Finding Red And Finding A New Home.



Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


"We're here" Conan announced.

Their carriage has reached the gates of the Alderman's post. The ride here had been quiet with both the carts occupant occupied with varying thought.

Helena how she would've been perhaps lost if Conan had not stumbled upon her.

Conan, thinking of how he must return to Critic Ishelm for the muckraker. Meet the Lord again and probably see his father too.

Before the coachman could open the doors, Helena started to pat her hair, her finger tucking the falling strands. She blinked when Conan asked "Why are you suddenly trying to look better?" his eyes narrowed

She glared at him "I'm a lady" she enlightened.

"Oh?" Conan appeared baffled.

"How do I look?" she invited.

He smirked "Better than you actually are" he said making her clench her teeth, and sending him a glare.