Jecksen Wilmar was still lying unconscious in his hospital bed when the City Hospital doctors had already produced the medical report.
It was true that Jecksen had broken three ribs, and he had multiple soft tissue contusions all over his body. As for his face, there was no need to even discuss it; Nathalie had targeted his face, and it had swollen up like a pig's head—his own mother would hardly recognize him.
Yet it was quite miraculous.
Jecksen had been beaten to such an extent that by all accounts, he should have been classified with some rank of disability. But after all the necessary tests had been done—a CT scan, brain films, electrocardiograms, they'd run the whole gamut—the results indicated that his injuries were minor!
Nathalie seemed to know exactly where to hit someone to avoid the areas where injuries might be classified as disabling according to the assessment.