
They transferred Nicole to the delivery room. Bruno was given special clothing to accompany her. After they were sterilized, he set up two cameras to film the birth from different angles and stood beside Nicole, holding her hand.

Nicole was sweating profusely. The doctor tried to administer an epidural, but she adamantly refused. Bruno took a cloth to wipe her forehead.

The pain from the contractions became even stronger, and she squeezed Bruno's hand tightly.

"Damn it! It hurts so much."

"My love, sweetheart, you're going to rip my hand off," Bruno said gently, trying not to upset her.

"You can rip off my hand and what's between your legs, and you still wouldn't feel what I'm feeling."

Bruno turned pale at the thought of actually doing what she had said. Instinctively, he squeezed his legs together.