Daring Lord Theodore.


King Chambers, Ice Castle.

Critic Citadel, Critic-Ishire.


Sir Noah, the cutest yet malicious knight in the kingdom, marched briskly down the stone corridors of the castle, his gleaming armour clinking with each quick stride.

His helmet, slightly too large, bobbed with every determined step he took, it gave him an endearing and almost comical appearance.

The morning light filtering through the narrow windows highlighted his earnest face, rosy cheeks flushed with excitement and purpose.

In his small hand, he clutched a scroll, the parchment crinkling as he tightened his grip.

As he approached the grand oak doors of the king's chambers, Noah's heart raced.

He had discovered something peculiar in the dungeons, a hidden passage that could have put the kingdom's security in crucial jeopardy.

With a swift, confident motion, he knocked on the heavy door. The guards by the door bowed in greeting.