The Baroness's Tea Party

Morning, Courtyard.

Theodore Mansion, Critic Arley.

"I could go with you" Theodore, lord of Critic Arley said to his wife who was dressed up for the baron house party.

"Lord! Stop it, Theodore, I shall be fine, we're all women and I need to start meeting people"

"Women are most dangerous to each other" he advised

She nodded, commenting "That I do know, now…" he cut her off

"Are you certain the honeymoon phase is over for us" anything to make his wife stay back or follow her, his possessiveness springing out.

She cocked her head "We never really had a honeymoon now, did we honey?" She primly waited for his answer

"I like that" he growled inching closer

"What?" She asked with a shy smile

He took dangerous steps closer before pinning her with his gaze "Honey, you keep calling me that" he ordered

"Oh but I won't call you that, that was a jab" she giggled when he abruptly drew her into his arms