of the worn book resting in her lap.

As she immersed herself in its pages, her surroundings faded into the background, giving her up in a world of words and imagination.

Across the room, her husband, Lord Theodore, sat and observed her with a mixture of adoration and fascination.

She was here, he'd think.

With each turn of the page, a series of emotions played across Lydia's exquisite features. At times, her brow would furrow in concentration, her lips moving silently as she followed the twists and turns of the narrative.

Other moments her eyes would widen in surprise, her delicate hand flying to her chest as she was swept up in the drama unfolding before her.

Lord Theodore couldn't help but be mesmerized by his wife's beauty and grace.

His Gooseberry.

The soft glow of the lamplight illuminated her flawless complexion, casting a halo around her black hair as they cascaded over her shoulders.

Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of ocean blue, sparkled with intelligence and curiosity, drawing him in with their captivating allure.

As Lydia's breath quickened with each passing moment, Theodore found himself spellbound by the subtle rise and fall of her chest, his own heartbeat echoing the rhythm of hers despite the distance.

In that intimate exchange, he felt a connection that transcended mere words, a silent understanding that he hoped would bound them together in a timeless dance of love and devotion.

Because devoted was he.

Lost in the depths of her book, Lydia was unaware of her husband's gaze, and that her every emotion laid bare for him to see.

He loved it.

And as the final pages turned and she closed the book with a contented sigh, Lord Theodore knew that he was hopelessly smitten, forever captivated by the enchanting woman who graced his life with her presence.

"Let us get you to bed" he said softly making her draw a sharp breath.

She glanced around and her eyes widened at the new darkness. "Oh, I am sorry, it is late" she apologized leaving the couch quickly.

He stood up too, and offered her his hand. "No need to apologize, Come"

And they went up the stairs for a soft slumber.


* *



After breakfast.

Theodore Mansion

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Lydia got back inside to find Theodore moving for the staircase, his broad shoulders proud and confident.

"This mansion is sad, Theodore"

He registered she addressed his full name "It is?" He asked.

She glared at him.

"It will take a lot of work to make it beautiful and alive" she continued, his eyebrows raised he moved closer to her

"The mansion has a life of its own" he administered

"Which I'm however still getting to know"she admitted "But this place is empty, literally, figuratively, metaphorically, how ever way you see it and is in desperate need for attention" her voice is raising now

"You seem upset" he voiced, his eyes calculating.

"I am simply stating facts about the mansion, It is ridiculously empty" she is frustrated

"Well that is where you come in, Gooseberry" he nodded, standing right in front of her now "We already had this conversation" he reminded, he had told her in the morning that she could do whatever she wanted to the house but it seems she hasn't gotten the information seated properly yet.

"I shall not pretend to understand" she frowned, her arms carried akimbo.

"This is your home now, turn it however you want to" he spread his arms open to make a point

"Make it liveable for a normal person" he completed

Lydia stared at him long before she nodded. This mansion is big of black stones and brick

"It will ultimately take a long time to change this mansion, but it can be done"

"Good, I would be upstairs" he started to head for the thousands step leading up.