Maximus had arrived in some dark room which turned out to be an empty wooden room. He used his magic and created a small white orb which lit the area around him. He didn't see or sense anything from his immediate area, so he sat on the wooden floor as the notification of the completion of his first trial popped up. There were no rewards or anything else, just words.
[First trial completed: Conquer the Flames of Eternity]
After the pop up disappeared, he lay down on the wooden floor to rest.
As he rested for half an hour, Maximus thought about the things that happened during his first trial. The Flames of Eternity wasn't as difficult as he thought, it was just avoiding stepping into the lava that he was worried about. And the only magic that he used was the magic enhancement ability which coated his sword in pure magic energy allowing him to cut through anything and the passive magic body shield ability which reinforced his body's durability.
Because of these two abilities which were always active during combat, he restricted himself from using other magic to conserve his energy. At the start, he didn't know how long the fight was going to go on for, nor how strong the creature was going to be until the fight actually started.
After the first few minutes of the fight, he determined that he didn't need to use his other magic as a way to conserve energy.
And now after being thrown into the next trial he was glad that he made that decision as now he knew that each trial would be back-to-back without getting a full day of rest.
Seeing him rest so peacefully, the Goddess decided that he had rested enough and had started his trial.
Not even 20 minutes after closing his eyes, he felt the wooden floor around him start to spin. Taking out his sword, he stabbed it into the wooden floor as the room flipped upside down before returning to its original position. But now instead of the peace and quiet that he heard before, he heard the sound of the ocean outside.
'It can't be'
Looking to the far side of the room, he saw a door which he hadn't noticed before. He carefully walked towards the door while trying to maintain his balance.
'This is a ship' he thought based off his previous experience of sailing on his own ship. And what he heard outside was indeed the sound of the ocean knocking against the side of the ship.
Opening the door, the scent of saltwater hit his nostrils and confirmed his suspicions. The roars of waves crashing against the hill filled his ears as he stepped out onto the ship's deck.
Meanwhile all around him, all he could see was storms raging all around him. Sensing something from his right, he turned his head and saw a massive wave traveling towards the right side of the ship. This wave was going to crash into the ship causing it to tilt to left side and potentially sinking it.
Reaching his hands out, he created a whole that stretched as long as the ship within the wave, preventing the ship from tilting over. However, as the wave passed, he saw another ship with what appeared to be some strange sea creatures on it. But before he had time to actually see what was on the ship, almost a dozen grappling hooks with ropes had landed on ship and began to pull both ships closer together.
In response, Maximus ran to try and cut the ropes, but some strange sea creature had jumped out of the water in front of him armed with two cutlasses. "Where do ye think yer going mate," the creature said in pirate voice. The creature standing in front of him looked like some weird human and hammerhead shark hybrid.
(Image Here)
"Where's the welcoming party, mate?" Maximus asked in his own mock-pirate voice, smirking at the weird hybrid of a creature.
"Oh, you'll be getting yer welcome soon enough." replied the creature as it swung its two cutlasses at Maximus preventing him from taking out the grappling hooks.
Maximus drew Duskfang and cut the two cutlasses in half before swinging back around to cut the head off of the shark-man hybrid. The creature didn't have the speed to dodge, and its head was separated from its body which hit the deck.
He was about to go start cutting off the grappling hooks, but more of the shark-man creatures were already climbing aboard his ship.
Maximus tightened his grip on Duskfang as more of the hybrid pirates climbed onto the deck, their hands grasping cutlasses, harpoons, and rusted pistols. The storm raged around them, lightning flashing against the night sky, illuminating the battle about to unfold. The scent of salt, blood, and damp wood filled the air as the shark-men encircled him, their predatory eyes and faces filled with malice.
"Looks like we got ourselves a fighter, boys!" one of them snarled, brandishing his cutlass. "Cap'n will want 'is head fer sure!"
Maximus didn't wait for them to make the first move as he charged forward. One creature lunged at him, aiming a harpoon at his chest, Maximus brought Duskfang down in an arc, slicing through the harpoon shaft and the creature's arm in one swift motion. The hybrid howled, staggering back before Maximus finished him with a clean stab through the heart.
More enemies attacked at once, but Maximus enhanced his movements with magic making him look like a blur. He twisted, parried, and swung both Duskfang and Dawnshear, each attack meant to incapacitate or kill. His magic-enhanced body allowed him to move faster and hit harder than the shark-men anticipated, and soon the deck was nothing but seawater and the blood of his foes.
Suddenly, the ship shook violently as the enemy vessel collided with his. The impact nearly threw Maximus off balance, but he kept his balance, raising his sword just in time to block a heavy blow from an incoming opponent. The force behind the strike was greater than the others before, and when he locked eyes with his new foe, he realized why.
Standing before him was a towering figure, larger and more menacing than the rest. This was no ordinary pirate; it was probably the captain.
The creature was an imposing great white shark hybrid, his massive frame draped in a long, coat adorned with gold trimmings. His left hand was a massive hook with a piece of sword attached to his elbow, while his right hand held a large anchor. Hanging from his waist was a lantern and flink lock pistol, and his left leg was gone, replaced by a wooden leg.
"So ye be the one causin' a ruckus on me ship?" the captain rumbled. "Ye got some fight in ye, lad. But this here be my waters, and ye be nothin' but chum."
(Image Here)
Maximus smirked, rolling his shoulders as he readied his stance. "Big talk for a fish in a coat. Let's see if you can back it up."
The captain let out a chuckle before lunging with surprising speed, his handheld anchor cleaving through the air. Maximus barely managed to parry; the sheer force of the strike pushed him back. He knew immediately that this was going to be an interesting fight.
Maximus skidded back, his boots scraping against the wet wooden deck as he absorbed the impact of the anchor's swing. The raw power behind it was something else, the force alone had nearly knocked Duskfang from his grasp. This shark-man captain was no joke.
Not wanting to give the pirate another chance to attack, he lunged forward, channeling magic into his sword. His blade gleamed with a faint, white glow as he slashed at the captain's torso. But the shark hybrid was faster than he looked, he twisted his massive body, letting the swing hit nothing but the wind.
The captain countered instantly, swinging his anchor in a wide arc. Maximus ducked in time, feeling the wind from the attack rush past his head. The impact against the deck shattered the wood beneath them, splinters flying in every direction.
Not wanting to get caught in the next swing, Maximus flipped backward and lifted his free hand. He created a translucent barrier in front of him just as the captain brought his anchor down again. The heavy weapon slammed into the shield with a deafening boom, sending shockwaves through the air. The barrier held, absorbing all of the impact.
"Magic, eh?" The captain sneered, stepping back. "That be a dirty trick, landlubber."
Maximus smirked, as he looked at the anchor in the captain's left hand. "Says the guy swinging an anchor like it's a toy."
Maximus focused a portion of his magic around his feet, enhancing his speed further. In a blur, he dashed to the side, appearing behind the captain before slashing at his exposed back.
This time, his sword found its target. The enchanted blade sliced through flesh, cutting a deep gash across the captain's back. The shark-man roared in pain, staggering forward. But instead of retreating, he turned at terrifying speed, swinging his hook-arm toward Maximus's throat.
Maximus brought his sword up in time to deflect the strike, and this time he strengthened the grip on his feet so that he wouldn't slide again. He needed to end this quickly, this thing had both strength and endurance, and the longer the fight dragged on, the worse it would be for him in the long run.
Maximus slammed his palm onto the wet deck, sending out a wave of magic. The wooden planks beneath the captain's feet suddenly buckled under his weight. The pirate captain stumbled slightly, giving Maximus the opening he needed.
Boosting his strength, Maximus dashed forward, Duskfang glowing with magic. He drove the sword straight through the captain's chest, piercing through muscle and bone and then upwards splitting the captain in half.
Sheathing his swords, he walked to the side of the ship and leaned on it trying to catch his breath before he was pulled out.
He waited and waited, but nothing happened. Until his senses started going crazy as some large humanoid creature emerged from the ocean. It raised its hand and, in an instant, swung at the ship, splitting it in half.
(Image Here)
Just before the creature did this, Maximus jumped high into the air, avoiding the ship's destruction. As he soared above the wreckage, he got a clear look at the creature responsible. It was a monstrous humanoid sea beast, towering at least thirty feet tall, claws, and had no face, just a head with a bunch of tentacles.
Maximus barely had time to process what he was seeing before the creature let out a deep roar, sending a shockwave through the air. The surrounding ocean shook violently, as if responding to the creature's rage.
Midair, Maximus formed a platform beneath his feet, allowing him to remain standing in the air. He rubbed his temples in frustration before launching himself straight at the creature. He drew both Duskfang and Dawnshear, his blades glowing with magical energy.
The sea creature swung its massive, clawed hand toward him, trying to swat him out of the sky. Maximus threw Dawnshear in the air, controlling it with magic as he also formed a lightning whip with his now empty hand. He wrapped the whip around the creature's incoming hand and sent a wave of lightning into the creature's body.
The creature screeched as the lightning traveled through its body, its skin began to burn from the amount of energy. The shock sent tremors through the ocean. Maximus smirked, pulling hard on the lightning whip, using it to yank himself forward.
As he closed the distance, he pulled Dawnshear back to his free hand, the blade spinning through the air before landing perfectly in his hand. With both swords, he slashed at the creature's chest, carving deep gashes into its flesh.
The sea creature howled in pain. It retaliated by swinging its hand upward, aiming to crush Maximus like an insect. Instead of dodging outright, Maximus timed his movement perfectly, just before impact, he created a magic platform beneath his feet, launching himself high above the creature's attack.
Midair, he extended his hand forward, as magic condensed into a bright sphere. With a flick of his wrist, he hurled it downward.
The sphere struck the sea creature's chest, detonating on impact. A shockwave erupted from the blast, sending seawater spraying in all directions. The beast reeled back, screaming in agony as a fiery explosion scorched its flesh, leaving behind a smoking crater where the attack had landed.
But the creature was far from finished. Despite the damage, it lifted one clawed hand high above its head. Then, with a growl, the creature slammed its hand into the ocean, sending a colossal tidal wave racing toward Maximus.
The wave was so high that he couldn't just jump over it, so thinking quickly, he created a dome-like barrier of magic, reinforced with wind magic to slice through the wave's force instead of merely absorbing it. As the towering wall of water crashed against his shield, the magic split the wave into two halves, forcing it to divert around him.
The moment the wave passed; however, the creature was right in his face and managed to grab him with one of its tentacles, wrapping his entire body and dragging him under water. Maximus quickly created an air bubble around his head, allowing him to breathe while the creature continued to drag him.
Then controlling his swords telepathically, he used one of them to cut him free, while the other one cut the creature's arms off.
The creature turned around and with its other hand tried to grab Maximus again, but this time with Duskfang and Dawnshear in his hand, he focused his magic energy, forming a single, massive blade of pure, concentrated magic.
With a single slash, he brought both blades down upon the creature's body. The concentrated magic cut through the ocean, and the creature's flesh and bones like it was nothing, cutting its body into three pieces. The creature had stopped moving and started to sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Reaching the surface, Maximus breathed heavily as he hovered in the air. As he was catching his breath, his surroundings had changed once again after just a single blink. His magic had deactivated, and he fell face first in the dirt. Not worrying about anything, he just lay there and didn't move as he was a little tired.
'Two down, two more to go'