Theodore & Lydia going to Conan's Bungalow.


Conan's Bungalow.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


"Good morning My lady" Helena wished the old lady.

She had been at home for a while after Conan left. Her mind pondered what could be making him come back home late today as he had said he would.

Those he perhaps have someone he is courting? She thought.

Or he just doesn't feel like spending his whole free day with her. She sighed and decided she needed something to get her mind off of Conan.


The old lady had taken her time before answering the door, Helena had started to think perhaps she wasn't at home or she was taking a nap.

Turned out she was inside after all.

The old lady smiled at Helena as she asked her."Oh, how are you, my dear?"

Helena easy to make smile and easy to tears she replied. "I am fine, how is ebony doing?"