Inferior Method of Seeking Death

Mrs. Xu was overjoyed. "No matter what it is, I'm willing to try."

Bai Bing said, "You can pretend that you can't withstand cyber violence and want to commit suicide."

Mrs. Xu said, "Suicide? I don't have to do that, right?"

Bai Bing said, "Mrs. Xu, you might not understand what I mean. Pretend to commit suicide. Find a few supplements at home and eat them. Then get the servants at home to call an ambulance to send you to the hospital. In order to act more convincingly, you have to wash your stomach in the hospital and make everyone think that you've undergone emergency treatment and your life is in danger. Leave the rest to me. I'll reverse the public opinion on the Internet. Say that Jiang Youyi forced you to die."