Shi'Enz In Theodore Mansion.

Hound's Cottage, Theodore's Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Hound had never wanted or felt the need to possess anyone as much as he does with Shi'Enx whenever she was in the vicinity, it is as if he cannot breathe anymore and only her scent can give him relief, one he felt undeserving of but still he hunters for it.

Shi'Enz stood with her heart in her throat, she did not know what was happening to her but she had missed Hound as though they were inseparable and Hound had suddenly separated. She had only seen him for the first time that day he had come to the estate, she thought, yet it felt as though they had an unfulfilled promise swirling between them.

His eyes darkened, he dropped all the gardening tools in his hand and then he started to walk towards Shi'Enz with darkened gaze, his steps calculative and slow, she shivered and with a gulp, she took steps backwards until her back hit a wall.