Helena Rushing To Lydia.


Bedroom, Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Theodore left Lydia be with fresh flowers in the bedroom as the physician had instructed, there was nothing he could do anymore he'd said abd Theodore on a full thread of hope was waiting for Helena now, but he had went right back to her without a second thought, unable to stsy away when he knew she must be innso kuch pain. One he shared with her thoroughly.

A wave of disbelief had crashed over Theodore when he learned the truth: his wife had suffered a miscarriage, a precious life lost before they even knew of its existence.

The news had landed like a heavy blow, one he hadn't been prepared for, leaving him reeling with a whirlwind of emotions, grief, confusion, and a profound sense of loss.

As he sat beside her on the bed in the midst of his turmoil, a dilemma emerges, casting a shadow over his already troubled mind.