An Emperor and a King

Waking up the next day, Maximus invited the Royal family for breakfast. It was only Robert and Cersei as Joffrey was only 5 and they had decided against bringing him on the long journey to Essos.

For breakfast, since King Robert loved to drink, Maximus had some of their best wine brought for him along with a number of assorted cheeses and meats. Cersei looked at the food in front of them with a smile on her face and began to taste the various delicacies.

The day outside was bright and sunny, light shining through the palace's windows and lighting up the dining hall. Robert for some reason was in a good mood early in the morning as he had a good night's sleep. The bed he was sleeping on was so comfortable that he fell asleep almost instantly, after his head hit his pillow. Sometime before he left, he planned to ask Maximus how much he would take for the entire bed.

Maximus took a seat opposite them, accompanied by Merlin and Lilith who took the seats on each side of him. "King Robert, this is Merlin, my assistant." Merlin slightly bowed her head towards Robert and Cersei.

Maximus then introduced Lilith, "And this is Lilith, the leader of the Witches." Lilith slightly bowed her head as well.

Looking between Merlin and Lilith, Robert started to think that maybe he was born on the wrong side of the world. In this place so far, everything that he has seen is better than anything they had in Westeros. From the cities to the soldiers, to the woman, and then the wine, this place was built for him and wish he didn't have to leave.

However, he was stuck being the King of the Seven Kingdoms, a position which he was excited about at first because of power and authority, but now he is starting to dislike the responsibilities of being the King. Which is the reason why he left most things to his Hand, Jon Arryn and rarely attended the Small Council meetings.

He much preferred to indulge in the other benefits that came with being a King.

"Nice to meet you two lovely ladies," Robert replied, raising his cup full of win in a toast, "And please pass my compliments to your cooks. The breakfast is amazing."

Cersei said the same as the food was five times better than what she had in Kingslanding. She had also become quite interested in the two ladies sitting next to the emperor. They both had this type of aura around them which grabbed her attention.

She tried to keep her eyes on her food, but she kept looking up as both Merlin and Lilith were laughing and giggling as they fed the emperor. She looked over at Robert and sighed as he was gobbling down his breakfast without a care in the world. She wished they did more things like feeding each other, if only their relationship wasn't torn apart and only held together for the sake of the realm.

Merlin noticed Cersei occasionally gazing at them and had made came up with an interesting plan, "Cersei, how about me and Lilith take you out into the city today and leave the men to do what men do?" she asked.

"I think that would be wonderful," Cersei replied. A day away from Robert was something she would never pass up.

"Alright, then after breakfast we're going to go into the city." Hearing Merlin's proposal, Maximus looked at Robert, thinking of what they could do together. They could go and watch the games in the coliseum or the Horse racing in the Stadium.

"Yes, let's allow the ladies to enjoy the city," Maximus agreed. "Meanwhile, we can enjoy some entertainment of our own. How does the prospect of a coliseum contest sound, King Robert?"

Robert practically lit up as he slapped his hand down on the table. "Now that is my kind of entertainment," he declared enthusiastically. He was still grinning from ear to ear as he downed his cup of wine.

Cersei bit her lip slightly as she watched Robert interact with the emperor. Her husband wasn't exactly the most diplomatic man. He was more likely to solve disputes with a Warhammer than words and she found herself holding her breath whenever he was required to actually converse with someone.

As Robert and Maximus devolved into discussing various competitive sports and grown men hurling each other around a sandpit, Merlin, Lilith, and Cersei had excused themselves. Cersei found herself being led away by Lilith and Merlin, out into the bustling streets of Heaven's Reach. Accompanying them were 10 Imperial Guards escorting them throughout the city.

The trio wandered through the streets of Heaven's Reach, attracting attention from all who passed by. Merlin and Lilith were well known throughout the Imperial Union as they held high positions under Maximus and often engaged with the public.

"Quite an impressive city," Cersei remarked as they made their way through a market square, her eyes looking at the bustling scene in front of her, traders haggling over prices, children running around and playing, and the occasional street performer drawing a crowd with their dances or physical prowess. "I can't help but wonder how you manage to maintain order in such a place."

Merlin chuckled lightly. "The Imperial Union has its own way of managing affairs," she said. "We have a meritocratic system in place and numerous institutions for advanced learning. It results in our citizens having a deep respect for law and order."

Cersei nodded, trying to understand the differences between Kingslanding and Heaven's Reach. In Kingslanding and Westeros in general, the general population were not considered and often ignored, with power focused only on the royal and noble houses. But here in Heaven's Reach, it was vastly different. The people seemed content and peaceful. It was something new for her.

"And how about you?" Lilith asked. "How do you find life as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?"

"It's...complicated," Cersei admitted as she picked up a silver necklace from one of the stalls, examining it under the sunlight. "As you can see, the king is not quite as invested as he should be."

"I see," Lilith nodded. "Well, perhaps our time here can provide you with some peace away from royal duties." As they continued to explore the city, Merlin and Lilith shared more about their experiences.

Meanwhile Robert and Maximus joined by Eonwe made their way to the viewing platform overlooking the coliseum stadium below. The games had begun a little after they arrived, cheering crowds watching as gladiators clashed against each other in a ballet of bloodshed and brutality.

The loud cheering of the crowds filled the air, the scene of sweaty and bloodied men, fighting for honor, glory, and sometimes just survival, reminded Robert of a time before his kingship.

A time when he too was driven by glory and honor, where the battlefield was his canvas. He reveled in the carnage, his laughter louder than the shouts of the frenzied crowd.

"These gladiators... They fight to the death?" Robert asked.

"In certain circumstances," Maximus replied, sipping from his cup as he watched the spectacle below. "But typically, we value life more than a cheap thrill. They fight for honor, for glory... The defeated get another chance to regain their honor in future matches."

Robert chuckled deeply, leaning heavily on the barrier's edge as he observed the fights fascinatedly. "Much like our Tourneys then..."

Despite his view of Westeros and Robert as a person, he had to admit that Robert had a great sense of humor.

For the next week Maximus spent time with Robert and Cersei often time discussing the governing methods of Heaven's Reach, taking them on tours around the city, showing them key institutions that held the empire together, the academies, research institutions, trade centers, and military barracks.

They also discussed various other opportunities where Westeros nobles could send their children to study in Heaven's Reach. The deal would allow nobles to be granted property which they have to pay a monthly sum for. In return, their children would receive an education far superior to what was available in Westeros.

Maximus thought about the proposition and told Robert that he would have to get back to him another day on that matter. And since Robert and Cersei were leaving, he would send a messenger whenever he had an answer for them.

Boarding their convoy, Robert and Cersei set out for Pentos, where they boarded their ship and finally left for Kingslanding.


A/N: Next chapter will see Maximus's progession to 100% followed by him begining his trials to ascend to a Demi-god. 

I will also set an upload schedule with Sundays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays being the schedule for the foreseeable future.