The Couple's First Fight.


Conan's Bungalow.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Conan was calmly getting dressed for the day in the bedroom when Helena barged in, her hand clutching a rectangular box as she smiled through the walk.

"Sir obnoxious…" she trailed.

"Yes, lady clingy" he answered absentmindedly, his hands arranging the waist of his trousers.

She gulped as she stared at his chiselled fine body, he appeared dry from the bath but the soap he had used permitted the air.

"Helena?" Conan called, his voice hoarse.

He had seen the tinge of lust in her eyes but he was a knight and he had resistance.

Strong resistance he told himself.

"Did you get me a gift?" she asked breathless.

He throws his clothes on as he asks. "A gift?"

"Well I know I'm very aggravating so you finally saw my sweet side and now you are getting me gifts," she said sweetly.