Lydia Arrested In The Castle.


Chambers, Citadel.

Critic Citadel, Critic-Ishire.


As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, it casted a gentle glow across the room, as Lydia stirred awake from her slumber.

Her eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft hues of dawn dancing across the walls of her chambers.

With a contented sigh, she stretched beneath the weight of the covers, relishing the warmth cocooning her body.

"Gooseberry" Theodore mumbled after she made an incomprehensible sound.

"Stop moving so much" she groaned when Theodore seemed to take the whole bed while trying to get out of it.

He merely smiled as he did as told, he moved for a bathe before he recalled. "Do you require any aid? I am leaving for work early today" he whispered to Lydia who groaned before grabbing his arms and letting him help her out of bed.