Chapter 752: Nathalie: My Guess_1

As the number of acupuncture sessions increased, Master Cadmus' migraine symptoms were not as severe as they were at the start. After helping with a course of acupuncture treatments, combined with the effect of the small pills, Master Cadmus was basically able to enter light sleep at night. However, the duration of true sleep was only about 4 to 5 hours a night.

Although it didn't seem like a long time, for Master Cadmus, who had long relied on sleeping pills to fall asleep, this was a very significant improvement.

Today was the last acupuncture session, and Nathalie Quinlan got up early in the morning. She began to write prescriptions as soon as she was up, and there were many crumpled pieces of paper she had discarded on the floor.

As soon as Alfred Garland walked in, he saw her sitting in the chair, biting her pen and pondering. He approached her with a sense of urgency, stopping beside the girl.