A Ruthless Deduction Machine

"Uh-huh..." Yan Hanxi said in an affected falsetto.

Supporting her weight with one hand, He Jing vaulted over the table.

The papers in her arm did not so much as flutter in the wind generated by the force of her vault. So elegant was she as He Jing steadied herself that she could put nationally acclaimed gymnasts to shame.

Yan Hanxi's grin grew larger as he praised, "Impressive."

Opening her duty book that kept track of students and their assignments, she jotted down a sentence: "Failure to submit homework on time will result in a ten-point deduction."

He Jing was utterly ruthless in her approach, behaving like a point deduction machine.

It was a total defeat for Yan Hanxi. Rubbing his forehead, he smiled helplessly. "How can there be a girl like you...?"

Shouldn't someone flush when they are embarrassed? To be so emotionless...