Sir Conan's Birthday.


Female Employed Quarters, Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


"What on earth are you doing, miss?" Dorothy sing-songed to Joyous who sat lost in thoughts on the edge of her bed.

Joyous looked at the window. "I feel…" she trailed off.

While Dorothy raised a brow. "What do you feel?"

"I feel today is another day" Joyous blinked, replied, before bending to fasten her shoes on.

"Whatever does that mean? Of course it is another day" Dorothy said with a roll of her eyes.

Joyous smiled, that was thesame question she'd asked the person who had told her that. Everyday was another day and she couldn't be any more grateful for the lessons learned from her. She was her companion.

"Why do you have cheese under the bed?" Joyous's voice is muffled from pressing her chest to her knee as she sighted the cheese on an open plate under Dorothy's bed.