Chapter 223 Rayan Lee?

Wyatt Barnes never expected that he would come across Brock Patel once again.

And all of this on the streets of the Imperial City's inner city.

Surely, the world is unpredictable!

Thinking back to the 'disgrace' of cutting off Brock Patel's arm, Wyatt Barnes was suddenly flooded by a feeling of otherworldly sensation.

He remembered the desperate horse galloping towards Victory City, just to escape the powerful warrior by Brock Patel's side was quite a thrilling escapade...

It would be reasonable to believe, back then, had he been caught by the powerful warrior accompanying Brock Patel, it'd have meant certain death!

Later, even after staying for a few days in Victory City, he was alert at all times, fearing he might be caught.

Back then, Brock Patel posed a significant threat to him.

In fact, if he were found by Brock Patel, one sentence of his would've sent him to his abrupt death!