Breakfast With Hound.


Corridor, Theodore Mansion

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Lydia is sitting on a sit outside holding a book while Dorothy and Joyous stood by her side waiting for her to go to bed.

"I implore all of you go to sleep, I am leaving for my room now" she said, she needed to stay outside for awhile the fresh air was nice.

"We shall leave the moment you are inside" Joyous claimed.

Lydia dropped the book on her lap. "Your quarters are far and you know how big the mansion area is, it is an order for you girls to go to bed early and prepare for tomorrow" she pointed out, she could get up at anytime and simply stroll inside without fear of the long walk but their quarters are far and it's getting darker.

"Yes, Lady Theodore, but please go to bed you have been sitting here for too should also sleep and prepare for tomorrow"