Leaders and loneliness.

Bedroom, Theodore Mansion

In a haze of lustful intent he drew her out of the seat, his fingers deftly moving away some hair to get better access to her slender neck, he traced his nose and abruptly swerved her to face him, and without warning he dipped in and took her mouth. The kiss is hard and barely restraint he pulls her taut and flush against his hard body making her gaso ultimately giving him a swift access unto her mouth, he swept his tongue in and they share a beautiful kiss, he tugs on upper lip after sucking on her lower lip like they were life itself, with great restraint he withdraws from the kiss only to dive back in with recharged electricity, his left arm on her lower back pulling closer with the right holding her head in place, while her soft fingers found their way into his gold hair and she ran it up and down with an urge to rip, she raised on her tiptoes and battled with tongues alongside her husband until breathlessness.