Flustering Gooseberry Forever.


Red Room, Library. Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


A clear of throat breaks the intimate couple apart, before Theodore could complain Joyous's voice breached into the room. "Lady Theodore, your sister intends to leave now," she said.

Lydia's eyes widened "Shi'Enz! I got carried away" she whispered, pulling out of Theodore's embrace.

"What shall I do with this stubborn maid?" Theodore grumbled.

Lydia shook her head. "She has a name, Theodore," she remarked.

He pulled Lydia back into his arms. "I think she is intentionally intruding" he claimed.

"No, she's not, she is a help, like an employed should be" Lydia defended with a valid point.

"Gooseberry" he whined.

She stood straight. "Please let me go and say goodbye to my sister" she pleaded.

"I shall come along" he declared.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course, you shall" she retorted.